Hey Libs...why do tax cuts for our most productive suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

Tax cuts to people who don't pay taxes makes sense? Only in the snowflake la-la land.

Idiot-gram ^^^,

How so?
How exactly does Father Government “cut taxes” for those paying no taxes to begin with?

You ought to study and learn the facts on issues before you post. Your ignorance continues to amaze.

You are echoing the meme income tax cannot be cut for those who earn too little, and the Callous Conservative set complains that the working poor are scofflaws. The working poor do pay taxes:

"In 2017 for example, if you are under age 65 and single, you must file a tax return if you earn $10,400 or more, which is the sum of the 2017 standard deduction for a single taxpayer plus one exemption."

Of course the working poor work must pay for gas - federal and state taxes apply - or public transportation if they don't live close enough to walk. they may not be able to afford housing close to their work place, or they may work two or three jobs, adding to their transportation needs. The may not have enough income to buy health insurance or enough food, and thus must rely on local government to provide aid.

Yet people like you think they have it easy and are too lazy to improve their skills to get a good paying job with benefits. Hence I've coined the phrase Callous Conservative, which describes every person who votes for a Republican.

The fact that you equate Republicans with conservatives reveals a vast ignorance in you.
Progressives are fucked in the head that’s why
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?

What would of happened with out the tax cuts??????

We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?

It “hasn’t worked” for who?
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?
Says a socialist
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?

What would of happened with out the tax cuts??????


We probably would never have become a debtor nation.
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?
Says a socialist

You do not even know what socialism is. You let those great economic minds like Limbaugh or Hannity tell you.
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?

What would of happened with out the tax cuts??????


We probably would never have become a debtor nation.
Federal tax money goes directly to career politicians/deep state people... You silly little fucker
We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?

What would of happened with out the tax cuts??????


We probably would never have become a debtor nation.

Yes we would , we still would of had high unemployment...

All the times before we were in a recession , mini recession or high unemployment when taxes were lowered .

This time it's different, we still have to wait and see what happens.

We've tried giving tax cuts to the rich now for the last 4 out of the last 6 presidencies and it has not worked. So how many times do you guys want to do the same thing while expecting different results?
Says a socialist

You do not even know what socialism is. You let those great economic minds like Limbaugh or Hannity tell you.
The destroyer of freedom and individuality… That’s what socialism is
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

There are lots of issues around this.

1) The most productive are also the ones using government services the most. Why shouldn't they pay for what they use?

2) The US has the WORST income inequality in the first world. This is because it's becoming harder and harder for small businesses to do well.

You have multinational businesses having money thrown at them by different levels of government. Often the amount of tax they're paying could be negative. Why?

3) Boom and bust has been shown to benefit the rich.

In 2008 to 2012, more or less, about 7 million people lost their homes because of the recession. Millions of people lost their jobs. Some of the rich, like Warren Buffett became even richer.

This doesn't benefit the US.

Massive tax cuts could potentially pump up the economy in the SHORT TERM, it's certainly not a sustainable course of action, especially with national debt rising and rising all the time.

The more you pump the economy, the worse the bust is, the worse it becomes for millions and millions of people.

The most productive are also the ones using government services the most. Why shouldn't they pay for what they use?

I don't use the police or fire department. Never used the jails. Never used Medicare or Medicaid.

Which government services do you imagine I'm using a lot more than someone who pays no Federal Income tax?
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

He did as part of the stimulus package. Don't you remember the $60 to $100 dollar checks that EVERYONE recieved in 2009 or 2010? THAT one action caused the Soc Sec cashflow to go NEGATIVE for the 1st time --- 6 YEARS ahead of the estimates.

Soc sec is ALREADY bankrupt. THat's why the DEBT is skyrocketing. The cash flow has gone from Congress STEALING $50Bill in surpluses every year to Covering $60Bill or more a year in "income shortfalls" since about the time Obama raided FICA to give those refunds "to the poor"... That one account alone explains about $120Bill added to the yearly deficits. Medicare SIMILARLY is running deficits and adding ANOTHER $60 or $80Bill to the yearly deficits.

Shame you're so opinionated about tax policy when you don't seem to KNOW this stuff.
Yea I’m making $3000 more but when inflation happens it was a zero gain for me, lots of you took a step back and the billionaires made out best. Total screw job

Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
Give everyone a tax break then cost of living goes up always soon after so the only ones who really benefit are the people who are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax breaks or millions.

Further widening the gap between rich and rest of us

The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense
Explain this inflation theory would you please...I failed Econ 101
Are you saying you’d rather not have that $3k bonus today?
Give everyone a tax break then cost of living goes up always soon after so the only ones who really benefit are the people who are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax breaks or millions.

Further widening the gap between rich and rest of us

The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

He did as part of the stimulus package. Don't you remember the $60 to $100 dollar checks that EVERYONE recieved in 2009 or 2010? THAT one action caused the Soc Sec cashflow to go NEGATIVE for the 1st time --- 6 YEARS ahead of the estimates.

Soc sec is ALREADY bankrupt. THat's why the DEBT is skyrocketing. The cash flow has gone from Congress STEALING $50Bill in surpluses every year to Covering $60Bill or more a year in "income shortfalls" since about the time Obama raided FICA to give those refunds "to the poor"... That one account alone explains about $120Bill added to the yearly deficits. Medicare SIMILARLY is running deficits and adding ANOTHER $60 or $80Bill to the yearly deficits.

Shame you're so opinionated about tax policy when you don't seem to KNOW this stuff.

It's a shame that you fail to understand pragmatic vis a vis ideology. The solution to any shortfall in FICA is easily mitigated, simply raise the taxable wage base from $127,000 to $250,000 or even higher.

Who suffers, pro athletes, actors, money managers, CEO's, CFO's, Attorney's, Doctor's, etc. And yet they won't suffer since the amount per check is chump change to these high earners.

My taxes pay for Trump's golf outings, as the Secret Service spent $150k on golf carts; how about the 2.4 Million spent to rent space at Trump Tower?

[ The government is paying big bucks to rent space in Trump Tower


Secret Service has spent nearly $150k on golf cart rentals since Trump took office: report ]

And, how about the tax fraud passed by the GOP & signed by Trump? One which cuts the deductions for home owners (RE Taxes and Mortgage) but not for commercial RE such as Trump Tower.

I'm not an economist, per se; I do see the consequences when plutocrats feed each other and F over 90% of We the People.

We are a consumer driven economy, we are in transition as technology takes over many traditional jobs. We don't need to live in the past, we need a leader who sees the future; that leaves us no choice but to send a message to The District and drain the swamp which has become stagnant since Jan 2017.
For the Record:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts.

Why Did Obama Extend the Bush Tax Cuts in 2010?

So your negativity on FICA suggests to me a pragmatic effort to stimulate the economy and provide spendable income to circulate in the economy, saving some jobs that would likely be lost as more retail stores closed their doors.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

There is no cap on Medicare.
Raising the cap for Social Security would raise the payout rich people get.
It would add several years but not fix the long-term shortfall.

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