Hillary Clinton says all blacks look alike during political correctness summet

It's a good thing she wasn't a conservative with a morning show, or she would have lost her job.
Hillary Clinton Says All Blacks ‘Look Alike’ During Political Correctness Summit

Hillary Clinton can crack racist jokes all she wants – as long as she’s a politically correct Democrat.

Clinton was asked about political correctness Friday during a Q & A with Recode’s Kara Swisher, where she said that political correctness is “about respecting the diversity that we have in our society.”

Lets see how many denial points the let makes up for her excuse as to why she said that. She was just kidding right. lol

It was a joke and intended as a joke albeit a rather tasteless one. Condemn her as a racist based on that? Hell no. Nor will her supporters--I am passionately 100% not one of them--see that as anything other than a joke.

I only wish she and her supporters would be as intellectually honest about various quips intended as jokes from the other side.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Get A Pass Hillary!
  2. She could just roll over in her bed and not spring to action and defend our embassies and no one will think that's unacceptable.
  3. Get A Pass Hillary!
  4. Nothing you do matters even if you screw up, this country has gone to shit now, its official!


Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

Way to miss the context, dumbass. It was actually a quick witted reference back to what he had just been saying. The audience was smart enough to get it, which puts them a 100 points in IQ ahead of you.

There wasn't a man there, unless you're calling Hillary a guy. And neither holder nor Booker ever made that statement (the two people she was talking about), so that excuse is pure bullshit......but keep on defending the racists.

Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

Way to miss the context, dumbass. It was actually a quick witted reference back to what he had just been saying. The audience was smart enough to get it, which puts them a 100 points in IQ ahead of you.

There wasn't a man there, unless you're calling Hillary a guy. And neither holder nor Booker ever made that statement (the two people she was talking about), so that excuse is pure bullshit......but keep on defending the racists.

She did turn me off like a guy would..

Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

Way to miss the context, dumbass. It was actually a quick witted reference back to what he had just been saying. The audience was smart enough to get it, which puts them a 100 points in IQ ahead of you.


Put Bill saying Obama would be getting their bags in the right 'context'
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He would have been tortured. Liberals would have been all over him.

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I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.

Who is that in the picture? Holder? Spartacus?
Other great moments in democrat Party racial Sarcasm...in context, of course

1865 Founded KKK.
1910 Woodrow Wilson resegregrates the Federal Government, including putting a cage around a black employee working with whites
1933 FDR refuses to shake Jesse Owens hands (the black might rub off); perverts the genuine scientific Tuskegee Experiments into a form of Eugenics (context needed)
1965 After holding up Ike's Civil Rights Bill in the Senate for 7 years (he called it the ("****** Bill"), democrat Civil Rights hero LBJ passes it as his own assuring his fellow democrats that he'll "have them ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". Appoints Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS, telling people, "when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everybody to know he's a ******" (Context needed)
2012: Bill Clinton remarks about Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags." (context needed)
2018: "They all look alike to me" -- St. Hillary the Inevitable
As much as I loathe hiLIARy, this incessant game of gotcha to find offensive things with which to kill someone's reputation has got to stop.

I don't care about Megan Kelly's blackface comment.
I don't care about hiLIARy's lame all look alike joke.

I'm not at all interested in policing all speech, and hence thought as well.

We are on the same page my friend. Those of us who are fed up and disgusted and becoming more and more angry at the most juvenile and hateful of politics of personal destruction look for intellectual honesty and fair play in these things.

The fact is, we may not like Hillary, we may oppose most of what she stands for, we may see her as a sad relic of a statist, hateful leftism that we hope is imploding, but that comment was a joke, pure and simple. It was not intended to demean black people, and it was not an indication of any kind of racism. She does plenty of other stuff that indicates racism, but this wasn't one of that.

It was a joke. Nothing more. And I for one will not fault her for it.

I do wish those of that statist, hateful left were as intellectually honest about innocent and harmless quips made by people not part of the statist, hateful left. They won't condemn Hillary, but they sure as hell will condemn anybody who is not them who makes a comment like that. In fact it would be front page news and lead every newscast for at least a week.
As much as I loathe hiLIARy, this incessant game of gotcha to find offensive things with which to kill someone's reputation has got to stop.

I don't care about Megan Kelly's blackface comment.
I don't care about hiLIARy's lame all look alike joke.

I'm not at all interested in policing all speech, and hence thought as well.

Praise Allah I never turn into like a crazy person who spends all his times posting here blaming others

Dante's Inferno Canto VII

As much as I loathe hiLIARy, this incessant game of gotcha to find offensive things with which to kill someone's reputation has got to stop.

I don't care about Megan Kelly's blackface comment.
I don't care about hiLIARy's lame all look alike joke.

I'm not at all interested in policing all speech, and hence thought as well.

We are on the same page my friend. Those of us who are fed up and disgusted and becoming more and more angry at the most juvenile and hateful of politics of personal destruction look for intellectual honesty and fair play in these things.

The fact is, we may not like Hillary, we may oppose most of what she stands for, we may see her as a sad relic of a statist, hateful leftism that we hope is imploding, but that comment was a joke, pure and simple. It was not intended to demean black people, and it was not an indication of any kind of racism. She does plenty of other stuff that indicates racism, but this wasn't one of that.

It was a joke. Nothing more. And I for one will not fault her for it.

I do wish those of that statist, hateful left were as intellectually honest about innocent and harmless quips made by people not part of the statist, hateful left. They won't condemn Hillary, but they sure as hell will condemn anybody who is not them who makes a comment like that. In fact it would be front page news and lead every newscast for at least a week.

I am truly excited to read your post, and encouraged to think the right might finally re-embrace common sense. It will take more than a post in an obscure discussion board to overcome the years of vile accusations and made up claims the right has been known for spewing, but if you really believe what you posted, we can eventually return to a civil society.

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