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Hey republicans, how exactly are we supposed to fix the stagnant wage problem?

(1) stop the printing and flooding of additional currency in the economy by the treasury, which lowers the value of our nation's currency. Strengthening the US dollar and ending the excessive spending of our government is the most important step.

(2) Push legislation that create a better environment for those higher paying skilled businesses to WANT to establish themselves here and build in the United States as opposed to outside this country.

(3) Stress the need for more financial programs in schools that educate students on areas of basic personal investments, the descussion of various types of personal loans a bank or mortgage broker may try to influence you with, influencing a need to make better financial decisions .... over the more "politically motivated" classes government or special interest may try to use as there personal "platform" for public schools.

(4) Encourage more various job training programs, that alert college students to those opportunities in advancing careers that are up coming and in demand. More job fairs on college camp grounds that open the door to apprenticeship programs for those students who will need a job, partnered with those higher paying careers who need to acquire certain set of skills out of their applicants seeking a job.

(5) Stop looking to government as the solution to those who make the personal choice to refuse public education. People need to be accountable to the own actions, and if you choose not to educate yourself to prepare yourself for those higher paying opportunities, them flipping burgers and life as a door greeter at Walmart may be all that is in your future. Just don't ask the Federal Givernment to compensate with a higher wage, because you want to give a pity party drama speech over those lost opportunities that you refused to work hard in attaining on your own.

Our country is built upon the Founders vision for the individual "PURSUIT of happiness", not its guarantee by the government.
1) How would that raise wages?
2) Way to vague of an idea. You are short on specifics. You should also know Obama tried to end the tax incentives to create jobs outside of the country.
3) that doesn't do jack shit for people already making shitty wages.
4) I definitely agree with this idea it's not enough to fix the full extent of the problem.
5) This is typical republican fluff. Many people work their asses off. You way over estimate the moocher agenda in this country. Sure some people are, but it's not some epidemic that you repubs like to believe.

Another far left propaganda laced post based on following the far left religion.

But then again these people believe that higher energy prices helps the poor.

They believe higher taxes helps the poor.

They believe the government has all the answers from cradle to grave.

Another thread failed thread from the irony impaired far left drones.
This from one that built their fortune on exploiting illegal aliens by paying as little as possible.

LMAO. I wish (I had a fortune) and your jealousy is noted. And I think aliens come from outer space. Where you reside. And with only one arm coming out of the middle of their foreheads, they would make piss poor roofers.
Ever heard of On the Job Training? Better known as OJT? Get paid while you learn.
Good god dude try to pay attention. Low wage jobs outnumber decent wage jobs. That means millions of people have no choice to accept low wage jobs. On top of that, who exactly are fast food companies supposed to employ given that everyone in your perfect world would become over qualified?
How about you keep up. Do you think plumbers started off knowing all they know and making the money they make on day one? No they started at the bottom and worked hard to learn their skill.
So you are suggesting that everyone learn the skills of plumbers and the like? Nothing about that is feasible. 10s of millions of people would be seeking these trade jobs. You think everyone could? How about those jobs that don't require skills such as flipping burgers? Don't we need those people in order for such industries to survive? Are you content with keeping them as border line slaves?
No I'm suggesting that people learn a skill, that someone wants to pay for, I used Plumber because that's what I do.
Would you pay a person 20.00 an hour if the job wasn't worth 20.00 an hour?
You're living in a fantasy world. I am talking about a wage crisis affecting 10s of millions of Americans. Your solution isn't realistic. Yes obviously learning a trade is a good idea for some but it hardly fixes the bigger problem.
What fantasy world are you talking about? I'm talking reality. You want more money learn how to do a job at the scale of money that you want to make.
What wage problem?
You mean the 10s of millions of Americans who make less than $15 an hour? The fact that 40% of the nation's wealth is owned by the top 1% of earners?

why do you think the fact that people are allowed to prosper and make something of themselves is a bad thing?

we shouldn't be punishing people for obtaining wealth we should be encouraging it. We should be learning how to teach more people.

why not try to bring people up instead of tearing them down or worse pretending to lift them up by artificially increasing costs
If republicans are too immature to admit the low wage problem can't be fixed through forcefully raising the minimum wage, how exactly are we supposed to boost wages? Since the recession there has been a significant decrease of high wage jobs and a significant increase of low wage jobs. How do we fix poverty if 10s of millions of Americans HAVE NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs?

Let's pretend republicans had full control over this issue. What would republicans do to boost wages? I want specific answers. Don't give me crap like "undo democratic bullshit of the last 6 years derp derp derp". I want SPECIFIC AND DETAILED steps on how we are supposed to boost wages in this county if raising the minimum wage isn't an option.

The only way I can see to fix it is through trickle down

If we give the wealthy more money through bigger tax cuts (to be honest, why should the rich pay taxes at all?) that money will trickle down in more jobs at higher wages. The problem so far is the tax cuts have not been big enough

I ask you....Have you ever got a job from a poor person?
He has no clue that most corporations would gladly pay higher wages, if what they are paying for reflects in higher production.

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.

you hate yourself? That doesn't seem healthy
If republicans are too immature to admit the low wage problem can't be fixed through forcefully raising the minimum wage, how exactly are we supposed to boost wages? Since the recession there has been a significant decrease of high wage jobs and a significant increase of low wage jobs. How do we fix poverty if 10s of millions of Americans HAVE NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs?

Let's pretend republicans had full control over this issue. What would republicans do to boost wages? I want specific answers. Don't give me crap like "undo democratic bullshit of the last 6 years derp derp derp". I want SPECIFIC AND DETAILED steps on how we are supposed to boost wages in this county if raising the minimum wage isn't an option.

How about not flooding the country with illegals?
You have no right to complain about wages or the lack of jobs.
Another thing Republicans can do to increase wages is get rid of pesky unions. Give employers free reign over their employees and they will reward them with higher wages and benefits. If you can't trust your employer to look out for your best interests....who can you trust
Well gee with the way wages are people can't afford to learn a trade. Even if more people were qualified, such jobs would be highly competitive from the millions of low wage workers.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Workforce Investment Act
Workforce Initiative Act
Small Business Credit Initiative
Minority-Owned Business Assistance

There are several Federal and State Workforce Initiative Departments ... And the legislation as well as funding is there.

If anyone wants to get the better skills necessary to compete for higher paying job ... The courses are available. If you are poor ... The courses are paid for. If you want to work while you are in courses ... The courses are every other weekday and offered day or night.

All course materials are provided. Low income students can receive a stipend while attending courses. Daycare services are available in some areas. Review courses are available for students who may need the extra help with core curriculum like math. English classes are available for immigrant students.

There is no excuse for low wage earners not to get the skills that would pay them better

One of the things an employer looks for in their employees is initiative. I wouldn't hire anyone whose resume or interview doesn't suggest intitiative. If a person cannot figure out they need to get new skills if they want more money and take advantage of what is available ... Then I have no use for them no matter what minimum wage is.

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What wage problem?
You mean the 10s of millions of Americans who make less than $15 an hour? The fact that 40% of the nation's wealth is owned by the top 1% of earners?

why do you think the fact that people are allowed to prosper and make something of themselves is a bad thing?

we shouldn't be punishing people for obtaining wealth we should be encouraging it. We should be learning how to teach more people.

why not try to bring people up instead of tearing them down or worse pretending to lift them up by artificially increasing costs
You people are so blinded by this "pull yourself up by boot straps" philosophy that you are not seeing reality. Yes obviously self sufficiency is great and ideal, but in today's economy it is less and less relevant. 10s of millions of people HAVE NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs. That is what our economy is.
Get a skill learn a trade that has a value beside flipping burgers
Well gee with the way wages are people can't afford to learn a trade. Even if more people were qualified, such jobs would be highly competitive from the millions of low wage workers.
Excuses, excuses.

You dropped out didn't you?

You have no skills, no training and no diploma, and it is "the man's fault".

We get it.
How does artificially increasing the wages through government fix the problem? All you end up doing is raising level of what we consider poverty. Now poverty will be those making less than twenty an hour instead of those making less than fifteen.

you inflate the cost of living with government intervention and you price the unskilled workers out of the market and force companies to move production overseas.

how does that benefit anyone?

let people be free to make their own career decisions. You'd be shocked at what will happen
It really wouldn't actually. Raising the mininmum wage to 15 gradually over a couple of years will only raise prices slightly and the increase in consumer spending would keep prices stable. This also has to do with inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10 per hour was the 1960s.

There is no evidence raising the wage causes inflation. For one thing, we've raised the wage several times and the economy responded fine.

You aren't taking into account the long term benefit of raising the minimum wage. Yes initially it will cost capital but over time the boost in consumer spending will benefit the economy.

Why do you liberals always leave out the one pesky problem with your $15.00 min wage bullshit?
You claim it wont raise prices to give ONLY min wage workers that magic $15.00 dollars an hour.
What about all the other people who actually have a job that they WORKED hard to reach that $15.00 dollar an hour mark?
What are you going to do for them? And the people who make twenty an hour,are you now going to pay them $27.00 dollars an hour?
If you're so damn stupid you're flipping burgers as an adult ....? Tough shit!!
How does artificially increasing the wages through government fix the problem? All you end up doing is raising level of what we consider poverty. Now poverty will be those making less than twenty an hour instead of those making less than fifteen.

you inflate the cost of living with government intervention and you price the unskilled workers out of the market and force companies to move production overseas.

how does that benefit anyone?

let people be free to make their own career decisions. You'd be shocked at what will happen
It really wouldn't actually. Raising the mininmum wage to 15 gradually over a couple of years will only raise prices slightly and the increase in consumer spending would keep prices stable. This also has to do with inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10 per hour was the 1960s.

There is no evidence raising the wage causes inflation. For one thing, we've raised the wage several times and the economy responded fine.

You aren't taking into account the long term benefit of raising the minimum wage. Yes initially it will cost capital but over time the boost in consumer spending will benefit the economy.

Why do you liberals always leave out the one pesky problem with your $15.00 min wage bullshit?
You claim it wont raise prices to give ONLY min wage workers that magic $15.00 dollars an hour.
What about all the other people who actually have a job that they WORKED hard to reach that $15.00 dollar an hour mark?
What are you going to do for them? And the people who make twenty an hour,are you now going to pay them $27.00 dollars an hour?
If you're so damn stupid you're flipping burgers as an adult ....? Tough shit!!
Well you have a point about people who worked hard to get to 15, but their feelings is not nearly enough to justify not raising it.
Another thing Republicans can do to increase wages is get rid of pesky unions. Give employers free reign over their employees and they will reward them with higher wages and benefits. If you can't trust your employer to look out for your best interests....who can you trust
Union corruption killed unions.

I know, my dad was the lawyer for the AFL-CIO, and spent much time keeping the union goons out of jail.
How long are some people going to continue asking questions for which they won't accept any answer but their own.
What is the answer I refuse to accept? Just say it. If you say it and I refuse to acknowledge it, I will only look dumb.

It is not the responsibility of "corporations" and/or large organizations to level out wage disparity. Let's use this for an example, if you went into a grocery store (on a normal day) and noticed they were selling a gallon of milk for $10 would you buy it? Or, would you say to yourself "that's a rip off and not worth it" because you could go down the street and buy it for $5. That is the same with people. Just because someone "wants" to make more money per hour or feel they deserve it doesn't mean we (businesses) should pay it.

By my example above, if you and many many others start paying $10/gallon then soon all the stores will charge $10. In the end you now have less money to spend on other things; necessity items/services, health, hobby, vacation, etc. so by simple rule some other area of your life will suffer. This is redistribution of wealth and is akin to socialism and NOT the founding principles of capitalism..... I have plenty more but figured we would start small on our friendly debate.
Eliminating the corporate tax rate sounds great but in reality it would drive us much farther into debt. Tax cuts do not pay for themselves unless you raise revenue somewhere else. It also does jack shit to increase consumer demand.

Billy if you are discussing this issue with bossy, good luck. He's a multi millionaire municipal bond trader and he is pissed that he has to pay 39% tax on all his millions.

He could give a fuck less about middle class people or poor people or the country itself.

All his ideas do is benefit him. And that's all he is interested in. Something for nothing.
Are you serious? It's astounding one could be so ignorant and be in such a position.

did it ever occur to you that he isn't ignorant and obtained his wealth by understanding the market?
How long are some people going to continue asking questions for which they won't accept any answer but their own.
What is the answer I refuse to accept? Just say it. If you say it and I refuse to acknowledge it, I will only look dumb.
The first response to this thread you rejected it's what you do on all the threads like this you start.
Eliminating the corporate tax rate sounds great but in reality it would drive us much farther into debt. Tax cuts do not pay for themselves unless you raise revenue somewhere else. It also does jack shit to increase consumer demand.

Billy if you are discussing this issue with bossy, good luck. He's a multi millionaire municipal bond trader and he is pissed that he has to pay 39% tax on all his millions.

He could give a fuck less about middle class people or poor people or the country itself.

All his ideas do is benefit him. And that's all he is interested in. Something for nothing.
Are you serious? It's astounding one could be so ignorant and be in such a position.

did it ever occur to you that he isn't ignorant and obtained his wealth by understanding the market?

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