Hillary Bus Dumps Human Shit into Street

Hillary is the leader, she is responsible, the buck stops with her. How many times have you asshole Democrats demanded the head of a CEO when a corporation does something wrong...yeah explain your hypocrisy and double standards. According to you asshole Democrats your leaders are never responsible for anything.
I had no idea that Hillary was the CEO of a bus company!
When I read the thread title I though Hillary had taken another tumble and landed in an actual gutter.

The image that comes to mind is rather funny. Only thing better would have been if she fainted and landed in the pile of shit they dumped on the side of the road.
Looks like a ham-fisted Photshop job to me....
The DNC apologized and called it an "honest mistake".

Not sure how you could mistakenly pull over to the curb and empty the campaign bus septic tank in the storm sewer and all over the highway and then drive off to the next campaign stop.

The DNC also said that they didn't know it was a violation. What a crock of shit. Of course it's against the law. In fact it's a felony punishable by 5 years in prison.
Looks like a ham-fisted Photshop job to me....
The DNC apologized and called it an "honest mistake".

Not sure how you could mistakenly pull over to the curb and empty the campaign bus septic tank in the storm sewer and all over the highway and then drive off to the next campaign stop.

The DNC also said that they didn't know it was a violation. What a crock of shit. Of course it's against the law. In fact it's a felony punishable by 5 years in prison.

I'm sure hillary does not recall any such incident, or law.......and neither she, nor anyone else on the bus had the common sense of a potty trained 3 year who knows not to take a crap in the street.

Lying. As usual.
They dumped a bunch of Trumps all over the road?

Do you realize how stupid you sound defending this kind of crap..pun intended.

Do you realize how stupid you sound trying to turn this into a big deal?
Do you realize how stupid you are to ignore it. You can't legally dump human waste in any storm drain in the country. How can the campaign people be blameless? If it was Trump's bus liberals would be turning purple, foaming over and hyperventilating over it.
No, the Hillary Campaign did not dump Hillary on the side of the road on the way to a rally... :p

Instead, showing how much she respects this country, Hillary pulled a 'Christmas Vacation', broke the law, and ILLEGALLY dumped her shit into a storm drain...a perfect metaphor that suits her campaign!


Witness: DNC tour bus dumps human waste into storm drain

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA (CBS46) - Lawrenceville police are investigating a claim that involves a Democratic National Committee tour bus illegally dumping human waste into a storm drain between campaign stops.

The incident happened on Grayson Highway Tuesday morning after the bus left a campaign stop near the Gwinnett County Board of Elections Office where hundreds of voters were lined up to take part in Early Voting.

Police say when officers arrived on the scene, toilet paper was scattered on the roadway near the storm drain, there was a foul smell."

(EASY: That was probably just JILLARY! :p )

"Mike Robins, manager of a nearby business, took several photos of the tour bus dumping waste into the storm drain. In the pictures, a liquid can be seen coming from the bottom of the bus.

According to Robins, a hazardous materials crew responded to the location and collected the waste to keep more of it from entering the storm drain.

"I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're Hillary Clinton. I don't care if you're Donald Trump. I don't care who you are, you don't throw human waste down a storm drain," said Robins. "Waste water just dumping all out in the street, poured out in the storm drain, and at this time I've got my cell phone out and I'm taking pictures cause I don't care who you are. That's just wrong."

WRONG? Hillary doesn't - no pun intended - give a shit! She's HILLARY CLINTON, by God! ONCE AGAIN SHE PROVES LAWS MEAN NOTHING TO HER!


Witness: DNC tour bus dumps human waste into storm drain

The Clinton Camp tries to claim they did not know dumping BIO-HAZARDOUS material into a storm drain, overflowing it into the street / into the environment, was a CRIME!

CBS46 reached out to the DNC, which issued the following statement:

"This was an honest mistake..." :lmao:

"and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community

for any harm we may have caused. We were unaware
of any possible violations ..."

-- 'We actually thought it was perfectly legal for us to
just dump BIO-Hazardous material - SHIT - into local
community storm drains' SORRY, but THAT is exactly what they dumped - 'A LOAD OF SHIT!'

"...and have already taken corrective action with the charter
bus company to prevent this from happening again"

(What do you want to bet the bus driver passed the word on that they had to make a stop to legally remove the waste from the bus, but Hillary did not want to deviate from her schedule and just ordered the waste be dumped in the nearest storm drain. That fits her profile / the stories told by Ex-Secret Service and others.)

"I didn't know!" :wtf: :lmao:
This entire incident PROVES Hillary Clinton is UN-AMERICAN!

Only an UN-AMERICAN has never seen 'Christmas Vacation'! :p
They dumped a bunch of Trumps all over the road?

Do you realize how stupid you sound defending this kind of crap..pun intended.

Do you realize how stupid you sound trying to turn this into a big deal?
Do you realize how stupid you are to ignore it. You can't legally dump human waste in any storm drain in the country. How can the campaign people be blameless? If it was Trump's bus liberals would be turning purple, foaming over and hyperventilating over it.

I don't blame you. Many people get frantic for something to fight with when they see they are losing so bad. It's pretty pathetic that you are reduced to something so silly.
I hope the HAZ-MAT Team and the Local Police Department bill the Hillary Campaign for the clean up, response, etc cost.
They dumped a bunch of Trumps all over the road?

Do you realize how stupid you sound defending this kind of crap..pun intended.

Do you realize how stupid you sound trying to turn this into a big deal?
Do you realize how stupid you are to ignore it. You can't legally dump human waste in any storm drain in the country. How can the campaign people be blameless? If it was Trump's bus liberals would be turning purple, foaming over and hyperventilating over it.

I don't blame you. Many people get frantic for something to fight with when they see they are losing so bad. It's pretty pathetic that you are reduced to something so silly.
You have the mind of a mentally ill toddler.
I don't blame you. Many people get frantic for something to fight with when they see they are losing so bad. It's pretty pathetic that you are reduced to something so silly.

BD, don't try to spin this SHIT! :p

Even the Clinton Campaign ADMITTED THEY BROKE THE LAW. You telling me Democrats on this board don't have the integrity or 'testicular fortitude' to admit it?!

This whole pattern of denial and / or minimizing Liberal Law Breaking is getting old.

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