Hey, you welfare mooches, get jobs

Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Would you pay a Mercedes price for a Yugo?

I beater car is worth what someone will pay for it, not what the seller wants to get for it.

You are qualified to flip burgers and sprinkle salt on fries. You do not deserve an engineer's wage. You deserve what Micky D's decides you're worth. The fact that you can't live on your pay check is not McDonald's fault. It's YOUR'S
I enjoy the life style I do because I made myself valuable to employers, saved money and opened my own business. You too could do that, but it takes work, not government.
Look cum face, low skilled workers were paid jobs that didn't land them on welfare, and that's why YOU enjoy the lifestyle you do.
If you are a low skilled worker and not happy with the wage employers feel you deserve, then perhaps you should find a way to make yourself a higher skilled worker?

Being a CNC operator does not require great intelligence. Just the willingness to put time into learning it. Courses are cheap and in many cases, the machine shops offer opportunities at minimum wage for men and women to come in and perform menial tasks during the day while paying for the employee to go to CNC school in the evenings...and o0nce they beco9me CNC certified, they increase their wages and put them in the shop.
Quite common in the NYC area (Brooklyn), Rochester NY, some areas of Ohio and, of course, in Detroit.

I know...I know.....

Who wants to have to go to school at night while pushing a broom all day.
And I enjoy the lifestyle I have because I worked my ass off for it.

I'm not whining with my hand out for the taxpayers of America to bankroll my life.

And I'm certainly not a freeloader with a pack of illegetimate kids expecting someone else to pay for my irresponsibility.

You make what your qualified to make. No way should some server at McD's be making the same wages as an engineer, electrician, plumber or other professional person. Anyone who thinks a low skill worker should make that kind of money is a fucking idiot.

Guess that you BenDog.
Look cum face, low skilled workers were paid jobs that didn't land them on welfare, and that's why YOU enjoy the lifestyle you do.
Welfare wasn't available. Low skilled jobs didn't go to support people. Those belonged to kids living at home. Maybe a few seniors supplementing retirement.
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
You can government mandate a higher minimum wage but it will accomplish nothing. The cost of living will rise with it and in short order the new wage won't buy anymore than the old wage. Lying liberals use this fair share wage crap to fool naïve idiots into voting for them. Its incredible really since its the lying liberal who are destroying the better paying jobs with their taxes and regulations.

Compounding the problem of stagnating wages is the decline in employerprovided health insurance, with the share of non-elderly Americans receiving insurance from an employer falling from 67 percent in 2003 to 58.4 percent in 2013

Wait, I thought ObamaCare was supposed to save us all.

Stagnating wages and decreased benefits are a problem not only for low-wage workers who increasingly cannot make ends meet, but also for the federal government as well as the 50 state governments that finance the public assistance programs many of these workers and their families turn to. Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of enrollees in America’s major public support programs are members of working families;4 the taxpayers bear a significant portion of the hidden costs of low-wage work in America.

The only reason this is a high public cost is because we continue to insist on having these programs. We don't have to have them. Get rid of welfare programs and there is no significant burden on taxpayers.
why are hedge fund investors entitled to their huge salaries?
hedge fund
noun: hedge fund; plural noun: hedge funds
  1. a limited partnership of investors that uses high risk methods, such as investing with borrowed money, in hopes of realizing large capital gains.

Look idiot. Low skilled workers get low paying jobs.

Would you pay a Mercedes price for a Yugo?

I beater car is worth what someone will pay for it, not what the seller wants to get for it.

You are qualified to flip burgers and sprinkle salt on fries. You do not deserve an engineer's wage. You deserve what Micky D's decides you're worth. The fact that you can't live on your pay check is not McDonald's fault. It's YOUR'S
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
That's why Mittens failed to win the presidency and being Mormon, scares a baptist more than a Catholic president would...
Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
Honey, your war on wages and Walmart resulted in their dropping the affordable healthcare they gave 30,000 part time workers. Proud of yourself?
Well, aside from bait for the classist classless idiots, the point of the thread was to again point out the gop is sunk if it keeps to the "takers and makers" bulltripe of mitt. Even Rubio, unless he's flip flopped again, proposed tax credits in lieu of Obama care, and no one is seriously for cutting Wal-Mart workers off Medicaid.
My wife works for Wal-E-World, since 2009 and never lost he health insurance, and just went on full time position about 10 months ago...

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