Hilarious! Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
Scotland is part of the UK they voted to leave.
Who's the idiot,matters not the excite polling showed low support in Scotland,but passed all the same.
Same as Clinton's last Senate run,the city had more vote than upstate so she won trying to day she didn't is childish
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business

aha... severe case of butthurt.

Here is what WON'T happen as the result of the vote, massive hoards of muslims marching to UK from Turkey.
isn't Scotland a part of the Great Britain?
The way Canada, the United States and Mexico are part of North America.

Jesus Christ, you are stupid.
I'm stupid? I'm getting the impression that you didn't' know that Scotland, England and Wales are separate countries.

Here are the counties of England. Notice Scotland and Wales have their own counties?

They are held together by a 300 year old treaty. But Scotland and Wales can supposedly enter the EU on their own. Time will tell.
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business

aha... severe case of butthurt.

Here is what WON'T happen as the result of the vote, massive hoards of muslims marching to UK from Turkey.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

And my links are true. And you don't even know it. Pathetic.
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland
'I know Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. I realize that he’s in over his head. I understand that the trip to Scotland was about giving one of his investments a high-profile boost, unrelated to his campaign for the nation’s highest office. But the fact remains that arriving in Scotland today, of all days, created an incredible opportunity for Trump to look and act like a president – or short of that, someone who’s at least vaguely aware of current events.

This was a test he failed so spectacularly, it’s as if Trump isn’t even trying to succeed.

The word “disqualifying” is probably thrown around a little too often, but in this case, if Trump didn’t prove this morning that he’s manifestly unprepared for the White House, honestly, what more would it take?'

Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland
'I know Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. I realize that he’s in over his head. I understand that the trip to Scotland was about giving one of his investments a high-profile boost, unrelated to his campaign for the nation’s highest office. But the fact remains that arriving in Scotland today, of all days, created an incredible opportunity for Trump to look and act like a president – or short of that, someone who’s at least vaguely aware of current events.

This was a test he failed so spectacularly, it’s as if Trump isn’t even trying to succeed.

The word “disqualifying” is probably thrown around a little too often, but in this case, if Trump didn’t prove this morning that he’s manifestly unprepared for the White House, honestly, what more would it take?'

Trump knows he has the GOP base sewn up. They are his for the rest of the election.

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