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Hey republicans, how exactly are we supposed to fix the stagnant wage problem?

And I fucking hate morons who post theory, that they don't understand, instead of dealing with reality.
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.
OK Mr literal.

Next time I won't use a hypothetical since that seems to be beyond you.

A program a sequence only needs to be entered once by one or a few people thereby allowing many other people who do not know how to program the machine to monitor it. Productivity goes up even though the number of skilled people needed diminishes.

Either way more work is being done by less skilled labor and less skilled labor is not worth the same as highly skilled labor.
Sometimes the devil is in the details and it doesn't seem like you really know anything about manufacturing. That the machine is there doesn't make it any easier for the people who have to tend it. Oftentimes it's much harder because when there's a malfunction, it's very painful to get back on track.
There will always be a downtrodden sector of society, as long as education and medical treatment remains unaffordable or is restricted.

Minimum wages are ineffective by themselves if there is high unemployment, as it increases costs in the supply chain - and consumer spending or saving doesn't increase too much.

Minimum wages are most effective in times of low unemployment, as there is good job security, and the largest possible number of people have wage growth (meaning that higher business costs are outweighed by a big increase in consumer spending and saving).
There will always be a downtrodden sector of society, as long as education and medical treatment remains unaffordable or is restricted.

Minimum wages are ineffective by themselves if there is high unemployment, as it increases costs in the supply chain - and consumer spending or saving doesn't increase too much.

Minimum wages are most effective in times of low unemployment, as there is good job security, and the largest possible number of people have wage growth (meaning that higher business costs are outweighed by a big increase in consumer spending and saving).
At times of low unemployment minimum wages are not needed as the market will take care of itself, so long as the government does it's job to break up monopolies. At times of high unemployment more and higher wages may be needed but minimums won't help to do anything but reduce the number of people working.
Dude you are such an idiot. No one on the left I have ever heard of is suggesting we just give poor people money you dumbshit

You ever heard of food stamps? You ever heard of welfare?

Under this president, more people have enrolled in food stamps than any other president. These handouts are costing the taxpayer billions.

While I am not against either 100%, I think both are bloated and abused. I think food stamps should come with severe restrictions on what you can buy with them. T-bone steaks and fillet mignon? No. Veggies and chicken.
(1) stop the printing and flooding of additional currency in the economy by the treasury, which lowers the value of our nation's currency. Strengthening the US dollar and ending the excessive spending of our government is the most important step.

(2) Push legislation that create a better environment for those higher paying skilled businesses to WANT to establish themselves here and build in the United States as opposed to outside this country.

(3) Stress the need for more financial programs in schools that educate students on areas of basic personal investments, the descussion of various types of personal loans a bank or mortgage broker may try to influence you with, influencing a need to make better financial decisions .... over the more "politically motivated" classes government or special interest may try to use as there personal "platform" for public schools.

(4) Encourage more various job training programs, that alert college students to those opportunities in advancing careers that are up coming and in demand. More job fairs on college camp grounds that open the door to apprenticeship programs for those students who will need a job, partnered with those higher paying careers who need to acquire certain set of skills out of their applicants seeking a job.

(5) Stop looking to government as the solution to those who make the personal choice to refuse public education. People need to be accountable to the own actions, and if you choose not to educate yourself to prepare yourself for those higher paying opportunities, them flipping burgers and life as a door greeter at Walmart may be all that is in your future. Just don't ask the Federal Givernment to compensate with a higher wage, because you want to give a pity party drama speech over those lost opportunities that you refused to work hard in attaining on your own.

Our country is built upon the Founders vision for the individual "PURSUIT of happiness", not its guarantee by the government.
1) How would that raise wages?
2) Way to vague of an idea. You are short on specifics. You should also know Obama tried to end the tax incentives to create jobs outside of the country.
3) that doesn't do jack shit for people already making shitty wages.
4) I definitely agree with this idea but it's not enough to fix the full extent of the problem.
5) This is typical republican fluff. Many people work their asses off. You way over estimate the moocher agenda in this country. Sure some people are, but it's not some epidemic that you repubs like to believe.

(1) Due to the printing of more excess currency and throwing it into the economy by the treasury, what once held a value of say $20 in 1980 now costs $57.63 today. I am surprised you don't already know this?

(2) Which proves my second point. Democrats will always throw money at a problem but they have absolutely no plan of action behind it. The party of the left will only attack the conservative's "moral" position on topics like gun control, but discuss ZERO plans on HOW to encourage businesses to build inside this country as opposed to establishing themselves elsewhere. Never had a plan, as well as Democrats will never be found disclosing of one to the voters that encourages business growth in the private sector. Ask a liberal how they would encourage businesses to build here in this country, then listen to how they chose not to respond.... or they will (like Billy here) push the question to someone else so they don't have to because they simply can't.

(3) People don't know how to save, they can't live within their means, they would much rather BLAME banks for mortgages because they are too ignorant to educate themselves. Then these same people weep, cry, and sob, that government should have warned them or helped them... because they are incapable of helping themselves and educating themselves. The more education you possess the more independent you become to take care of yourself without looking to someone else to take care of you.

Now an excuse can be made for those with a handicap or learning disability, it IS after all much harder for them and I give a lot of credit towards ANY who are able to overcome their many challenges or difficulty. Since the left, however, likes to believe how much "smarter" they are, I'm sure it couldn't apply to them or their need to be more dependent on someone else like government to solve their problems for them.

(5) Many people would rather whine and complain about their problems as they look to government as their personal problem solver. It's actually more beneficial to them if they would seek to learn from their past mistakes, apply what they have learned, educate themselves on what it takes to be more successful, then work hard applying the changes they need in their life. Only those who wish a mediocre life with no advancement, continues to do the same things over and over again without apply what they have learned. Life is the best education tool in seeking to advance yourself, not many are willing (or want to hear) the lessons as it applies to them. It's much easier for the lazy to look at the government as the problem solver, than to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and seek ways that you yourself can make a change.
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Yes the free market does create many one percenters. However the free market's biggest flaw if unregulated is that the high wages and wealth become concentrated more at the top than below. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

No, this is a meme.

The fact is, ANY system which involves "money" results in more of it being concentrated at the very top over time. The free market capitalist system allows it to happen in a more fair way to all.

What you have to remember is, wealth constantly continues to be produced. There is not a finite supply. More can be made. So what if more is at the top? Where should it be, the bottom? It doesn't matter who has the wealth that has already been made. Stop being jealous of what other people have accomplished, get your finger out of your nose, and start trying to emulate their success!
That the machine is there doesn't make it any easier for the people who have to tend it.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith! Go to the People! Ask the hands that serve the machines of America! Ask those thousands of folks who wouldn't say "no" to yesterday, and "yes" instead of knowing it all!
- Firesign Theater
Government doesn't create jobs ... Unless of course you are simply counting government jobs. Of course that subject is covered in another thread.


Government creates millions of jobs

The entire defense industry is government created. Construction jobs, medical, legal and don't forget penal

I posted it would be perfectly okay to count government jobs ... If you feel like arguing about it any further, look in the mirror because I don't care.

Dude you are such an idiot. No one on the left I have ever heard of is suggesting we just give poor people money you dumbshit

You ever heard of food stamps? You ever heard of welfare?

Under this president, more people have enrolled in food stamps than any other president. These handouts are costing the taxpayer billions.

While I am not against either 100%, I think both are bloated and abused. I think food stamps should come with severe restrictions on what you can buy with them. T-bone steaks and fillet mignon? No. Veggies and chicken.

Don't you think the rise in the numbers on food stamps are due to unemployment and low wages? The rules did not changed, just the number of people who qualify under the old rules
Government doesn't create jobs ... Unless of course you are simply counting government jobs. Of course that subject is covered in another thread.


Government creates millions of jobs

The entire defense industry is government created. Construction jobs, medical, legal and don't forget penal

I posted it would be perfectly okay to count government jobs ... If you feel like arguing about it any further, look in the mirror because I don't care.


So...therefore you are wrong in saying the government does not create jobs
Was that increase in productivity due to the skill level of the laborers or was it due to technology that allows unskilled laborers to produce more?
Why should it matter? I'm one of the guys that's creating the technologies that allow that increase in productivity and I would want it used to float all boats. Everybody has to adapt to the new paradigms that are required to use the technology. Why shouldn't they benefit as well?

Of course it matters.

Laborers get paid according to their skill level.

If what used to take a highly trained workers 5 hours to make by hand now takes an idiot who knows how to push a button 5 minutes why should the idiot get paid what the craftsman was getting paid?
What do you manufacture that you think gets built that way? What I've seen is that for instance, a circuit board might have been hand stuffed years ago. Then a fancy new component stuffing machine comes along and does it better. You still have to have people who pull the parts from inventory, program the insertion sequence, deal with malfunctions, maintain the machine, etc.

If you want to talk about jobs like McDonald's where automated ordering has increased efficiency, why should the people who work there make less than their predecessors? The aspects of the job they still perform are no less complex or physically strenuous.
OK Mr literal.

Next time I won't use a hypothetical since that seems to be beyond you.

A program a sequence only needs to be entered once by one or a few people thereby allowing many other people who do not know how to program the machine to monitor it. Productivity goes up even though the number of skilled people needed diminishes.

Either way more work is being done by less skilled labor and less skilled labor is not worth the same as highly skilled labor.
Sometimes the devil is in the details and it doesn't seem like you really know anything about manufacturing. That the machine is there doesn't make it any easier for the people who have to tend it. Oftentimes it's much harder because when there's a malfunction, it's very painful to get back on track.

When there is a malfunction the unskilled guy monitoring the machine calls the skilled guy to fix it.

Once again there are fewer skilled repair people needed and the lower skilled people are paid according to their skill level.

You seem to think every person on the factory floor knows how to rip apart every machine as well as write the computer code for it and you say I don't know what I'm talking about?

Excuse me while I chuckle.
You people are so blinded by this "pull yourself up by boot straps" philosophy that you are not seeing reality. Yes obviously self sufficiency is great and ideal, but in today's economy it is less and less relevant. 10s of millions of people HAVE NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs. That is what our economy is.

And you're so blinded by this notion that we live in some sort of Utopian universe where everyone is happy and satisfied... no one ever has to do without or make sacrifices... someone is always to blame for your problems... someone is always going to take care of you.

I've not heard anyone here say that the solution is to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You've been offered suggestions, I told you we should re-invigorate free market capitalism. The problem is, you don't want to hear anything but left-wing socialist memes. You want some commie to tell you that we can have your Utopian dream.

What you and the left are arguing for and promoting, are the exact opposite of what we need to be doing. You continue to push good paying jobs further and further away, and proclaim the good old days are over.

Wealth redistribution does not work! What ALWAYS happens is, the government you put in charge of doing the distributing becomes corrupt and absorbs all the wealth. Then your 1% at the very top who control most of the wealth... they are your government, your rulers. You have no more freedom, you are a slave to the state... Ironically, the wall at the border they can't build now, will be built to keep you in.
Don't you think the rise in the numbers on food stamps are due to unemployment and low wages? The rules did not changed, just the number of people who qualify under the old rules

Of course I do. But giving them money won't solve anything. The reason they qualify, despite this amazing economy the liberals say we live in, is because they can't get a job/don't have one. Of course the unemployment rate is SO LOW this isn't really an issue.

Tell that to the 92 million americans currently out of work.
So...therefore you are wrong in saying the government does not create jobs

I was responding to the post that indicated jobs as a whole being created by Presidents and included the qualifier of government jobs as an exception to my inclusion of every other job in the count.

I was mistaken in the idea that you had the ability to accept you made the mistake in interpretation ... Although that is not an entirely uncommon occurrence on your part.


Government doesn't create jobs ... Unless of course you are simply counting government jobs. Of course that subject is covered in another thread.


Government creates millions of jobs

The entire defense industry is government created. Construction jobs, medical, legal and don't forget penal
We, the American people, own our government, the people who work in government are our employees. We hire these particular employees to manage our defense. But they are still nothing more than paid employees when they are acting on our behalf. They outsource work to industry by OUR COMMAND TO DO SO.
Government doesn't create jobs ... Unless of course you are simply counting government jobs. Of course that subject is covered in another thread.


Government creates millions of jobs

The entire defense industry is government created. Construction jobs, medical, legal and don't forget penal

I posted it would be perfectly okay to count government jobs ... If you feel like arguing about it any further, look in the mirror because I don't care.


So...therefore you are wrong in saying the government does not create jobs
Saying government creates jobs is equivalent to saying the IRS creates tax revenue. It's a typical ridiculous statement made by libtardians.

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