Hey Libs...why do tax cuts for our most productive suck?

Give everyone a tax break then cost of living goes up always soon after so the only ones who really benefit are the people who are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax breaks or millions.

Further widening the gap between rich and rest of us

The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???
The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Thats amusing , please provide a link that they have not gone up.. what I see hardies, Wendy's , arbys ect ect... around here are hiring around $9 an hour and up.... Minimum wage is $7.25

The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

“I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.“
NEGATIVE...you heard wrong. CNN rarely programs you with the truth.

US-Mexico border arrests exceed 50,000 in May for illegal crossings
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Thats amusing , please provide a link that they have not gone up.. what I see hardies, Wendy's , arbys ect ect... around here are hiring around $9 an hour and up.... Minimum wage is $7.25


Yes I see that too. Big deal. Can they raise a family on $9 hr? Then America is not great again.

Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

There is no cap on Medicare.
Raising the cap for Social Security would raise the payout rich people get.
It would add several years but not fix the long-term shortfall.

Medicare tax can be raised higher than 1.45% now in effect; most of the SS payout to the very rich will be collected in income tax anyway; and if SS needs it can be raised again beyond the 250k I picked out of the air.

It's is all fixable, if we elect a Congress and a President who represent all of the people, and not simply feather the nest of the very wealthy and global corporations.
Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Thats amusing , please provide a link that they have not gone up.. what I see hardies, Wendy's , arbys ect ect... around here are hiring around $9 an hour and up.... Minimum wage is $7.25


Yes I see that too. Big deal. Can they raise a family on $9 hr? Then America is not great again.

Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class

Who would get married and have kids @ $9 bucks an hour???

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Thats amusing , please provide a link that they have not gone up.. what I see hardies, Wendy's , arbys ect ect... around here are hiring around $9 an hour and up.... Minimum wage is $7.25


Yes I see that too. Big deal. Can they raise a family on $9 hr? Then America is not great again.

Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class

Dude...you have to let go of that weird Liberal ideology...burger flipping never has been and never will be a career job intended to support families. It’s a brainless job...a child’s job...always has been...Guadalupe will never be able to fund her litter on the wage from McDonalds.
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

“I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.“
NEGATIVE...you heard wrong. CNN rarely programs you with the truth.

US-Mexico border arrests exceed 50,000 in May for illegal crossings

Even your own link says border crossings were down. Unfortunately they are back up again. It must be the season they come back.

As Trump plans for troops at the border, numbers show border arrests are down
Plans are to work with governors to deploy National Guard, despite statistics that indicate border crossings have been sharply dropping, not growing. This was early April.

Now your link says this:
April 2017, which was the lowest on record since the Homeland Security Department was created in 2003.

Curbing illegal immigration is an administration priority; Trump cited the issue as an achievement in a tweet earlier this week on his 500th day in office. But behind closed doors last month, he criticized the Homeland Security secretary at a Cabinet meeting for failing to stop rising numbers.

A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, Tyler Houlton, said in a statement Wednesday that reversing years of political inaction takes time.

"These numbers show that while the Trump administration is restoring the rule of law, it will take a sustained effort and continuous commitment of resources over many months to disrupt cartels, smugglers, and nefarious actors," he said.

US-Mexico border arrests exceed 50,000 in May for illegal crossings

So keep it up!!! I'm not mad at them stopping 50,000 illegals a month. Now lets see wages go up because of it.

The annual inflation rate stays between 2-3% with or without “tax cuts”.
Do you have access to some other data or are we going on CNN’s opinion here?
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Thats amusing , please provide a link that they have not gone up.. what I see hardies, Wendy's , arbys ect ect... around here are hiring around $9 an hour and up.... Minimum wage is $7.25


Yes I see that too. Big deal. Can they raise a family on $9 hr? Then America is not great again.

Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class

Dude...you have to let go of that weird Liberal ideology...burger flipping never has been and never will be a career job intended to support families. It’s a brainless job...a child’s job...always has been...Guadalupe will never be able to fund her litter on the wage from McDonalds.

We know that.

Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Who's going to strike? Dude, those days are gone. Unions used to make up 35% of the labor force. Today they make up about 10%. Labor is no longer organized in the USA.

And if they do strike all the people who are not in a union will not sympathize because they aren't in unions. They don't have that kind of power and if I've learned anything about American workers they are not the kind of people to say, "hey I want that too". Instead they say, "I don't have that so no one should have that".

They aren't smart enough to say, "man i wish my job was protected, they paid me a fair wage, gave me good healthcare and a pension". Instead Americans cried TAKE IT AWAY from anyone who was paid well because they were jealous
Common sense and my lyin eyes

Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Wages can’t “remain low”, it’s just not how the economics works. Think supply and demand, a very simple principle. As the wetback invasion is halted and mass deportations continue the wage increases will start at the brainless shit and begin working up the labor ladder. Nobody sane would disagree.
Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Wages can’t “remain low”, it’s just not how the economics works. Think supply and demand, a very simple principle. As the wetback invasion is halted and mass deportations continue the wage increases will start at the brainless shit and begin working up the labor ladder. Nobody sane would disagree.

I know right?

With Official Unemployment This Low, Why Are Wages Rising So Slowly?
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

There is no cap on Medicare.
Raising the cap for Social Security would raise the payout rich people get.
It would add several years but not fix the long-term shortfall.

Medicare tax can be raised higher than 1.45% now in effect; most of the SS payout to the very rich will be collected in income tax anyway; and if SS needs it can be raised again beyond the 250k I picked out of the air.

It's is all fixable, if we elect a Congress and a President who represent all of the people, and not simply feather the nest of the very wealthy and global corporations.

most of the SS payout to the very rich will be collected in income tax anyway;

What do you mean?

and if SS needs it can be raised again beyond the 250k I picked out of the air.

And if you triple the tax collected on the rich, you nearly triple the benefit they receive.

It's is all fixable

Not as it's currently structured.
Common sense would suggest the trade war will benefit good Americans in the long run...no?
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Who's going to strike? Dude, those days are gone. Unions used to make up 35% of the labor force. Today they make up about 10%. Labor is no longer organized in the USA.

And if they do strike all the people who are not in a union will not sympathize because they aren't in unions. They don't have that kind of power and if I've learned anything about American workers they are not the kind of people to say, "hey I want that too". Instead they say, "I don't have that so no one should have that".

They aren't smart enough to say, "man i wish my job was protected, they paid me a fair wage, gave me good healthcare and a pension". Instead Americans cried TAKE IT AWAY from anyone who was paid well because they were jealous

Time will tell. Have you ever heard of the J curve?

J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

The J-curve – James C. Davies’ Theory of Revolutions

In short, things improved each year during the Obama Administration and for the first 18 months of Trump's. Trump however has made promises that the economic recovery will continue to improve and will provide for all segments of our society, something which has not yet proved to have occurred as stagnant wages prove.

When the expectations of people are dashed, as may happen when a correction occurs, Davies predicts such a crushing effect on the hope of the many will create social unrest.
No. It might benefit some American manufacturers but I don’t think the trade war will help now.

Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down. Better you wonder why wages aren’t going up yet. That was the point right?

So let’s see if a trade war even makes sense

Libs have to learn to view things in a ‘big picture’ sense.
“The trade war doesn’t help ME TODAY....so it sucks.”
“Wages haven’t increased YET so it sucks.”
Shit takes time to happen....the principle philosophy behind the “trade war” makes perfect sense to everyone sane.

“Just like illegal immigration is no longer a major problem but republicans are still focusing on it even though crossings are way down.”
Arrests at the border still eclipse 50,000 per month every month. You sure that’s “no longer a major problem”? How many weren’t apprehended?
Come on man...open your eyes and think.

I heard illegal crossings have virtually stopped.

I'm sorry but we already have zero unemployment. Companies are saying they can't find good help. This I'm assuming is because illegals have gone and the economy is good right now. So, why aren't wages going up?
The unemployment rate has been stuck at a low level of 4.1 percent for the last six months. The papers are replete with stories of labor shortages, of companies fighting over high-school students and hiring folks right out of prison. While pockets of labor-market weakness always exist somewhere, there’s little question that in broad terms, the U.S. job market is closing in on full employment.

And yet, wage growth has been underwhelming. I’ll lay out the facts of that case in a moment—but how can that be? Don’t tight labor markets boost workers’ bargaining clout? Don’t employers have to bid up paychecks to keep their workers from just going around the corner to better jobs? Isn’t one of the key benefits of full employment that—as is not the case when labor markets are slack—employers must compete for workers? What’s blocking that crucial economic dynamic?

Here’s what I think is going on. First, the job market isn’t as tight as the low unemployment rate suggests. Second, slow productivity growth is a constraint on wage growth. Third, a set of institutional and cultural factors—some old (too little union power), some new (monopoly power by megafirms)—are reinforcing the inequality that’s long been embedded in our economy and are pushing back on wage growth, even at low unemployment.

Unemployment, Low. Wage Growth, Meh.

So I don't think bringing jobs back home is going to raise your wages. Who's going to do those jobs if we bring them home? And why aren't wages going up???

Wages will remain low simple because profit comes first. If the plutocrats do not wake up, in time labor will coalesce and we will see strikes. As the man said, those who don't study history, are doomed to repeat it.

Labor Movement - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Who's going to strike? Dude, those days are gone. Unions used to make up 35% of the labor force. Today they make up about 10%. Labor is no longer organized in the USA.

And if they do strike all the people who are not in a union will not sympathize because they aren't in unions. They don't have that kind of power and if I've learned anything about American workers they are not the kind of people to say, "hey I want that too". Instead they say, "I don't have that so no one should have that".

They aren't smart enough to say, "man i wish my job was protected, they paid me a fair wage, gave me good healthcare and a pension". Instead Americans cried TAKE IT AWAY from anyone who was paid well because they were jealous

Time will tell. Have you ever heard of the J curve?

J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

The J-curve – James C. Davies’ Theory of Revolutions

In short, things improved each year during the Obama Administration and for the first 18 months of Trump's. Trump however has made promises that the economic recovery will continue to improve and will provide for all segments of our society, something which has not yet proved to have occurred as stagnant wages prove.

When the expectations of people are dashed, as may happen when a correction occurs, Davies predicts such a crushing effect on the hope of the many will create social unrest.

Father Government can only hope to stear things in the right direction through law and policy. ShaQuita and Guadalupe will continue to fuck themselves as they’re comfortable in their role as bottom feeding filth.
Further, we Second Amendment folks invite “social unrest“.
So, it's good that the more productive of society are responsible for almost all of the illegal immigrants hired, as well as they are responsible for almost all of the outsourced jobs?
It's a shame that you fail to understand pragmatic vis a vis ideology. The solution to any shortfall in FICA is easily mitigated, simply raise the taxable wage base from $127,000 to $250,000 or even higher.

Who suffers, pro athletes, actors, money managers, CEO's, CFO's, Attorney's, Doctor's, etc. And yet they won't suffer since the amount per check is chump change to these high earners.

So your solution is to REDISTRIBUTE the FICA tax burden? What happened to these programs being UNIVERSAL huh? You think if you move it towards just another welfare program that the American people would EVER trust your side with ANY future "Universal Anythings"???

Nope, a bridge too far. Making the benefits NEGATIVE for some ruins the promise of it being "universal". 12.5% of income is what IT TAKES to make the programs work for EVERYONE. And the programs were designed and PROMISED to benefit everyone. Make it straight welfare and more redistribution then. Be honest about it.
What really sucks is that the tax cuts weren't enough. If we truly want to make America great again, the taxes need to be cut a lot more! Trump needs to take the axe to the swamp.

Nonetheless, a start.
It seems there’s still lots of whining going on with regard to the tax cuts.
I’m curious, why do tax cuts suck?

Tax cuts when the annual deficit is in the billions and the national dept is in the Trillions is stupid. Targeted tax cuts to the middle classes and working poor make sense. Cutting taxes to billion dollar corporations, some of which hire thousands of workers who need food stamps to get by is asinine.

You can't give tax cuts to the working poor or MOST of the middle class. Because 1/2 of working tax filers ALREADY pay Zero income tax. All you can do is to FURTHER bankrupt Soc Sec/Medicare (like Obama did) by excusing them from paying into FICA. Kinda changes the meaning of "Universal" if you do also..

When did Obama excuse the working poor from paying FICA? Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid can be solvent, if the cap is raised to $250,000.

He did as part of the stimulus package. Don't you remember the $60 to $100 dollar checks that EVERYONE recieved in 2009 or 2010? THAT one action caused the Soc Sec cashflow to go NEGATIVE for the 1st time --- 6 YEARS ahead of the estimates.

Soc sec is ALREADY bankrupt. THat's why the DEBT is skyrocketing. The cash flow has gone from Congress STEALING $50Bill in surpluses every year to Covering $60Bill or more a year in "income shortfalls" since about the time Obama raided FICA to give those refunds "to the poor"... That one account alone explains about $120Bill added to the yearly deficits. Medicare SIMILARLY is running deficits and adding ANOTHER $60 or $80Bill to the yearly deficits.

Shame you're so opinionated about tax policy when you don't seem to KNOW this stuff.

It's a shame that you fail to understand pragmatic vis a vis ideology. The solution to any shortfall in FICA is easily mitigated, simply raise the taxable wage base from $127,000 to $250,000 or even higher.

Who suffers, pro athletes, actors, money managers, CEO's, CFO's, Attorney's, Doctor's, etc. And yet they won't suffer since the amount per check is chump change to these high earners.

My taxes pay for Trump's golf outings, as the Secret Service spent $150k on golf carts; how about the 2.4 Million spent to rent space at Trump Tower?

[ The government is paying big bucks to rent space in Trump Tower


Secret Service has spent nearly $150k on golf cart rentals since Trump took office: report ]

And, how about the tax fraud passed by the GOP & signed by Trump? One which cuts the deductions for home owners (RE Taxes and Mortgage) but not for commercial RE such as Trump Tower.

I'm not an economist, per se; I do see the consequences when plutocrats feed each other and F over 90% of We the People.

We are a consumer driven economy, we are in transition as technology takes over many traditional jobs. We don't need to live in the past, we need a leader who sees the future; that leaves us no choice but to send a message to The District and drain the swamp which has become stagnant since Jan 2017.
Another solution would be to shoot anyone who reaches the age of 65. One solution is just as good as another, right?

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