Hillary is Done and she knows it.

Hillary makes a terrible personal appearance. Men are forgiven much of their appearance. Women are forgiven nothing. She's old, her last facelift is already fading. She's gone from overweight to morbidly fat. She moves with difficulty. She falls, needs to be held up, propped up by pillows when she sits. She has seizures.

Hilly is one event away from a complete collapse of her campaign. As it is, her inability to handle the rigors of the ordinary campaign are bleeding her.

what a sad election, if there was an alternative like a Reagan this one would be in the bag, I think Romney could have won this one. The fact is neither party has put forward anybody decent for along time, politics is changing fast for the worse.
Hillary makes a terrible personal appearance. Men are forgiven much of their appearance. Women are forgiven nothing. She's old, her last facelift is already fading. She's gone from overweight to morbidly fat. She moves with difficulty. She falls, needs to be held up, propped up by pillows when she sits. She has seizures.

Hilly is one event away from a complete collapse of her campaign. As it is, her inability to handle the rigors of the ordinary campaign are bleeding her.


The media does not favor Hillary Clinton...they don't really like her, she is not good for 'business' because she is just a steadfast, boring, workaholic.

They didn't support her at all in 2008 either... Obama was more exciting...

They gave Trump $1.5 billion dollars worth of FREE advertising was the last amount that I have read...

the main stream media LOVED the coverage of him and still do... imo...and will find any way they can to keep this race "alive".
Hillary is basically "done"

She has a YUUUGE lead on Trump and just has to coast to the finish line
I can't see much more Hillary can do

Unless she completely collapses, she will win by a landslide

The election is basically done
The election is basically done

What's done is any lingering doubt as to just how dumb you are. Thanks for clearing that up.

Exactly....he is one of those who is never right about anything...ya know the kinda guy you go with to the race track and bet the opposite of what he does cuz ya know he is one of those with a knack for always being wrong.
Hillary is basically "done"

She has a YUUUGE lead on Trump and just has to coast to the finish line

According to CNN the lead is "narrow", and according to the LA Times Trump is back in the lead. Politics - Los Angeles Times

And now Hillary is trying to blame Colin Powell for her email scandal. That's a great move Hillary, blame the black guy for your incompetence, that will win a lot of black voters.

Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him
The liberal media has done everything it can possibly do to prop up hillary and put out false information regarding the polls trying to convince folks Trump cannot win...........yet still it is a neck and neck race.

Wayne Allyn Root - Hillary's Done... And She Knows It

Of course she is; she knows what kind of info is out there on her illegal emails, and her perjury is already well documented, and her fake 'foundation' scam is getting audited, finally. The Press shot it's credibility to pieces, they can't help here with fake stories and polls any more, and she certainly couldn't win a debate with Trump, so that option is one she will avoid, too. As for the 'electoral college' nonsense, it wouldn't be a good idea at all for the hacks to openly manipulate that; they're in more than enough trouble as it is.
Hilly may be giving up. She's tired.

There was certainly a deathwish in blaming Colin Powell.

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