Hillary Clinton WILL lose to Donald Trump

Poll: Utah would vote for a Democrat for president over Trump

Apparently Hillary can even win Utah of all places against Trump, lol.
Deseret news which is owned by the LDS church which issued this statement against Trump LDS Church issues statement in response to Donald Trump’s comments on Muslims

In a state that is the home of Romney color me shocked! The poll is BS. Guaranteed. Get a NEUTRAL well known polling agency to do a pill.

dani67 Brain357 care to give us your comments and not just click funny? I seriously want some conversation on this since its huffpo that is saying this.
fact: trump needs 70% white vote.even Ronald Reagan hadnt .............
fact2: Democratic candidate needs only 23 more electoral votes from the purple states to win
fact3: republican president didnt born yet

Lol...Trump will get democrats and independents . How about you post a map of what states you think the democrats are going to win. Oh and red the article.

fact :system dont let unestablishment guy like trump be president. you need riot
We'll see. They are obviously doing what they can to stop him.
Hillary Clinton vs Trump is close but still I hope on Ted Cruz or Kasich or Kasich wait to 2020 election and Cruz to then Republican win vs Hillary / Bernie if socialism win 2016 ??
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
People are assuming the revulsion Republicans have for Clinton will override the revulsion they have for Trump.

That is a stupid assumption.

My revulsion for Trump leads me to believe Trump's Chumps deserve Clinton as President. If he is the nominee, I will leave the top of my ballot blank.
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
Clinton has the Democratic machine behind her. Trump is heavily drawing upon independents and disaffected Democrats.

In other words, if Trump had the Republican machine and his base Hillary wouldn't have half the votes Trump did.
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
Clinton has the Democratic machine behind her. Trump is heavily drawing upon independents and disaffected Democrats.

In other words, if Trump had the Republican machine and his base Hillary wouldn't have half the votes Trump did.
"in other words" and "if" is just conjuncture and speculation. Fact is Clinton got more votes in the primaries so far than Trump.
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
Clinton has the Democratic machine behind her. Trump is heavily drawing upon independents and disaffected Democrats.

In other words, if Trump had the Republican machine and his base Hillary wouldn't have half the votes Trump did.
"in other words" and "if" is just conjuncture and speculation. Fact is Clinton got more votes in the primaries so far than Trump.
Clinton is winning a hell of a lot more of her party than Trump is because she has the machine behind her.

While Hillary gets 70%+ of the vote in Southern states Trump gets even more votes than her with less than 60 or even 50% of Republican voters.

With party support Trump would obliterate Hillary.
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
Clinton has the Democratic machine behind her. Trump is heavily drawing upon independents and disaffected Democrats.

In other words, if Trump had the Republican machine and his base Hillary wouldn't have half the votes Trump did.
"in other words" and "if" is just conjuncture and speculation. Fact is Clinton got more votes in the primaries so far than Trump.
Clinton is winning a hell of a lot more of her party than Trump is because she has the machine behind her.

While Hillary gets 70%+ of the vote in Southern states Trump gets even more votes than her with less than 60 or even 50% of Republican voters.

With party support Trump would obliterate Hillary.
You are changing the point. The point is that more people came out and voted for Clinton than came out and voted for Trump. All you are doing is trying to make excuses for why that is a fact. And Trump does not have party support nor will he ever have it. He burnt bridges and no matter how good a builder he is, he will never be able to rebuild the ones he has burned.
I will firmly believe that the woman in question will NOT be on the November ballot unless as an independent.

Of course I could be wrong. George Soros might have changed his mind over the years but I still think it'll be either Biden or Kerry for The Democrat Party.

In the end it doesn't matter if Republicans screw the primary candidate with the most votes because The Democrat Party could nominate Mike Dukakis and he could win.
Hillary has had 600,000 votes cast for her during this primary season that Trump. Might not mean much, other than 600,000 more people came out to support Clinton with their votes than came out to support Trump.
Clinton has the Democratic machine behind her. Trump is heavily drawing upon independents and disaffected Democrats.

In other words, if Trump had the Republican machine and his base Hillary wouldn't have half the votes Trump did.
"in other words" and "if" is just conjuncture and speculation. Fact is Clinton got more votes in the primaries so far than Trump.
Clinton is winning a hell of a lot more of her party than Trump is because she has the machine behind her.

While Hillary gets 70%+ of the vote in Southern states Trump gets even more votes than her with less than 60 or even 50% of Republican voters.

With party support Trump would obliterate Hillary.
You are changing the point. The point is that more people came out and voted for Clinton than came out and voted for Trump. All you are doing is trying to make excuses for why that is a fact. And Trump does not have party support nor will he ever have it. He burnt bridges and no matter how good a builder he is, he will never be able to rebuild the ones he has burned.
Trump is the personification of true opposition to Democrats on every level of discourse. After some soul-searching Republicans will support him over Hillary because of that fact after he secures the nomination.

If a bleeding heart like me can support him, then Conservatives who are voting for Cruz can (and the Kasich people will vote for him in the general so they can hijack Trump's success, like the Nixon Republicans did to Reagan).
Hillary Clinton vs Trump is close but still I hope on Ted Cruz or Kasich or Kasich wait to 2020 election and Cruz to then Republican win vs Hillary / Bernie if socialism win 2016 ??
i watching cnn now .and kacich saying bullshit against iran because of israels lobby........... like whore.
whore sucking his client penis.because they give money to her and supprt her.like republican politician and also other party........
i dont blame .......... it is fucking politic..
but i like kasich. because if you are in republican establishment.you must be whore for jewish lobby
you havnt other choice :9:

but problem is ted cruz.he is basterd idiot ....................
trump shit is better than him

+ no important.....what is republican nominee .by the way.... hillary is your next president.
anti liberal just needs miracle .........
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