Hilarious! Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
Conservatives are to blame for left wing immigration policies in Britain? That is rich.

Liberals in America have just began to realize what is happening world wide and they are beginning to piss their panties.

Guess what you liberal ISIS supporters - it's coming here in November.
It was the GOP disbanding the Iraqi military, leaving 250,000 armed men angry and without jobs that led to Isis.

Don't blame your mess on us.

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

ISIS top brass is Iraqi army's former best and brightest - Features

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam's military helped fuel the rise of ISIL

Even Israel says it. Everyone knows it except tards.

Are you a tard?
Trump says: Pigs can fly

Randall says: Technically he's right, Pigs and other land animals have been transported via airplanes for some time now huuurr duuurrr durrr
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
Conservatives are to blame for left wing immigration policies in Britain? That is rich.

Liberals in America have just began to realize what is happening world wide and they are beginning to piss their panties.

Guess what you liberal ISIS supporters - it's coming here in November.
It was the GOP disbanding the Iraqi military, leaving 250,000 armed men angry and without jobs that led to Isis.

Don't blame your mess on us.

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

ISIS top brass is Iraqi army's former best and brightest - Features

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam's military helped fuel the rise of ISIL

Even Israel says it. Everyone knows it except tards.

Are you a tard?

Jesus tap-dancing Christ but you are stupid. Your "man" has been in office for nearly 8 years. What the fuck is your point?

You gonna blame Chester A. Arthur for the Battle of Bunker Hill?

You fucking liberals need to take Valium or something....
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

Indeed. SCotland has been a part of the U.K. a since 1294. Now? Oh, they are allowed to vote on things, but there "vote" carries little weight.

The reason Scots voted down leaving the UK 2 years ago was because they knew they wouldn't exist (economically) without England.
So far, one of the few things Trump has not been accused of is being well informed.
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland

The American people stood against Obama, but you see how far we got with that. We have elections and, just like Scotland, learn to live with them.

November, however, will be a MUCH different story. Let's see how well you liberals live with THAT.
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland

That is true, but Scotland is leaving the EU.. hell, they may be leaving the UK as well!
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland

That is true, but Scotland is leaving the EU.. hell, they may be leaving the UK as well!

Nope. They voted that chance down two years ago.
Scotland is part of the UK.. I guess you guys didn't get the memo.

What Trump may not realize, or really even be able to fully understand, is that Scotland is “going wild” because Scottish voters overwhelmingly voted against leaving the E.U. Locally, people aren’t celebrating – because they see this as a disaster.

Trump baffles with bizarre appearance in Scotland

That is true, but Scotland is leaving the EU.. hell, they may be leaving the UK as well!

Nope. They voted that chance down two years ago.
they can have a do over.
Oh, the Brits! They are SO exceptional! Now, they'll want new deals all on their own terms. This was shrewed negotiating on their part. Europe will bail them out with concessions (again).
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
Conservatives are to blame for left wing immigration policies in Britain? That is rich.

That is R-Derp! Whenever a liberal here wants to start the nonsense about conservatives being less intelligent than they are...simply bring up R-Derp and that notion becomes laughable!
The guy is so unaware and ignorant. This is the guy who says he knows more than the generals.

Donald Trump praises Scotland for voting to leave the EU, but it didn't

Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign.


This is probably what's going to happen. People from Great Britain will need a passport to travel to anywhere in Europe. Their goods will have tariffs leveled against them. Their money will need an exchange rate. English people living throughout Europe could be rounded up and asked to leave.

And if you go to London, every bus boy, waiter, fast fry cook, cabbie and so on are Muslims and immigrants. Anti immigration is what fueled the vote. Just like here.

And here we have 5.8 million jobs available and no one to fill them. Republicans are going to ruin this country and destroy the economy just like conservatives are doing in Great Britain.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
Conservatives are to blame for left wing immigration policies in Britain? That is rich.
Clearly, you didn't get the point. Besides the one on your tiny head I mean.

Besides, when you think about it, with the ill conceived Bush/GOP invasion of Iraq, all that immigration can be traced back to Republicans.

The current wave of immigrants leaving the Middle East in waves can be traced to the rise of ISIS and their campaign of terror against the people of the Middle East. You know...the people that Barry referred to as the "JV"?

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