Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

Trump was unstoppable the minute he declared.

I knew, you knew, we all knew it.
Meh, I thought we were fucked and that the Hildebeast was going to destroy the country

I reluctantly jumped on the Trump train when he won the nomination because #neverhillary

SCOTUS was my primary issue

I wasn't sure he'd be worth a shit, but have been very happy with him

In fact, I like him as much as Reagan now

I'm full boat on the train with no brakea


I knew they would make him president, I didn't say I voted this time out. . . .
And while Hillary was up, down, left and right with her political opinions, Bernie Sanders has been consistent for 30 years. Oh, and when I say consistent I mean actually consistent. Not the kind of consistency Hillary supporters refer to, which seems to be the opposite of consistency.

I think Bernie Sanders is too classy for politics, sadly.

Bernie Sanders has never accomplished anything in his life nor had a real job. He has done quite well for himself convincing far left Progressives that he is all for helping the poor and downtrodden. He preaches one thing while he himself enjoys several luxurious homes along with luxurious cars.
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He preaches one thing while he himself enjoys several luxurious homes along with luxurious cars.

Bernie Sanders is worth 2 million dollars after a pretty successful presidential bid and decades as a senator. Mitt Romney is worth 200 million dollars. Hillary is worth 50 million+, Obama 40 million. Does he really need to be living paycheck to paycheck for him to be credible in his message?
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Her love for NAFTA to now as always hated NAFTA.
Hillary always hated NAFTA, even your MessiahRushie admitted it!

Rush's Qualifications for President
January 2, 2008
RUSH: I advised Clinton on every key issue. I was working behind the scenes to run the country and add to his legacy. ...
What about NAFTA? When Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and his wife, Hillary was against it, somebody changed his mind. Who do you think did that? Remember Algore in the debate with Ross Perot, cited me as a distinguished American in favor of NAFTA.

Watch the video and listen to what she Satan, I really don’t care what you or Limbaugh think, you are both out of touch with reality.
I proved the video is a lie, but the lying scum Right can't be honest about it.

Yes, be honest about it.

Trump's Mostly True claim about Clinton's free trade history

What I find funny is you claim Limbaugh lies ALL the time, yet you will use him to back your political agenda, gives insight to you as a person.
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I proved the video is a lie, but the lying scum Right can't be honest about it.
No you didn't
I certainly did. If you noticed the video's NAFTA lie, unlike all the other claims on the video, didn't include any direct quote from her, only prople's OPINION of where she stood or what she MIGHT have said. I posted a quote from a known Hillary hater giving a contrary OPINION. My proof that the video lied is just as valid, if not more so since my source is known to NEVER EVER defend Hillary, as the video's "proof" that Hillary lied.

Trump's Mostly True claim about Clinton's free trade history

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

Why do you think they would care?

Hillary promised them the pork provided by the tax payer. That's all they care about. So what if civilization crumbles...
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!
My, you do have a low threshold of enjoyment.
Rush Limbaugh prides himself on being an opinion, entertainment talk show host. Most popular, by far, in the country. He has never claimed to be a journalist.
January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
More disturbing that qualification for the job is not a mandatory quality in candidates you’re willing to support.

Bernie Sanders has been a Senator for decades. He is qualified. Hillary having held more positions in government doesn't make her a better choice, especially because of that whole lying thing. You're trying to make it sound like I supported some bum off the street. Get real.

Sorry to say this but you’ve just made a moronic statement. I know you hate Ms. Clinton but saying the SoS and all of the other myriad of experiences and posts she has held is not a leg up on a very nondescript senator from Vermont is intellectual dishonesty.

Bernie would have made a much better president, and honesty is important.

There is a difference between being idealistic and being gullible. Bernie is hopelessly gullible.
sadly, blacks commit half of all murder in this country and make up 13% of the population. I want my liberalism to be honest
It is sad, and the real truth is that this is allowed to continue because MOST of the murders are committed against other blacks

Bring that shit into the suburbs and it would be stopped with a quickness

And NO, this is not because of RACISM - this shit happens in places like Atlanta, Memphis and New Orleans; major cities run by blacks

Not when 85 percent of all white murders are white on white. The shit happens in the suburbs. And in about the same numbers..

Wait a minute.....
Did you just make the claim that there are as many murders in the suburbs as in the inner city?

The last murder in my area was committed by a black hood rat that traveled out of the ghetto to find a robbery victim....shot a sixteen year old girl in the head for her purse.
I get it that there was a bill that failed. Okay. What was Trump’s Plan. He said he had a plan.

I’m asking you what the plan was…

He said he would come up with a plan by working with Congress

He attempted to do so and his term is not up yet

This is clearly not an example of a lie, except for in liberal la la land

So the President of the US has no healthcare plan of his own.
I get it that there was a bill that failed. Okay. What was Trump’s Plan. He said he had a plan.

I’m asking you what the plan was…

He said he would come up with a plan by working with Congress

He attempted to do so and his term is not up yet

This is clearly not an example of a lie, except for in liberal la la land

So the President of the US has no healthcare plan of his own.
And if he did tomorrow you'd say he wasn't qualified to have a plan at all...............lol

Was Obamacare planned and devised by Obama........lol

That plan was on the books since Bill Clinton was in office................

Another day in Trump Bashing............LOL

This place cracks me up.
I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

Why do you have this instinct to re-invent the wheel?
sadly, blacks commit half of all murder in this country and make up 13% of the population. I want my liberalism to be honest
It is sad, and the real truth is that this is allowed to continue because MOST of the murders are committed against other blacks

Bring that shit into the suburbs and it would be stopped with a quickness

And NO, this is not because of RACISM - this shit happens in places like Atlanta, Memphis and New Orleans; major cities run by blacks

Not when 85 percent of all white murders are white on white. The shit happens in the suburbs. And in about the same numbers..

Wait a minute.....
Did you just make the claim that there are as many murders in the suburbs as in the inner city?

The last murder in my area was committed by a black hood rat that traveled out of the ghetto to find a robbery victim....shot a sixteen year old girl in the head for her purse.
It's amazing the bullcrap that some here like IM2 is always attempting to manipulate us into somehow believing.. Pathetic.
sadly, blacks commit half of all murder in this country and make up 13% of the population. I want my liberalism to be honest
It is sad, and the real truth is that this is allowed to continue because MOST of the murders are committed against other blacks

Bring that shit into the suburbs and it would be stopped with a quickness

And NO, this is not because of RACISM - this shit happens in places like Atlanta, Memphis and New Orleans; major cities run by blacks

Not when 85 percent of all white murders are white on white. The shit happens in the suburbs. And in about the same numbers..

Wait a minute.....
Did you just make the claim that there are as many murders in the suburbs as in the inner city?

The last murder in my area was committed by a black hood rat that traveled out of the ghetto to find a robbery victim....shot a sixteen year old girl in the head for her purse.
It's amazing the bullcrap that some here like IM2 is always attempting to manipulate us into somehow believing.. Pathetic.

I for the most part ignore the idiot.

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