Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

Calm down, Luddly Neddite. Hillary's toast in 2016. This is one of those unforeseen events, not shown in the usual trends. lol.

For the sixth time --- what "event" would this be then?


Wassamatta? Can't answer?
Link to the five other times, please.

So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up
For decades the political axiom has been that the Vice President is the heir apparent to run for the party's next presidential election unless he declines and throws the party into disarray as Chaney did to the republican party. Aside from the puppet masters in the DNC dropping FDR's Vice President from the ticket and appointing timid bean counter Harry Truman, both parties have always appointed the heir apparent Vice President to run in the next election. Democrats considered Joe Biden to be important enough to run as Barry Hussein's VP in two elections and to be a heartbeat away from being President. Why don't democrats consider him to be the front runner?
Hillary is too scary, of course unlike her husband and Obama, she's got a pair of balls. I actually used to like her way, way back, but I think she'd make an even worse commander in chief than our current racist-in-chief. Now all you lefties put down your shields for a minute, try to be rational, and explain why 6 million democrat women
just abandoned your party in the midterms. Why did they do that? Why did democrats themselves hand their own party its ass on a platter? Hmmm?

I think your math is off.

Every GOP Senate candidate who won got LESS votes in the midterms than Mitt Romney got in 2012.


And most of those states were states Romney carried. the only ones he didn't were Iowa and Colorado.

Point is, midterm vote totals are always lower, and 2014 was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Republicans didn't win, Apathy did.

I agree.

Republicans voted against their own best interests and the best interests of the country and Dems didn't vote.

We deserve exactly what we got - more Repub gerrymandering, photo ops and vacations.
For decades the political axiom has been that the Vice President is the heir apparent to run for the party's next presidential election unless he declines and throws the party into disarray as Chaney did to the republican party. Aside from the puppet masters in the DNC dropping FDR's Vice President from the ticket and appointing timid bean counter Harry Truman, both parties have always appointed the heir apparent Vice President to run in the next election. Democrats considered Joe Biden to be important enough to run as Barry Hussein's VP in two elections and to be a heartbeat away from being President. Why don't democrats consider him to be the front runner?
He probably is.

For the sixth time --- what "event" would this be then?


Wassamatta? Can't answer?
Link to the five other times, please.

So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

I haven't claimed there was one, doofus. Nor did I start a thread and then find I have no way to explain it.

For the sixth time --- what "event" would this be then?


Wassamatta? Can't answer?
Link to the five other times, please.

So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

Why can't you just tell Pogo to go read the National Enquirer? Why?
Link to the five other times, please.

So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

I haven't claimed there was one, doofus. Nor did I start a thread and then find I can't explain it.

You can find other stuff, yet you can't find what has been quoted all over the front page of this forum?

This thread really is funny! lol.
Link to the five other times, please.

So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

Why can't you just tell Pogo to go read the National Enquirer? Why?
50 other posters already have. Including you. :)
So that's a "yes". Can't answer.

There are snow jobs, and there are Belizeian blizzards.
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

Why can't you just tell Pogo to go read the National Enquirer? Why?
50 other posters already have. Including you. :)

You're an idiot. Aren't you the OP?
As usual, the tards can't back up their claims. They don't need evidence. The desire to believe on their part is all their masters require of them. They are so easily led to believe manufactured bullshit their masters don't even have to try any more.

That's why the best then can do is link to stuff, but not actually quote anything from their links which actually backs up what their sweaty brains so desperately want to believe.
Now that her husband has knocked Hillary out of the nomination, who will the Dem presidential candidate be in 2016?

Says who?
First Lewinsky, now Epstein. The Jewish people hate the Clintons and are intent on bringing them down.
Wait...are you an anti-Semite?
Why do those Jewish people continually bring down the Clintons? Do you think it's because they are WASPS?
Wattsamatta, can't answer? lol.

In linear time, your bullshit question-avoiding-answer was post 70. Mine was post 6.
And 16.
And 18.
And 51.
And 68.
Not to mention at least a dozen others from at least three other posters. Not one of which has been answered.

So you have nothing. Why am I not surprised.
Now look up 'new clinton sex scandal' since you're so good at looking stuff up

Why can't you just tell Pogo to go read the National Enquirer? Why?
50 other posters already have. Including you. :)

You're an idiot. Aren't you the OP?
I enjoy name calling too, Carla_Danger. Now go clean your colostomy bag. :)
As usual, the tards can't back up their claims. They don't need evidence. The desire to believe on their part is all their masters require of them. They are so easily led to believe manufactured bullshit their masters don't even have to try any more.

That's why the best then can do is link to stuff, but not actually quote anything from their links which actually backs up what their sweaty brains so desperately want to believe.

Their Secret Mountain Laboratory is feverishly working on ways to link that which does not exist.
So far, no luck. :(
Hillary is too scary, of course unlike her husband and Obama, she's got a pair of balls. I actually used to like her way, way back, but I think she'd make an even worse commander in chief than our current racist-in-chief. Now all you lefties put down your shields for a minute, try to be rational, and explain why 6 million democrat women
just abandoned your party in the midterms. Why did they do that? Why did democrats themselves hand their own party its ass on a platter? Hmmm?

I think your math is off.

Every GOP Senate candidate who won got LESS votes in the midterms than Mitt Romney got in 2012.


And most of those states were states Romney carried. the only ones he didn't were Iowa and Colorado.

Point is, midterm vote totals are always lower, and 2014 was the lowest voter turnout since 1942. Republicans didn't win, Apathy did.

The turnout was extremely low, though it was quite high here in Colorado...relatively. In fact the ideological turnaround here in Colorado was extreme, a crushing loss for the democrats. So with turnout so low, we need to extrapolate.

People can speak their mind just as much by not voting as they do when casting a ballot. Al Jazeera, the Isil Channel, did an excellent pre-election documentary on why so many democrat women were abandoning the party. These are middle and upper middle class white women with checkbooks, a demographic the left can hardly stand to lose. They see the democratic party as being weak in a volatile world, and they're concerned about domestic terrorism...like in Ferguson against defenseless Asians, or in NYC restaurants where good white liberals just got a taste of the racist crap urban Asians put up with 16 hours a day. Women no longer want a racist fraud as commander in chief. They want someone with a backbone. A lot can happen in two years.

Which is why I'm not writing Hillary off just yet.
Exhibit A:
Bill Clinton's immorality and sexual abuse of underage girls.

This is exactly what Beale's masters want him to believe without actually saying such a thing directly. They have become very good at getting these tards to believe anything while avoiding making direct allegations so as to avoid a libel lawsuit.

So here's the tard's "evidence". Nothing more than a link. The tards never provide a quote from their links to support their manufactured bullshit:

Upon actually...you know...READING the link, we find:
Yet Virginia Roberts stresses that she was never ‘lent out’ to Mr Clinton.

That doesn't stop the tards from imagining exactly what their masters want them to imagine as real.
Now that her husband has knocked Hillary out of the nomination, who will the Dem presidential candidate be in 2016?

Says who?
First Lewinsky, now Epstein. The Jewish people hate the Clintons and are intent on bringing them down.
Wait...are you an anti-Semite?
Why do those Jewish people continually bring down the Clintons? Do you think it's because they are WASPS?
I thought it was the RW conspiracy thing that wants to bring down the Clinton's. Who knew it was the Jews. I was thinking it was the Wookies and La Raza.
Now that her husband has knocked Hillary out of the nomination, who will the Dem presidential candidate be in 2016?

Says who?
First Lewinsky, now Epstein. The Jewish people hate the Clintons and are intent on bringing them down.
Wait...are you an anti-Semite?
Why do those Jewish people continually bring down the Clintons? Do you think it's because they are WASPS?
I thought it was the RW conspiracy thing that wants to bring down the Clinton's. Who knew it was the Jews. I was thinking it was the Wookies and La Raza.
I don't see them sucking and snitching or flying him to their private fuck hideouts.

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