Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail?

I think Hillary's critics are blowing this out of proportion. She had valid reasons for not wanting to use the State Department's e-mail system, even if those weren't her main reasons for doing so. So far, as far as I know, there is no evidence that she misused classified info on her e-mail system or that her e-mail server was compromised. If such evidence has surfaced in the last 48 hours, I'm more than willing to stand corrected on that point.

Also, I wonder what we would be saying if a House panel controlled by Democrats demanded to see all of Condie Rice's State Department e-mails. I suspect many conservatives would argue that her e-mails were protected by executive privilege and that forcing her to turn over all her e-mails to a House panel would violate the separate of powers.

Condi Rice who? Or do you mean Sandy Rice who lied to the American people?
Condi allowed 9/11 to happen.
LOL when you see crap like this you know your dealing with an IDIOT!!
Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail? Nice thought but it will never happen.
Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail? Nice thought but it will never happen.

Crap ... With the current batch of Democrats ... She will go "Vince Foster Style" before she goes to jail.
Attorney General Holder and President Obama might have to call up Putin to get some pointers on how to pull that off ... So relations with Russia might improve.

Condi Rice who? Or do you mean Sandy Rice who lied to the American people?

Condi Rice. Whose talking points included those aluminum tubes........Not Susan Rice, whose talking points included how extremists launched the assault in Benghazi from an in progress copycat demonstration. Both turned out to be false, but only one suffered from a coordinated campaign to destroy her reputation.
Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail? Nice thought but it will never happen.

Crap ... With the current batch of Democrats ... She will go "Vince Foster Style" before she goes to jail.


Could definitely get Breitbarted..............but its clear, these communists now in control of the Dum party are taking no chances with 2016. Theyve decided that face is radioactive........especially come end of 2015 when the country really comes to understand the laughable disaster Obamacare is. They are starting to find out now........and dont want any link to Hillary. Most of the progressives in here have the political IQ of a small soap dish........this Hillary falling off the planet is actually bad news for conservatives in my view. 80% of conservatives who stayed home in 2012 would have come out in 2016 JUST to make sure the bitch never got in. Now?????

Zero doubt a huge political win for the Dums this week...................
Yo, the I.R.S. emails come to mind?


The other Arkansas sleaze bag avoided being charged with a class A felony of rape because of the statute of limitation. I don't think Hillary has that option. She does have media support and Hussein's "justice dept" in her purse though.
Colin Powell said he did the same thing, but it was a "different time". Well yeah, Shrub was POTUS.

The current Justice Department charged and prosecuted General Petraeus for the same thing ... So let's stay with today.
You may have trouble with the idea of consistency ... But I don't.

Betrayus was sharing secrets with his adulterous lover. Where did you put your consistency?
Condi Rice. Whose talking points included those aluminum tubes........Not Susan Rice, whose talking points included how extremists launched the assault in Benghazi from an in progress copycat demonstration. Both turned out to be false, but only one suffered from a coordinated campaign to destroy her reputation.

Condi Rice ... Sits on the NCAA College Football Playoff selection committee among other things (a great perk if you ask me).
Susan Rice ... Named National Security Advisor (because it doesn't take Congressional approval).

One gets to go and see whatever top college football games she wants ... The other gets a job in the White House.
Who suffered?

Betrayus was sharing secrets with his adulterous lover. Where did you put your consistency?

He wasn't sharing secrets with his girlfriend ... Who also has a Security Clearance.
That isn't what he was charged with, prosecuted for ... Nor what he plead guilty to.

If you spent more time understanding what is happening today ... Than trying to assign blame for everything that happened 14 years ago ... Then you may actually stumble across the inconsistency issues.

You would at least be more informed as to what the fuck you are talking about.

Betrayus was sharing secrets with his adulterous lover. Where did you put your consistency?

He wasn't sharing secrets with his girlfriend ... Who also has a Security Clearance.
That isn't what he was charged with, prosecuted for ... Nor what he plead guilty to.

If you spent more time understanding what is happening today ... Than trying to assign blame for everything that happened 14 years ago ... Then you may actually stumble across the inconsistency issues.

You would at least be more informed as to what the fuck you are talking about.

Petraeus Reaches Plea Deal Over Giving Classified Data to His Lover
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

"I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless."-Rabbi
I can safely say the same thing about you and that makes you a hypocrite.
You need to post a graph.
Facts matter. I only repeat facts. I call out people retailing falsehoods as facts. People like you.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

"I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless."-Rabbi
I can safely say the same thing about you and that makes you a hypocrite.
You need to post a graph.
Facts matter. I only repeat facts. I call out people retailing falsehoods as facts. People like you.

Facts matter? That's hilarious - you lying piece of shit. That made my day.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

"I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless."-Rabbi
I can safely say the same thing about you and that makes you a hypocrite.
You need to post a graph.
Facts matter. I only repeat facts. I call out people retailing falsehoods as facts. People like you.

Facts matter? That's hilarious - you lying piece of shit. That made my day.
You're the biggest liar on this site. OK, the biggest one I havent blocked yet.
I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

"I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless."-Rabbi
I can safely say the same thing about you and that makes you a hypocrite.
You need to post a graph.
Facts matter. I only repeat facts. I call out people retailing falsehoods as facts. People like you.

Facts matter? That's hilarious - you lying piece of shit. That made my day.
You're the biggest liar on this site. OK, the biggest one I havent blocked yet.

Aw, come on - please block me.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

"I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless."-Rabbi
I can safely say the same thing about you and that makes you a hypocrite.
You need to post a graph.
Facts matter. I only repeat facts. I call out people retailing falsehoods as facts. People like you.

Facts matter? That's hilarious - you lying piece of shit. That made my day.
You're the biggest liar on this site. OK, the biggest one I havent blocked yet.

Aw, come on - please block me.
It's getting close. I think your meds arent working as well as they used to. Much more "its all Bush's fault" shit and you'll join your pals.
As long as she's out in time to be elected prez ...

Seriously, stop drooling.

Neither Colin nor Jeb are going to jail either.

As part of the penalty for violation of one of the laws she violated is a lifetime prohibition of holding any public office.

ooo ooo

The drunken, fake attorney says that Hillary has already been accused, tried and convicted of a crime.

Of course she committed a crime or crimes. Did you ever hear of res ipsa loquitor? She had a private email address on servers kept in her home. Ownership of that server was in a fake name. The fake name also had a completely fraudulent on line identity. The email address was registered the day she was sworn in and never used her official email.

That the home server wasn't secure is something we know because it was hacked by Guccifer who broke this story.

That's just the facts that we know so far. At the very least, what she did was similar to what David Petraeus just pled guilty to.

Let the games begin.

Everybody who ever watched Matlock has heard of that, but just because you put those words in a post doesn't mean they actually support your contention. It would be unprecedented for any Secretary of State to not use their personal E-Mail account. Bush's first SoS, Colin Powell did. His recent statement, by way of explanation, was that most of his official E-Mails were either to or from government addresses, and would be preserved that way. Bush's other Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, rarely used E-Mail at all. What exactly makes Hillary's use of personal E-Mail different or worse than the accepted and normal practices used by previous Secretaries of State?

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