Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

If you pay attention to my posts you'll notice that I have no problem defending Trump when the left is being ridiculous.
I am absolutely noticing that you are demonstrating intellectual honesty and integrity

And you can count on me to treat you respectfully moving forward, even when I disagree with you
The PolitiFact scorecard

The PolitiFact scorecard

The PolitiFact scorecard
A left wing source claims Trump is lyong


The media lies about Trump consistently

You give me an example of a lie - find one and let's see if it can hold up to scrutiny


Trump's Mostly True claim about Clinton's free trade history

I know it had to hurt you or at least make you throw up a little to post that

But nice


I have this weird thing where I'm not willing to intentionally bullshit people just to win an argument. Being accurate is important to me. I've actually stopped debates to explain how I realized I was wrong. I don't get why it's not important to everybody.
Last edited:
OK, so I hear that "Trump is a liar" all the time, mostly from the left

On issues related to publlic policy, I have not seen it

In fact, I have NEVER seen a politician keep, or try to keep, as many campaign promises as Trump has

I don't wanna hijack this thread, but this is a discussion I want to have...

Where is the replacement for Obama care? What is the Trump plan…?
The one he advocated and lobbied for?

Let me let you in on a secret, since he pushed for a bill and called on congress to pass a repeal bill, he did.not lie

Failing to convince congress to pass legislation does not constitute a lie

Try again

Not sure if you were posting a response to the right post….
The Trump Healthcare plan is what exactly?

Patience. We have over six and a half years remaining.
Sorry to say this but you’ve just made a moronic statement. I know you hate Ms. Clinton but saying the SoS and all of the other myriad of experiences and posts she has held is not a leg up on a very nondescript senator from Vermont is intellectual dishonesty.

Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating integrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!

My, you do have a low threshold of enjoyment.

Rush Limbaugh prides himself on being an opinion, entertainment talk show host. Most popular, by far, in the country. He has never claimed to be a journalist.

But, whatever floats your boat.
Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating integrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that

He's loyal to the left. He took a piss on what he stands for in an attempt to create unity against Donald Trump. I understand why he did it; it was still very disappointing. I wanted him to keep swinging until the bitter end, and maybe even a cheap shot after the bell. If I could go back I still wouldn't vote for Hillary.
Last edited:
Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating integrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that

He's loyal to the left. He took a piss on what he stands for in an attempt to create unity against Donald Trump. I understand why he did it; it was still very disappointing.
I understand where you are coming from and if I were in your shoes I'd probably feel the same way

But he is a far better man than the piece of shit governor of Ohio, who.sold out his principles for petty spite
Bernie Sanders has been a Senator for decades. He is qualified. Hillary having held more positions in government doesn't make her a better choice, especially because of that whole lying thing. You're trying to make it sound like I supported some bum off the street. Get real.

Being a Senator does not, in any way shape or form, qualify someone for the office of President of the United States. A Senator follows instructions and sits in meetings. That's why it is called the Legislative Branch. The office of President is an Executive position, one who organizes and directs what is to happen and when. That is why it is called the Executive Branch. One for which Donald Trump is imminently qualified. Probably the most qualified we have had in decades.
Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating integrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that

He's loyal to the left. He took a piss on what he stands for in an attempt to create unity against Donald Trump. I understand why he did it; it was still very disappointing.
Member when I said there were situations where I could vote for Bernie?

If he was running against Kasich, I would vote for Bernie, because integrity matters to me...
Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating inyegrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that

However, there were things that Bernie said about Hillary to certain different media outlets, smaller ones, that I knew, HE KNEW, were false. For instance, months before she distanced herself from the TPP, which SHE negotiated, he said she wasn't really keen on it?!?

Things that I knew SHE was feeding to him. It was b/c of what the polls were saying. We all knew she would flip on that pre-election, and then pass it anyway.

Another instance was in that debate, when he told the entire Democratic base that the email kerfuffle was nothing. . . REALLY?

NOPE. I knew then, he was just a set up, he had NO INTEGRITY in my view. Black Agenda report was spot on, IMO.
Bernie Sanders has been a Senator for decades. He is qualified. Hillary having held more positions in government doesn't make her a better choice, especially because of that whole lying thing. You're trying to make it sound like I supported some bum off the street. Get real.

Sorry to say this but you’ve just made a moronic statement. I know you hate Ms. Clinton but saying the SoS and all of the other myriad of experiences and posts she has held is not a leg up on a very nondescript senator from Vermont is intellectual dishonesty.

Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.

Trump was unstoppable the minute he declared.

I knew, you knew, we all knew it.

The MSM was just in a serious case of denial.
NOPE. I knew then, he was just a set up, he had NO INTEGRITY in my view. Black Agenda report was spot on, IMO.
Fair enough

I don't know enough about any of that to have an opinion

My favorable opinion of him stems from what looks like an unwavering dedication to his (flawed) principles...

Does that make sense ?
The PolitiFact scorecard

The PolitiFact scorecard

The PolitiFact scorecard

PolitiFact, a joke.

They are owned by the far left wing Tampa Bay Journal. They occupy the same facilities, same editor, same writers and the same far left bias.
More disturbing that qualification for the job is not a mandatory quality in candidates you’re willing to support.

Bernie Sanders has been a Senator for decades. He is qualified. Hillary having held more positions in government doesn't make her a better choice, especially because of that whole lying thing. You're trying to make it sound like I supported some bum off the street. Get real.

Sorry to say this but you’ve just made a moronic statement. I know you hate Ms. Clinton but saying the SoS and all of the other myriad of experiences and posts she has held is not a leg up on a very nondescript senator from Vermont is intellectual dishonesty.

Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.

I never said Bernie would be able to do everything he wanted to do, or even a chunk of it. Republicans would have obstructed Hillary at every turn too. For me what mattered is that he's a good man with consistent values I agree with. He's the real deal; Hillary is not. I wanted his voice to be heard by all Americans and the world. I believe that would have been valuable on its own.

Hillary has been consistent and far more honest and real than Bernie. .
I knew then, he was just a set up

I don't think it's like that. I think he definitely pulled punches and even helped her a bit at times because he didn't want to create ammo for Republicans. He also didn't want his supporters to never be willing to hop ship in the likely event that he was defeated. He fucked up; no question about it. He didn't fight, and a willingness to fight is important. I think Bernie Sanders is too classy for politics, sadly.
Sorry to say this but you’ve just made a moronic statement. I know you hate Ms. Clinton but saying the SoS and all of the other myriad of experiences and posts she has held is not a leg up on a very nondescript senator from Vermont is intellectual dishonesty.

Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

Except he wouldn't and he isn't honest. I think you fail to see the world around you. Republicans control both houses. They do not like a lot of spending. Sanders plans involve a whole lot of spending. If he was president right now, he's probably be just as bad as Trump and those like you would be angry because he can't done what he promised. Even worse, Sanders inability to get anything done would allow republicans to continue controlling congress and Sanders would end up a 1 term president.
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report

Trump was unstoppable the minute he declared.

I knew, you knew, we all knew it.
Meh, I thought we were fucked and that the Hildebeast was going to destroy the country

I reluctantly jumped on the Trump train when he won the nomination because #neverhillary

SCOTUS was my primary issue

I wasn't sure he'd be worth a shit, but have been very happy with him

In fact, I like him as much as Reagan now

I'm full boat on the train with no brakea

That whole lying thing just wasn't true. And Bernie is not the most honest person himself. Bernie Sanders served for 24 years at the time he ran for president and he had not accomplished all that much.

He accomplished a great deal. For someone who never had a serious job, he weaseled his way into having taxpayers support him in the manner in which he enjoyed being accustomed. For someone who wants everyone else to share, he lives a luxurious life of privilege. He thanks you from the bottom of your pocket!
I actually agree with you here (except for the statement about him not seeing the world around him and Bernie being dishonest)

Bernie was less honest than Hillary. Dumb democrats fell for a right wing meme and now we got Trump which is exactly what they (you) wanted.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016 | Black Agenda Report
To me, this is an example of Bernie demonstrating integrity

I know that many of his supporters feel like he broke faith with them, but I disagree

He promised to support the dem nominee - he showed a hell of a lot more integrity than, oh, John Kas-Cuck, for example (who I supported in the primaries and for years before that - he is dead to me now)
And he had MUCH more reason to break his word here

He also advocated for what he felt was the best option for the country

While I disagree with him, I have to respect that

He's loyal to the left. He took a piss on what he stands for in an attempt to create unity against Donald Trump. I understand why he did it; it was still very disappointing.
Member when I said there were situations where I could vote for Bernie?

If he was running against Kasich, I would vote for Bernie, because integrity matters to me...

I think a lot of conservatives felt the same.

My dad is seriously conservative, but he was so disgusted with every candidate, he told me even he liked the guy. I don't even think he voted for Bill Clinton, but I think he would voted for Bernie over Trump.

He was sort of like that Beck follow, just, incredulous that a reality star was running for office. I guess that is what happens when you get to that age. Their view was that a completely Republican congress would keep that old socialist in check, and Bernie would keep that administration from being corrupt.

I mean, C'mon, under Bush and Obama, the DoD was missing Trillions, hell, it probably still is.

Bernie would have loved to clear that up so he could give it away to needy college kids.

Kind of moot talking about it though. I honestly believe that the fix was in from the start.


I think
Hillary has been consistent and far more honest and real than Bernie. .

Some opinions truly boggle the mind. I think if the video and the rest of this thread didn't change your mind then nothing will. Oh well, I suppose it would have been foolish to expect otherwise from a Clinton supporter.

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