Hillary approached by Republicans fleeing Trump.....No Kidding!

We've sprayed Raid on the Republican Party....you will notice a lot of the roaches running back to the democrat party....
wouldn't using chemicals for political purposes change the calculus, and cross the red line in the sand ??
Clinton approached by Republicans fleeing Trump

:banana:....breathe....breathe.......:banana: This is one of the most Hilarious things I have ever heard!:rofl:

But Hillary needs to be careful. It could all be a Trump smokescreen. He cannot be this dumb....can he?

It seems it is getting worse. More Republicans are crossing over to Hillary. Comrade trump is doing more damage to the Republican Party than amyone since Richard M Nixon.

No Republicans are crossing to Clinton. Democrats are simply dropping their masks.

Whatever you say Comrade...:badgrin:

Crossing the Aisle: Growing Number of Republicans Won't Back Trump

It's the same people who have been whining all along.

Revel in your fantasy.

I honestly think Comrade t will have more than s 20% chance of winning the WH by next week.

He still has a chance!:badgrin:
"Tell me again why we can't use Nuclear weapons?"

Comrade T
All world leaders have begged hillary to win. Putin called her personally and said for world peace, she should win.
Conservatism in this country is a political ideology that is presently in the ICU and on life support...

During the 2016 pre-election season, Conservatives have lost control of their party, and have no home...

After the Housing Bubble Burst and Market Crash, and Great Depression II, people have lost virtually all faith in Conservatism...

The Liberal home-base is the only sizable and viable alternative, to try to find a home, and either ride-out the Populist storm, or bail from the GOP forevermore...

If the Conservatives DO end-up finding a permanent home in the Democratic Party, they will further entrench the Establishment Ruling Elites, and join them, if possible...

Meaning that the Democratic Party will continue to drift to the Right, and, over time, and by almost imperceptible degrees, lose its nominal Party-of-the-People standing...

Not that there's much of that left, in actuality, as Bernie Sanders' supporters have learned, to their very great disappointment and anger...

Trump will not win in November, but he was the sort of catalyst necessary to seize the Grand Old Party away from the Corporatists, and to move it towards the Center again...

Who knows... we may be looking at a flipping of the Political Magnetic Poles... with the Dems calcifying as The Establishment, and the Pubs re-awakening as Populists...

There is some interesting symmetry in this... the Corporatists stole the GOP away from The People way back during the decade or two beyond Teddy Roosevelt's time...

It took America a very, very long time to realize that the Grand Old Party had been stolen from under their noses, and some still don't realize that, a century after it happened...

However, if the present Populist Rebellion continues, on the GOP side, we will see more and more Corporatists and Ruling Elites jumping ship for the calcifying Democratic Party, and more and more of The People gravitating back to the Grand Old Party... if... IF... it repositions and re-brands itself, legitimately, as the Party of the Common Man...

Revolutions and Rebellions can be bloody... literally, or, in this case, metaphorically...

As the smoke clears from the November 2016 elections, and as a (by-then, entrenched) strong Populist Element in the Republican Party continues to build on the disaffection and dissatisfaction extant Left, Right and Center... we may very well see the GOP re-branding itself, and jettisoning their surviving Elites, in order to gain power in 2020 or 2024...

Meanwhile.. the HildaBeast will be a Caretaker or Placeholder President... hopefully, limited to one term, but, even if not, the Loyal Opposition will take back power, afterwards...

If... IF... they re-brand themselves, move back towards the Center, and (a) retain much of their existing base while (b) drawing-in blue-collar and middle-class folk from the Dems...

A 2016 victory by the Democrats will be just what the doctor ordered, to render the Dems so smug and arrogant and overconfident and lazy, that they become easy pickings...

Especially if Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall conducts her Presidency with the same degree of corruption, opaqueness and false dealings that she is routinely accused of...
The GOP strapped Donny onto their backs and jumped out of a plane at 25,000 feet with no parachute and no wing suit, only a net on the ground to save them. Donny told them "we'll hit the net don't worry it's huuuuge. Trust me".

120ft/sec/sec. The ground is really coming up fast now and they can't see a net. And though they can't turn around to see it it feels like trump is putting on a parachute getting ready to bail.
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It is totally cool that another 50 GOP RINO elites have self-identified as being party to screwing up this country. and we all know that 'Mitt da' loser shit Romney' is behind all of this..........as they all swore a blood oath last month in Park City, Utah to protect their financial interests. Party?.......hell whatz a Party?.......they got major investments to protect as long as possible. They even got an ex-CIA operative 'bagger' to come off the bench to enter the race whose a Mormon, to boot!
Translation: Comrade Trump has screwed the GOP
Trump says he will not pay for their special interest projects and they will flock over to the master of corruption and waste, Hillary Clinton. Important to note is that like Hillary, they had no principles other than the worship of power and money to begin with.

These parasitical traitors have to be defeated.
Some RINO's talked to Hillary, I'm shocked! Here's my shocked face


Bet your face on the morning of November 9th is going to be priceless, once you poke your head out from under the sheets.:woohoo:
Clinton approached by Republicans fleeing Trump

:banana:....breathe....breathe.......:banana: This is one of the most Hilarious things I have ever heard!:rofl:

But Hillary needs to be careful. It could all be a Trump smokescreen. He cannot be this dumb....can he?
We don't need em.

Poor Donnie.....losing voters both left and right....:badgrin:

What he's losing in Republicans, he seems to be gaining in Democrats.

Making shit up again Will? Just doin your thang again?

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