Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail?

Huh? The Bush administration had only been in office for less than 8 months when 9/11 happened. So is it really fair to blame Rice or anyone else in the Bush administration for the 9/11 attacks when Al Qaeda began preparing and training for the attacks in 1999?

when the CIA went to Bush with a breifing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack US" and they talked about AIRPLANES, Bush said, "Well, you've covered your ass." and went fishing.
Yo, calling all Puppets, repeat, all Puppets, your Idol might be sent to prison up to 3 years, for not turning in her private emails to the House Panel from her private account, they are waiting! '''Love It""


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you mean that for the first time in Hillarys life, she will be pooping in front of everyone and will have to use that "25 cents a roll" TP?
SecState using a personal email address is not a crime.

I agree with that ... And didn't say that it was a crime or that she couldn't have a personal email account.
I posted that she cannot conduct official State Department business from a personal email account ... Nor store official State Department documents on a personal email account.

Of course if you want to argue with that ... Take it up with Congress, the Justice Department and refer to the Federal Records Act.

Yo Brains? If you want to see Republicans in Jail? Then I want to see the Socialist Democrats in Jail with them, Pelosi. Reid, and the other idiots, since they voted to go in Iraq? What a AZZ!

They voted to give him the authority. That didn't mean he had to use it. He lied to them to GET the authority.

Bush Lied. People Died.



I agree with that ... And didn't say that it was a crime or that she couldn't have a personal email account.
I posted that she cannot conduct official State Department business from a personal email account ... Nor store official State Department documents on a personal email account.

Of course if you want to argue with that ... Take it up with Congress, the Justice Department and refer to the Federal Records Act.

Actually, more than a few legal experts have said she didn't break any law.

Also, this was going on for four years, and no one questioned it? You'd think that if this was the big deal you all are making it out to be, someone would have said something.
Okay then, America's died, Hillary lied. Does that make it better? I mean she lied to hide her incompetence.

Not really. I have yet to see you guys say the one thing that would have prevented the attack from going forward that Hillary could have done.
Extra security, or pull Stevens out. The way Britain did, or maybe not lie about it. Hillary knew within minutes that it was a terrorist attack, not a protest about a movie. Would you want someone like that in charge of your kids safety? If you do, you really are sick.
RUSH: How about Hillary Clinton sets up this private clintonemail.com domain because she has no idea what she's doing as secretary of state. Now, stop for a minute and think of something. What, after all, were her qualifications for this job?
Actually, more than a few legal experts have said she didn't break any law.

Also, this was going on for four years, and no one questioned it? You'd think that if this was the big deal you all are making it out to be, someone would have said something.

Probably the same legal experts that assigned a blind man to review Lois Lerner's IRS emails.
No wonder he didn't find anything.
Get a grip ... It all stinks ...Even when your side is wearing it.

Extra security, or pull Stevens out. The way Britain did, or maybe not lie about it. Hillary knew within minutes that it was a terrorist attack, not a protest about a movie. Would you want someone like that in charge of your kids safety? If you do, you really are sick.

I don't know how HIllary knew that it wasn't about a movie when the guy who masterminded the attack said, "Yeah, we attacked over the movie".

But so let me get your logic straight here. Bush shouldn't be held responsible for the 3000 deaths on 9/11 ("you've covered your ass" he said to the CIA when they warned him of an attack) or for the 5000 people who died in Iraq because he invaded the country on the basis of a lie....

But man, Hillary should have TOTALLY KNOWN that a mob upset about a youtube video would have made an ambassador lock himself into smoke-filled room!
Probably the same legal experts that assigned a blind man to review Lois Lerner's IRS emails.
No wonder he didn't find anything.
Get a grip ... It all stinks ...Even when your side is wearing it.

No, what stinks is that your side puts a horse show guy in charge of FEMA and starts wars to enrich his Vice-President's company. People ACTUALLY DIED because of that shit.

Hillary setting up her own e-mail account. Meh, not so much.

Hey, back in the 1990's, I was one of you stupid right wingers who got all upset whenever Hate Radio told me to be upset about FBI files or Travel Office Firings or someone getting a Beej in the Oval Office. But in 2000, I was making good money in a job I liked and was able to sell my property for twice what I paid for it. I didn't know when I had it good.

Then your Boy Bush (who I am ashamed to admit I voted for twice) got in, and by the end of it, I had an underwater mortgage on my new place, I had a busted 401K and I had to take a job that paid 20% less than the one I had. Not to mention the wars and the messed up responses to natural disasters.

So fucking excuse me if I don't leap up and get worked up over some technical thing that effects NO ONE.
Probably the same legal experts that assigned a blind man to review Lois Lerner's IRS emails.
No wonder he didn't find anything.
Get a grip ... It all stinks ...Even when your side is wearing it.

No, what stinks is that your side puts a horse show guy in charge of FEMA and starts wars to enrich his Vice-President's company. People ACTUALLY DIED because of that shit.

Hillary setting up her own e-mail account. Meh, not so much.

Hey, back in the 1990's, I was one of you stupid right wingers who got all upset whenever Hate Radio told me to be upset about FBI files or Travel Office Firings or someone getting a Beej in the Oval Office. But in 2000, I was making good money in a job I liked and was able to sell my property for twice what I paid for it. I didn't know when I had it good.

Then your Boy Bush (who I am ashamed to admit I voted for twice) got in, and by the end of it, I had an underwater mortgage on my new place, I had a busted 401K and I had to take a job that paid 20% less than the one I had. Not to mention the wars and the messed up responses to natural disasters.

So fucking excuse me if I don't leap up and get worked up over some technical thing that effects NO ONE.

Typical Liberal Elitist Bullshit ... Irresponsible, Unaccountable, Excuse Making Drivel That Amounts to Absolutely Nothing.
And they wonder why their leaders are abject failures at accomplishing anything in the global theater ... Sheer incompetence.

Typical Liberal Elitist Bullshit ... Irresponsible, Unaccountable, Excuse Making Drivel That Amounts to Absolutely Nothing.
And they wonder why their leaders are abject failures at accomplishing anything in the global theater ... Sheer incompetence.

duly noted you couldn't answer my point about the difference between made up scandals and REAL Scandals.

Hint. Real scandals have lots and lots of dead bodies attached to them.

Did I make that simple enough for you, Corky?
No matter how much Hillary lovers protest now, the fact is she is done. Democrats have tuned against her. Instead of a coronation the primary challengers are setting up an inquisition. Whatever policies and positions she might have will be drowned in attacks and questions about her wrong doing. That's from democrats.
Condi allowed 9/11 to happen.

Huh? The Bush administration had only been in office for less than 8 months when 9/11 happened. So is it really fair to blame Rice or anyone else in the Bush administration for the 9/11 attacks when Al Qaeda began preparing and training for the attacks in 1999?
The cons claim they keep America safe....Well that's horse shit. 167 cons just voted against the Homeland Security bill. Chicken shit cons always refuse to face up to their failures.
No matter how much Hillary lovers protest now, the fact is she is done. Democrats have tuned against her. Instead of a coronation the primary challengers are setting up an inquisition. Whatever policies and positions she might have will be drowned in attacks and questions about her wrong doing. That's from democrats.
The regulation came out in 2005. Colin Powell had the same email as Hillary Clinton. She simply followed the procedure of the SOS that went before her.
It's funny in a macabre way to see some democrats still clinging to this sinking ship. Hillary had problems before this. Those were nothing but an appetizer. Democrats have more than claws out. They have the pitch and pitchforks. What's even more amusing is to see the Hillary lovers blame Bush . Good. It only makes them look more disconnected.

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