Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Actually, Trump told all his minions and the rest of the planet that we would have a CLEAR answer on those fucking "tapes".......and like his tax returns........the bottom line that Trump hands out is.........I"LL SHOW YOU LATER......LOL

Show us the quote, it must be out there, somewhere, anywhere...lol
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.

Please quote where Trump said he had tapes.
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey

Well did he say there were tapes? It's a yes or no answer, this thread is so full of spin I'm dizzy
So you're now blaming the problems with the ACA on the Democrats who wrote and passed it taking bribes? Why would Barry sign such a thing? Was he in on the bribes as well? You're getting more ridiculous with each passing post, Nat!

NO moron....I am neither defending Obama or democrats in the few short period that Obama had a majority......

The ACA was written by the right wing Heritage Foundation that was wholly in the tank by HC companies, big pharma and hospital associations.

NOW. the ACA helped millions and it is COSTLY......

YOU fuckheads now LIED about "repeal and replace" from day one....and NOW, you fuckheads have all chambers of government......

SO....I am sure that what McConnell shoves up your asses will be "great".
Why do republicans need to defend against non-existent allegations? Democrats just lost five special elections and one of their crazy angry gun toting minions tried to assassinate republican congresspeople and yet they think the fading Russia connection is important. Go figure.

Well if you republicans would not argue about how the 2nd amendment is more important than life itself, none of those republicans would have got shot. There is no fading Russian anything. Democrats lost nothing because the seats were already republican. Your boy Trump talked about tapes. He knew he was lying when he said it. Just like he is about everything else. You will learn.

If a frog could fly, he wouldn't bump his ass!

Got anything of importance to add?

Major malfunction on the part of the loons. Trump never said he had tapes

Did Trump not say you had better hope there are no tapes? So your claim of what he didn't say doesn't make any difference.

Read your thread title, you claim he said he had tapes. Cut your losses and move on, we see what you're doing here

You're totally and completely full of shit. It's STILL on Twitter.
This is very much like he didn't TELL Comey to stop the Flynn investigation.
It's a threat. It's what bullies do.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
  • 5:26 AM - 12 May 2017
    60,508 replies25,782 retweets77,707 likes
Get on topic Edward, the thread is about the tapes you loons claim Trump said he had.

Oh....according to right wing morons, NOW its democrats who FIRST claimed there were tapes????.......REALLY????

(and fellow right wing morons cheer......LOL)

You're not particularly bright, are you, Nat?
speaking about bright old ,,,there are a few of you republicans or dem haters that seem bright ,,including you so I don't get how you can support this vile pos trump?,,,,sorry sassy you're not included

That and I could not care less, I'm enjoying winning!!!!!! See that election in Georgia? LOL
Of course you don't care. Your guy could commit all the wrongdoing and crime in the world, but as long as he's your guy, you'll support him.

I know how you far rightwing hacks roll.

I could not care less what you think either, you're far too stupid to lose any sleep over.

You loons would be wise to clean up your own party, it's decimated, no leadership, a rudderless ship drifting around bothering people. You can't even buy an election let alone win one on merits and platform

We have won 2 of last 3 presidential elections. We have won 4 out of the last 5 presidentials by the poplar vote. Stop lying to yourself about the republican party .

You win some special elections in an off year in districts that were already republican and you want to talk crazy?

You are the one claiming that Trump said there were tapes and you have the balls to accuse us of lying to ourselves?

What a maroon!
Putting the thought that there might be tapes out there, is only effective if what you're claiming is the truth and you're worried that someone else might be about to tell a lie. If you've been dishonest the threat of tapes would be meaningless.

You right wing morons would EXCUSE the orange clown regardless of what he says and does.....That is evident; after all, you MUST lie to yourself that you weren't so fucked up last November.....

So, Trump tells LIES and lie and neglects the promises that you idiots thought were so "great"..........and you resort to labeling Trump a "genius" of psychological bullshit.

Maybe before you die, you'll smarten up......Maybe....
LOL...keep going. We'd like to witness you coming completely unhinged.
With doubt in Comey's mind there was no way in hell he'd say anything that wasn't true because if tapes existed he'd be burning his own ass, destroying his own reputation, you dope. Trump got in his head and owned him. He told no lie, simply put a big "what if" out there to protect himself from a disgruntled former employee. Smart move on the president's part. A big league play like smart business guys do all the time.
Yes it is. You guys have been dong the same shit since Bill Clinton and these forums first started started. So why would I expect anything different now?

Now tell me sassyirishlass, just exactly what have you been winning?

Do you not read the papers, Dude? The GOP controls the White House, the Senate, the House, the majority of State Governments and now have a conservative majority in the Supreme Court. I hate to point out the obvious but you liberals have been getting your asses kicked lately!
old I agree but hope republicans don't expect us to deliver roses ,,,they f-ed up 8 years of obamas presidency and now we'll see how they like the same crap delivered to them

Dangerous strategy, Eddie! Trump was sent to Washington by people who were fed up with games and wanted to see results. Spending all you time attempting to fuck up Trump's Presidency without offering viable alternatives isn't going to get you control of government again. Just saying...
and you think dems angry at getting no say in the health plan is fun and games? Even with obama care your vile party was given a chance to make changes ,,,,,they refused

You want a "say" in fixing the healthcare plan that you liberals deliberately set up to fail? Gee, Eddie...why didn't you pass one that worked when you controlled the House and Senate?
maybe if your party didn't bitch and moan and helped it might have come out better
You're flailing now, Nat...time to run up the white flag...

This string is DOA...

Oh, I well know I can;t convince idiots (like you) to smarten up on this forum.....But I write my posts for other smarter posters...and, of course, for my own selfish wish that I'dlike to keep my country's welfare away from idiots like Trump....and your ilk.
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey

Well did he say there were tapes? It's a yes or no answer, this thread is so full of spin I'm dizzy

This country is full of stupid people like you. It's a real shame.
Of course you did.
You saw an opinion that ran counter to your own so you ran to your safe space
Unlike you fake news consumers, I deal with FACTS, not OPINIONS.

Carry on.

Let's deal with the FACT that Trump never said there were tapes of Comey. You are looking for something he did not say existed, but could exist.
Putting the thought that there might be tapes out there, is only effective if what you're claiming is the truth and you're worried that someone else might be about to tell a lie. If you've been dishonest the threat of tapes would be meaningless.

You right wing morons would EXCUSE the orange clown regardless of what he says and does.....That is evident; after all, you MUST lie to yourself that you weren't so fucked up last November.....

So, Trump tells LIES and lie and neglects the promises that you idiots thought were so "great"..........and you resort to labeling Trump a "genius" of psychological bullshit.

Maybe before you die, you'll smarten up......Maybe....
LOL...keep going. We'd like to witness you coming completely unhinged.
With doubt in Comey's mind there was no way in hell he'd say anything that wasn't true because if tapes existed he'd be burning his own ass, destroying his own reputation, you dope. Trump got in his head and owned him. He told no lie, simply put a big "what if" out there to protect himself from a disgruntled former employee. Smart move on the president's part. A big league play like smart business guys do all the time.

He's not a smart business guy, either. That will become very clear after Mueller gets through with him. But Trump will resign before that.

Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey

Well did he say there were tapes? It's a yes or no answer, this thread is so full of spin I'm dizzy

This country is full of stupid people like you. It's a real shame.

Maybe you can provide the quote of Trump saying he had the tapes? Hint: You can't because he didn't

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