Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
They are not peaceful protesters expressing an opinion. They are violent anarchists who loathe America and our laws. They are using violence to try and get their way instead of respecting our system. They are making our streets look like a third world country.

"At what point can we begin to declare violent Hillary Clinton voters domestic terrorists?

After all, you don’t see Donald Trump supporters beating innocent Hillary fans in the streets.

11 times out of 10 it’s the other way around.

Time to take a stand.

If you’re around the D.C. area on January 20th, 2017, be careful.

When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are planning “direct action” activism that will leave Washington D.C. in “total paralysis,” according to an organizer of activists and anarchists who plan to create chaos across the capitol city in an attempt to disrupt the inauguration and mobilize people in the growing movement against Trump.

Since Trump’s election, a movement called DisruptJ20 has taken off online among activist groups, anarchists, and the anti-facist movement. The goal is to organize the groups and ideologies under a shared goal: disrupting Washington D.C. on inauguration day in protest of Trump’s presidency in any way they can.
“We’re not just organizing some boring-ass march,” one of the organizers, Legba Carrefour, told Vocativ. “We want direct action.”

ALERT: Anarchists Planning Something AWFUL on Inauguration Day, Want to Leave D.C. in "Total..."

Good for them :clap:

I agree, it will just confirm to the country they made the right decision.
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself :laugh:

When the shit hits the fan, remember that you asked for it

Run along seditious asshole, you're not worth the air you breath.
You better pray that liberals continue to oppose guns as you try to destroy the rights and liberties Americans have fought for the last 100 years.
Good for them :clap:

I agree, it will just confirm to the country they made the right decision.
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself :laugh:

When the shit hits the fan, remember that you asked for it

Run along seditious asshole, you're not worth the air you breath.
You better pray that liberals continue to oppose guns as you try to destroy the rights and liberties Americans have fought for the last 100 years.
Good for them :clap:
I wonder if you'll be saying that when many of them are laying dead in the streets.

There is a call to arms to meet these clowns in the street. They pull a gun, they get shot.
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
Good for them :clap:

I agree. I think this is awesome. The more butt-hurt the Dims appear the better. I hope they continue to cry like little bitches for the next 8 years. The greater the butt-hurt and disruption the stronger Trump and the GOP gets.

Go Dims...Go!!!!! :thup:
I agree. I think this is awesome. The more butt-hurt the Dims appear the better. I hope they continue to cry like little bitches for the next 8 years. The greater the butt-hurt and disruption the stronger Trump and the GOP gets.

Go Dims...Go!!!!! :thup:

Democrats are not smart enough to realize it though. The entire country is looking at these anti-Americans on the news and saying "Do I really want to be part of that next election?"

Maybe that's what swayed some of them to vote for Trump in the first place. Watching those riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and then seeing the MSM and Democrats attack the police is a pretty good endorsement to not be (or vote for) a Democrat.
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.

Really? Over what, because snowflakes can't take losing an election?
You better pray that liberals continue to oppose guns as you try to destroy the rights and liberties Americans have fought for the last 100 years.

WTF rights and liberties are you talking about? Nobody's rights and liberties are being threatened. Do you libs make this stuff up because you're bored, or is this a psychological problem of sorts?
The "No Peaceful Transition" label on the top left is concerning. The peaceful transition of power is one of our most important qualities.

I wouldn't blame Trump supporters for looking at this as a positive. The uglier it gets, the better for them.
The left is governed by emotion and can't see the counterproductive outcomes to their behaviors. This election was a huge blow to them so they just can't contain themselves.

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