Hi Everyone!

You know it's absolutely made my day seeing some nut jobs loose their minds by simply existing. Its another reason I'm not a republican. The instinct to be viciously rude to a total stranger is pretty par for the course in that party. If Trump has shown us anything its the right's ability to turn on anyone that doesn't goose step to their tune.
But then again Anitfa isn't a rightwing terrorist group. They're a violent, dishonest, and well funded leftist group.

I think you probably came in here with plenty of false assumptions.

Also, there is so much dishonesty here that trust isn't really big here.

Whenever somebody claims to be a former Republican who turned Democrat we tend to question the honesty of the person saying that.
Especially considering the leftist extremism in the Democratic Party that is on full display lately.

I can count 3 people here that claim to be former Republicans and they've proved not to be.
black with little blue stripes :p
If nothing else, I like your taste in socks. Welcome to the forum.

You strike me as someone who watches the TV news. Do you?

I actually don't, I don't have a tv. I enjoy print sources and follow several. I do watch The Daily Show online and a very good friend just won her second Emmy last night writing for John Oliver :)

"I don't have a tv."

What about a crossbow, do you own one?

Just a glock.

Just one? I have three a 19, 17 and 26. I also have several crossbows.

I'm military and a trained sniper, I can shoot the head off a....bird from a distance of 2.5 kms, probably longer distance also but I have not done that yet.
Well I'm a full fledged member of Star Fleet.

Live long and prosper.
You know it's absolutely made my day seeing some nut jobs loose their minds by simply existing. Its another reason I'm not a republican. The instinct to be viciously rude to a total stranger is pretty par for the course in that party. If Trump has shown us anything its the right's ability to turn on anyone that doesn't goose step to their tune.
But then again Anitfa isn't a rightwing terrorist group. They're violent, dishonest, and well funded leftist group.

I think you probably came in here with plenty of false assumptions.

Also, there is so much dishonesty here that trust isn't really big here.

Whenever somebody claims to be a former Republican who turned Democrat we tend to question the honesty of the person saying that.
Especially considering the leftist extremism in the Democratic Party that is on full display lately.

I can count 3 people here that claim to be former Republicans and they've proved not to be.

Nailed it!
I was a Conservative until the dems went batshit crazy leftist and I at that moment knew it was time to change sides.

Welcome. If I may ask what was it that made you change from GOP to DEM? FYI I am a lifelong IND.

I saw the party go insane. Basic fiscal conservatism was taken over by utter insanity - the party of compassionate conservatives turned into a vicious, petty and flat out mean mob that was only concerned with rabidly protecting their piece of the pie. Really, my views never changed - but the party sure did and I refused to go along with the clown car.

Stuffed-shirted and pant-suited Conservatives feel the same way. Maybe you can form a separate party. Leave the Republicans to the Populists, the Democrats to the Blacks, Mexicans, and Moslems.
If nothing else, I like your taste in socks. Welcome to the forum.

You strike me as someone who watches the TV news. Do you?

I actually don't, I don't have a tv. I enjoy print sources and follow several. I do watch The Daily Show online and a very good friend just won her second Emmy last night writing for John Oliver :)

"I don't have a tv."

What about a crossbow, do you own one?

Just a glock.

Just one? I have three a 19, 17 and 26. I also have several crossbows.

I'm military and a trained sniper, I can shoot the head off a....bird from a distance of 2.5 kms, probably longer distance also but I have not done that yet.
Well I'm a full fledged member of Star Fleet.

Live long and prosper.

"Well I'm a full fledged member of Star Fleet."


This is my one, ANYONE who does NOT worship Darth Vader is just a basic insect.

This thread is another reminder of how funny and desperate libs can be.
I agree, though I also find it disappointing that the OP wouldn't answer my questions. I wanted to see if they actually had any right wing stances, or was just blowing hot air. The way I see it, stating they were surprised someone could be "Worse than Bush" and saying that Hillary was "No Obama" certainly made it sound like they are a staunch lifelong leftist, or simply a media-watching talking point parrot.
You are not opening yourself up for bipartisan dialogue with that User Name.

Yeah. Because your user name matters at USMB. :D
Everything a poster says matters. Especially User Names where they self describe themselves.

....You take yourself VERY seriously, don't you? I stand by my user name - it's a philosophy I've adopted. You can like it..or not.

Whoa! Watch the strong language. Children post here.
I'd Rather Be a Grammar Nazi Than a Grammar Nazi

It only seems that way because the grammar of college graduates is at a grade school level.
Hello! I'm glad I found this board. I'm a 36 year old female teacher from South Dakota and I've greatly...well, enjoyed may not be the best word, but am heavily involved in national politics. I am a democrat but for many many years, I was a republican, which has been an interesting shift. I look forward to getting to know you guys!

You are not opening yourself up for bipartisan dialogue with that User Name.

Yeah. Because your user name matters at USMB. :D
Everything a poster says matters. Especially User Names where they self describe themselves.

....You take yourself VERY seriously, don't you? I stand by my user name - it's a philosophy I've adopted. You can like it..or not.

Whoa! Watch the strong language. Children post here.
I'd Rather Be a Grammar Nazi Than a Grammar Nazi

It only seems that way because the grammar of college graduates is at a grade school level.

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