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Hey republicans, how exactly are we supposed to fix the stagnant wage problem?

There is a very good chance these people who voted for the Republicans will be disappointed once again. For the most part, GOP candidates staked their wins not on a clear economic message but on frustration and anger at Obama.
Another thing Republicans can do to increase wages is get rid of pesky unions. Give employers free reign over their employees and they will reward them with higher wages and benefits. If you can't trust your employer to look out for your best interests....who can you trust

yourself. Which is why abdicating responsibility for what you earn to the government or a union will ultimately provide a dead end to your ability to create wealth

Hell yea!

Make each employee negotiate as an individual. That collective bargaining crap is nothing more than socialism

Amen haha. There is a good reason why the top companies in the world fire their bottom 10-20%. Why would you keep "dead weight" around not contributing to the greater good. There is always someone waiting to take your place.
I was at this "company" that fired the bottom 5-10% every quarter for about 8years straight. When it's only done once a year it's no big deal but when you do it every quarter, and your head count goes from 300k to 90k in 8years... well let's just say it goes from dead weight to dropping entire departments, buildings, and divisions. It goes from common sense layoffs to wholesale off-shoring of American jobs to china and India.

I love this country and it has provided an unbelievable lifestyle for my family and me. However, in a global economy can the term "American" jobs really be used? I would say the same thing about Canadian jobs, German, etc. because it implies possession. 98% of the time companies will not let talent walk out of the door. If a man/woman is an up-and-comer or proven record and their department is being phased out then they will be moved elsewhere. How do you think they decided to keep the 90K in your example and fire the other 210K? Answer, they are replaceable.
Yes everyone's replaceable. And if you replace them all with cheap foreign labor and fresh-outs you can reset the wage rate. They lost so much skill they could no longer build things, instead they used those 90k to sell products in the USA. They buy dozens companies now that have built new products, then after a few years they lay them off.

In my case they offered me a dozen different jobs, to stay in the states they wanted 80% travel (technical sales), and they locked down all other types of job transfers in the states. To do engineering they wanted you to move to Brazil, UAE, China, India, Russia... offers of big promotions, but you have to become an Ex-Patriot. I figured it was time for me to leave them.

My complaint isn't with the company that does these things. My complaint is with my government helping them do it. It's a bit demoralizing to get in the elevator and more people are foreigners than American. But hey that's why we have h1b visa's because there are no Americans willing to do software engineering right?
To increase wages, let the economy boom by unleashing American business.

1. Acknowledge that the consumer ultimately pays all corporate taxes and cut them.
2. Eliminate government favoritism and corporate welfare.
3. Reduce ridiculous regulations and government dictated benefits.
4. Reduce the sub MW earning group by reducing the flood of illegals and put those already here on the path to citizenship.

Ever wonder why Wal Mart pays $14/hour in North Dakota?
yourself. Which is why abdicating responsibility for what you earn to the government or a union will ultimately provide a dead end to your ability to create wealth

Hell yea!

Make each employee negotiate as an individual. That collective bargaining crap is nothing more than socialism

Amen haha. There is a good reason why the top companies in the world fire their bottom 10-20%. Why would you keep "dead weight" around not contributing to the greater good. There is always someone waiting to take your place.
I was at this "company" that fired the bottom 5-10% every quarter for about 8years straight. When it's only done once a year it's no big deal but when you do it every quarter, and your head count goes from 300k to 90k in 8years... well let's just say it goes from dead weight to dropping entire departments, buildings, and divisions. It goes from common sense layoffs to wholesale off-shoring of American jobs to china and India.

I love this country and it has provided an unbelievable lifestyle for my family and me. However, in a global economy can the term "American" jobs really be used? I would say the same thing about Canadian jobs, German, etc. because it implies possession. 98% of the time companies will not let talent walk out of the door. If a man/woman is an up-and-comer or proven record and their department is being phased out then they will be moved elsewhere. How do you think they decided to keep the 90K in your example and fire the other 210K? Answer, they are replaceable.
Yes everyone's replaceable. And if you replace them all with cheap foreign labor and fresh-outs you can reset the wage rate. They lost so much skill they could no longer build things, instead they used those 90k to sell products in the USA. They buy dozens companies now that have built new products, then after a few years they lay them off.

In my case they offered me a dozen different jobs, to stay in the states they wanted 80% travel (technical sales), and they locked down all other types of job transfers in the states. To do engineering they wanted you to move to Brazil, UAE, China, India, Russia... offers of big promotions, but you have to become an Ex-Patriot. I figured it was time for me to leave them.

My complaint isn't with the company that does these things. My complaint is with my government helping them do it. It's a bit demoralizing to get in the elevator and more people are foreigners than American. But hey that's why we have h1b visa's because there are no Americans willing to do software engineering right?

We perhaps see working in a foreign country quite differently because at the end of the day you will still be a US citizen and have the pleasure of paying tax in the United States. To my point on your example, you clearly were one of the "talented" people within your organization that they wanted to keep so that confirms what I was saying. The fact that it didn't work for you and/or your family is nobody's fault.

I 110% agree with you on the H1B Visa issue. However, in the past the United States has been one of the greatest beneficiaries of "brain drain" from other countries. Where is the cutoff? When and how do we say we have enough foreign minds and need to employ Americans first and foremost? So we would be ok with foreign goods but not foreign labor?
You're living in a fantasy world. I am talking about a wage crisis affecting 10s of millions of Americans. Your solution isn't realistic. Yes obviously learning a trade is a good idea for some but it hardly fixes the bigger problem.

Billy, there is no fixing this problem. The thousands and thousands of manufacturing jobs that paid pretty well and didn't require much education beyond basic educations, those jobs are gone. Done. Not coming back.

This is all part of the declining standard of living that we are seeing and part of the break up of our society into the haves and have nots.

But asking one of these Republican dolts on here how to fix anything is futile.

I wouldn't let Big rebbie unclog my toilet. And he's says hes a plumber.

Nothing goes up forever. No society stays on top forever. And the ultra wealthy have long term goals to meet. And they don't care how long it takes. They have heirs. And patience and more money than God.

If you have kids, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they get an education in a field that will allow them to be in the haves. If you have kids and they don't get educated, they are fucked long term.

Our society is/has become exactly what Republicans claim they want. A society where you better pick your self up by your own boot straps and move on or find yourself under the heel of someone else's boot.
Not that I'm giving up trying to get my kids the best education that they can have but I strongly suspect the whole thing is going down before they even get close to leaving the nest. And I'm upper middle class. I can't imagine how anyone at a lower rung that I am who is paying attention to what's going on in the world can have much optimism at all. The guys on top know it's going down too, they just think if they grab enough on the way down, somehow they can insulate themselves from it.
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?
How long are some people going to continue asking questions for which they won't accept any answer but their own.
What is the answer I refuse to accept? Just say it. If you say it and I refuse to acknowledge it, I will only look dumb.

It is not the responsibility of "corporations" and/or large organizations to level out wage disparity. Let's use this for an example, if you went into a grocery store (on a normal day) and noticed they were selling a gallon of milk for $10 would you buy it? Or, would you say to yourself "that's a rip off and not worth it" because you could go down the street and buy it for $5. That is the same with people. Just because someone "wants" to make more money per hour or feel they deserve it doesn't mean we (businesses) should pay it.

By my example above, if you and many many others start paying $10/gallon then soon all the stores will charge $10. In the end you now have less money to spend on other things; necessity items/services, health, hobby, vacation, etc. so by simple rule some other area of your life will suffer. This is redistribution of wealth and is akin to socialism and NOT the founding principles of capitalism..... I have plenty more but figured we would start small on our friendly debate.
Your argument is of course philosophical so I will of course counter with my own philosophical opinion. You think companies should pay whatever they want, i don't. 10s of millions of people make less than 15 per hour. 17 million make less than 10. The relationship between an employer and employee is give and take. A company cannot function without the worker. Because of that, if the worker works the maximum amount of hours per week, they deserve a wage they can live off of. Under 10 is no where near that. 15 is on par with inflation.
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
How does artificially increasing the wages through government fix the problem? All you end up doing is raising level of what we consider poverty. Now poverty will be those making less than twenty an hour instead of those making less than fifteen.

you inflate the cost of living with government intervention and you price the unskilled workers out of the market and force companies to move production overseas.

how does that benefit anyone?

let people be free to make their own career decisions. You'd be shocked at what will happen
It really wouldn't actually. Raising the mininmum wage to 15 gradually over a couple of years will only raise prices slightly and the increase in consumer spending would keep prices stable. This also has to do with inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10 per hour was the 1960s.

There is no evidence raising the wage causes inflation. For one thing, we've raised the wage several times and the economy responded fine.

You aren't taking into account the long term benefit of raising the minimum wage. Yes initially it will cost capital but over time the boost in consumer spending will benefit the economy.

Why do you liberals always leave out the one pesky problem with your $15.00 min wage bullshit?
You claim it wont raise prices to give ONLY min wage workers that magic $15.00 dollars an hour.
What about all the other people who actually have a job that they WORKED hard to reach that $15.00 dollar an hour mark?
What are you going to do for them? And the people who make twenty an hour,are you now going to pay them $27.00 dollars an hour?
If you're so damn stupid you're flipping burgers as an adult ....? Tough shit!!
Well you have a point about people who worked hard to get to 15, but their feelings is not nearly enough to justify not raising it.

And this is why you get a hardy..FUCK YOU from all hard working Americans who put out the effort to do the right thing with their future.
You cannot pay someone 15 bucks for flipping burgers when the manager makes the same. How can you not understand this basic fact?
You have no choice but to give the manager an equal raise,and so on and so forth up the line.
So do you still think the cost will be minimal?
My logic is based on inflation. Wages are way behind on it.
How does artificially increasing the wages through government fix the problem? All you end up doing is raising level of what we consider poverty. Now poverty will be those making less than twenty an hour instead of those making less than fifteen.

you inflate the cost of living with government intervention and you price the unskilled workers out of the market and force companies to move production overseas.

how does that benefit anyone?

let people be free to make their own career decisions. You'd be shocked at what will happen
It really wouldn't actually. Raising the mininmum wage to 15 gradually over a couple of years will only raise prices slightly and the increase in consumer spending would keep prices stable. This also has to do with inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10 per hour was the 1960s.

There is no evidence raising the wage causes inflation. For one thing, we've raised the wage several times and the economy responded fine.

You aren't taking into account the long term benefit of raising the minimum wage. Yes initially it will cost capital but over time the boost in consumer spending will benefit the economy.

Why do you liberals always leave out the one pesky problem with your $15.00 min wage bullshit?
You claim it wont raise prices to give ONLY min wage workers that magic $15.00 dollars an hour.
What about all the other people who actually have a job that they WORKED hard to reach that $15.00 dollar an hour mark?
What are you going to do for them? And the people who make twenty an hour,are you now going to pay them $27.00 dollars an hour?
If you're so damn stupid you're flipping burgers as an adult ....? Tough shit!!
Well you have a point about people who worked hard to get to 15, but their feelings is not nearly enough to justify not raising it.

And this is why you get a hardy..FUCK YOU from all hard working Americans who put out the effort to do the right thing with their future.
You cannot pay someone 15 bucks for flipping burgers when the manager makes the same. How can you not understand this basic fact?
You have no choice but to give the manager an equal raise,and so on and so forth up the line.
So do you still think the cost will be minimal?
My logic is based on inflation. Wages are way behind on it.

Does your logic then tell you we dont pay enough for goods and services?
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.
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Just as a matter of information, I am the sort of person whom employers refer to as a "job-hopper" or that sort of expression. When I think I can do better someplace else, I leave. So now, at 65 years old, I have a very long resume.

At this moment, my employer - an arm of Siemens - is planning to enter into a joint venture with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Thus, I now work for a GERMAN company, and will shortly be working for a GERMAN-JAPANESE joint venture.

My previous employers have been headquartered in, respectively,

Luxembourg (confidential),
France (Veolia Water),
Republic of Korea (Samsung),
Germany (Mannesmann Demag),
Italy (Union Switch & Signal), and
Palm Desert, California!

Democrats and union members have NO IDEA how many jobs are created and maintained in the U.S., as a result of our free-trade philosophy. They see cushy, well-paying factory jobs being lost as companies shift their manufacturing offshore, and this is a pity, but unavoidable. Those factory jobs are economically replaced by technical, professional, and administrative jobs here, but the people who held those factory jobs are generally unqualified to compete for the better jobs that replace them, and they are thus relegated to "whatever you can get" in service industries and what have you (which pay dramatically less than the former union-factory jobs).

Putting up trade barriers to prevent foreign companies from taking American jobs, and to try to prevent American companies from maximizing their profits by outsourcing work that can be done more cheaply overseas will lead to financial ruin, as it did in the 1930's. Smoot-Hawley was based on the same misguided spirit of protection for American workers.

Likewise, government mandates for higher wages and better benefits will only serve to punish those who are least able to fend for themselves. If you pay $15 for the most menial work, employers will be able to be very selective in whom they hire, thus completely leaving out HS dropouts and people with no work history. Further, they will take extraordinary measures to minimize the number of bottom-wage employees and their total hours worked. Anyone would do the same thing. You might pay someone $20 to cut your grass, but if they insist on $40 you'll do it yourself.

No easy solutions. Obviously.
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.

Why don't we pay those who flip burgers at McDonalds 50 dollars an hour?

Will that make you morons shut the fuck up?

Go ahead and explain to all of us why they should not be paid that much. Well, we are all waiting.
Another works progress administration is needed.... Get the welfare folks working on infrastructure for their govt stipends......

Before its too late ! Lol
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.
And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.

Why don't we pay those who flip burgers at McDonalds 50 dollars an hour?

Will that make you morons shut the fuck up?

Go ahead and explain to all of us why they should not be paid that much. Well, we are all waiting.
Show me where I suggested $50/hour was a fair wage for that moron.
Hell yea!

Make each employee negotiate as an individual. That collective bargaining crap is nothing more than socialism

Amen haha. There is a good reason why the top companies in the world fire their bottom 10-20%. Why would you keep "dead weight" around not contributing to the greater good. There is always someone waiting to take your place.
I was at this "company" that fired the bottom 5-10% every quarter for about 8years straight. When it's only done once a year it's no big deal but when you do it every quarter, and your head count goes from 300k to 90k in 8years... well let's just say it goes from dead weight to dropping entire departments, buildings, and divisions. It goes from common sense layoffs to wholesale off-shoring of American jobs to china and India.

I love this country and it has provided an unbelievable lifestyle for my family and me. However, in a global economy can the term "American" jobs really be used? I would say the same thing about Canadian jobs, German, etc. because it implies possession. 98% of the time companies will not let talent walk out of the door. If a man/woman is an up-and-comer or proven record and their department is being phased out then they will be moved elsewhere. How do you think they decided to keep the 90K in your example and fire the other 210K? Answer, they are replaceable.
Yes everyone's replaceable. And if you replace them all with cheap foreign labor and fresh-outs you can reset the wage rate. They lost so much skill they could no longer build things, instead they used those 90k to sell products in the USA. They buy dozens companies now that have built new products, then after a few years they lay them off.

In my case they offered me a dozen different jobs, to stay in the states they wanted 80% travel (technical sales), and they locked down all other types of job transfers in the states. To do engineering they wanted you to move to Brazil, UAE, China, India, Russia... offers of big promotions, but you have to become an Ex-Patriot. I figured it was time for me to leave them.

My complaint isn't with the company that does these things. My complaint is with my government helping them do it. It's a bit demoralizing to get in the elevator and more people are foreigners than American. But hey that's why we have h1b visa's because there are no Americans willing to do software engineering right?

We perhaps see working in a foreign country quite differently because at the end of the day you will still be a US citizen and have the pleasure of paying tax in the United States. To my point on your example, you clearly were one of the "talented" people within your organization that they wanted to keep so that confirms what I was saying. The fact that it didn't work for you and/or your family is nobody's fault.

I 110% agree with you on the H1B Visa issue. However, in the past the United States has been one of the greatest beneficiaries of "brain drain" from other countries. Where is the cutoff? When and how do we say we have enough foreign minds and need to employ Americans first and foremost? So we would be ok with foreign goods but not foreign labor?
It did work for me... I got a nice severance package, and I accepted a job offer at a small American firm on the way to my car with the last of box of awards I carried out of my office. I don't fault the company, they had a lock down to try to get more people off-shore for financial reasons. After I left, I received offers from them to come back. And if I'm ever out of work and / or not in the mood to start my own company, I might go back some day. It wasn't personal on either side.

It's one thing to have an immigration policy in this country, and another thing entirely to have a temporary visa program designed to move jobs off shore. 8million jobs moved... in the MIDDLE OF A RECESSION. No excuse for h1b visa's when millions are being laid off. There may have been an excuse in the middle of the dot com boom. But that should have ended with the dot com bust.

I'm ok with foreign labor and goods... I just think the playing field should be leveled. It's the rough equivalent of shipping millions of scabs to American factories to replace American workers. But it's white washed by moving the factories. Essentially American business have been allowed to create an oligopoly on international engineering labor. Try to do that to another profession, like lawyers or doctors and see what happens.
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.
OK Mr literal.

Next time I won't use a hypothetical since that seems to be beyond you.

A program a sequence only needs to be entered once by one or a few people thereby allowing many other people who do not know how to program the machine to monitor it. Productivity goes up even though the number of skilled people needed diminishes.

Either way more work is being done by less skilled labor and less skilled labor is not worth the same as highly skilled labor.

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