Hilarious! Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

Indeed. SCotland has been a part of the U.K. a since 1294. Now? Oh, they are allowed to vote on things, but there "vote" carries little weight.

The reason Scots voted down leaving the UK 2 years ago was because they knew they wouldn't exist (economically) without England.
Scotland subsequently entered into a political union with the Kingdom of England on 1 May 1707 to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain.
I LOVE rdean's threads! ♥♥♥

Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

Indeed. SCotland has been a part of the U.K. a since 1294. Now? Oh, they are allowed to vote on things, but there "vote" carries little weight.

The reason Scots voted down leaving the UK 2 years ago was because they knew they wouldn't exist (economically) without England.
Scotland subsequently entered into a political union with the Kingdom of England on 1 May 1707 to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain.

And for 500 years before that, Scotland was the "red-headed" step child of England.
And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

From the article:
The labor shortages, which also have affected the hotel and restaurant industries, are a consequence of Georgia’s immigration enforcement law, HB 87, which was passed last year. As State Rep. Matt Ramsey, one of the bill’s authors, said at the time, “Our goal is … to eliminate incentives for illegal aliens to cross into our state.

Now he and others are learning: Be careful what you wish for....​

A few thoughts:
  • GA's worker shortage. and the consequence of produce literally dying in the vine, thereby costing producers and the state $140M, thus also driving up food prices due to the resultant shrinkage in the food supply, is not shocking, but foreseeable given that GA's legislators failed to heed the advice of economists, who as such are experts on how economics works.

    Truly, I haven't even gone looking to find out what economists said about HB 87 prior to it's being approved by the GA legislature's vote. I know what they said because the laws of supply and demand (and the principles that affect them) work the same way every time. If you studied economics, you know what they said too and you know why they said it, and you saw in the course of your study -- in economics class and in calculus, linear equations and differential equations math classes -- precisely why it works as they say it works.

    Now I get it. Not everyone studies those subjects. But that one has not studied them does not give one a reason to credibly think that folks who have don't know what they are talking about. I'm not going to tell the carpenter who's building the addition on my house that he doesn't know what he's talking about/doing merely because I have at some point gathered some bits of carpentry knowledge. I wouldn't because I know he's the expert on doing that sort of work, and I'm not. (I also wouldn't out of simple respect....I'd expect were I to do so, he'd tell me, "Well, fine. You build your addition. I quit.")

    It's one thing to ask questions in an effort to understand. It's another thing altogether to do so with the air of "I, the accountant, know your field better than you do, Mr. Carpenter." Yet the latter is the tone we see in many folks, folks like Georgians, like Trump and many of his cabal, who support all sorts of policies that will be disastrous if implemented. And for what? Because the person/people who advocate it aren't in X or Y party? Maybe yes; maybe no, but it's certainly not because there's over half a century of solid empirical evidence supporting the virtue of their proposals.

  • The actions and outcomes observed in GA are characteristic of what happens when the legislators attempt to cure a non-economic problem -- the presence of illegal workers, in GA's case -- using policies that ignore the economic impact.

    The fact of the matter is that agricultural producers need laborers to tend the crop, and if the supply of legal labor isn't sufficient to perform the task -- no matter the reason why it's not -- the crops don't get tended, and money is lost from the whole system. Those losses are not recoverable. One may make $140M the following year, but one isn't going to make $280M, and seeing as we're talking about a perishable good, even if one makes $280M the following year. Sure, one can think of that as "getting it back." The reality, however, is that one is still down $140M not earned in the prior year rather than being $140M up in the current year, which is where one could have been were one to have not implemented policies.

Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy

In fairness, the matter of making poor choices that fly in the face of reason based on rigorous analysis isn't limited to Republicans or Democrats. There are GOP-ers who understand economics quite well and who know that heeding those laws is the better course of action. There are Democrats of the same mind. Unfortunately, too often in modern U.S. politics, the two cannot get the rest of their respective party members to move beyond their partisan approach to policy making and advocacy -- A is a conservative; therefore A is right, or vice versa.

That idiotic approach is what galls me more than anything else. I'm an Independent. I know no Independent is going to be the President, Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. I don't care which major party holds sway. I care that whoever holds the reigns knows what they are doing and/or exhibits integrity when they don't, and when they don't, yield to the advice of people who do, and so on. It's the arrogance of politicians and voters who basically say, "I'm no expert, but I know I'm right," that annoys me.
He praised them for bringing it to a vote, ya big ole dummy. And the vote was rigged anyway. Great Britain used the most heinous fear mongering tactics to scare the Scots into remaining. It shouldn't even have to go to a vote. Great Britain should just declare Scotland its full independence. That would be the right thing to do.
Once again dean is fast and loose with the truth. Here is what Trump had to say as quoted in your article:

Trump said that the UK had "declared their independence from the European Union," and that come November, "the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence" too.

And did Scotland leave the EU? Why yes, yes then did. Gosh Dean you have to get more reliable news outlets, or at least interject some reality.
the whole economy fear is just what the left wing likes to do. Fear is their number one motivator.
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business

Trump doesn't know Scotland is not England and he insults them because of his ignorance.

They're probably painting their faces blue about now. Next stop, Stirling.
Once again dean is fast and loose with the truth. Here is what Trump had to say as quoted in your article:

Trump said that the UK had "declared their independence from the European Union," and that come November, "the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence" too.

And did Scotland leave the EU? Why yes, yes then did. Gosh Dean you have to get more reliable news outlets, or at least interject some reality.
HellooOOoo. Knock knock. At Trumps first press conference, Trump praised Scotland for voting to LEAVE the EU, but they voted to stay 62% to 38%. He praised them for what he thought they did but didn't. Got it? Good!
the whole economy fear is just what the left wing likes to do. Fear is their number one motivator.
Like the way they used Ebola, Isis and scary diseased children from Mexico coming to take your job during the midterms.

Duck Sick HssAole.

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