Hillary Clinton says all blacks look alike during political correctness summet

As much as I loathe hiLIARy, this incessant game of gotcha to find offensive things with which to kill someone's reputation has got to stop.

I don't care about Megan Kelly's blackface comment.
I don't care about hiLIARy's lame all look alike joke.

I'm not at all interested in policing all speech, and hence thought as well.
A comment like that from Trump would start another civil war

Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

The democrat party is the home of racists of all skin colors, and it is also the home of hate, and violence.
God I hope she runs again....

I do too........ if only because the vicious fight she will have to fight to get the nomination this time will damage every democrat going up against her, and if she wins, she will be an even worse candidate than before....
It was a joke, you know the left has a great sense of humor, they never attack anyone for saying a joke.....

yes that is sarcasm and I was laughing the entire time writing it.
Would be front-page news for 3 weeks.

Al Jolsen would somehow figure into it.

Well, at least the 1st thing.

Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

The democrat party is the home of racists of all skin colors, and it is also the home of hate, and violence.

Yet, Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group of terrorists by ideology and account for 219 murders and 6.6 percent of all terrorist deaths. - Cato Institute

Not that I care about what she said. Cause a joke is a joke. Of course, only when a liberal tells a joke about race is it acceptable to the left.

What if Trump did that?

Way to miss the context, dumbass. It was actually a quick witted reference back to what he had just been saying. The audience was smart enough to get it, which puts them a 100 points in IQ ahead of you.
He would have been tortured. Liberals would have been all over him.

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I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
Only racists will let loose with a joke that racist, and I doubt it was the first time she told it.
If Trump made a joke.

Trump IS a joke.

I giggle almost every time he speaks...so does most of America.
She knows that anything at all she says is going to be taken out of context and memed by the rabid owners of millions of foam-flecked keyboards.
I think she's just taking the piss out of them now.

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