Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.


Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.


Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
Stop bringing up the Nordic countries as though they are relevant to anything. Their situation is completely different. The news you hear is bullshit world propaganda.

Here is the truth about Nordic socialism that you people love to bring up.

Its great there, if you are rich. Just like it is great anywhere if you are rich. That is the reason if you are a rich socialist, then your view is warped, and ignorant.
More reality about socialism in the Nordic countries that the left love to yell about.


More reality about socialism in the Nordic countries that the left love to yell about.


As if you could summarize any of the points if your life depended on it. You present these deviant, garbage opinions as if they arefact.
I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

No "Lesser Evil" Here, Despite What the Empowered Know-It-Alls Chant

Enough copying that media mantra. Trump won on his own; it didn't matter whom the Dhimmicrats ran.
More reality about socialism in the Nordic countries that the left love to yell about.


As if you could summarize any of the points if your life depended on it. You present these deviant, garbage opinions as if they arefact.

"C-Span and other news outlets are propaganda! Now listen to some random dude's opinion on the matter; he's very credible."
OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.


Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
Stop bringing up the Nordic countries as though they are relevant to anything. Their situation is completely different. The news you hear is bullshit world propaganda.

Here is the truth about Nordic socialism that you people love to bring up.

Its great there, if you are rich. Just like it is great anywhere if you are rich. That is the reason if you are a rich socialist, then your view is warped, and ignorant.

Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.
OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.


Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
Stop bringing up the Nordic countries as though they are relevant to anything. Their situation is completely different. The news you hear is bullshit world propaganda.

Here is the truth about Nordic socialism that you people love to bring up.

Its great there, if you are rich. Just like it is great anywhere if you are rich. That is the reason if you are a rich socialist, then your view is warped, and ignorant.

Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.

Maybe you should go there, are their borders open like ours?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.


Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
Stop bringing up the Nordic countries as though they are relevant to anything. Their situation is completely different. The news you hear is bullshit world propaganda.

Here is the truth about Nordic socialism that you people love to bring up.

Its great there, if you are rich. Just like it is great anywhere if you are rich. That is the reason if you are a rich socialist, then your view is warped, and ignorant.

Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.

Where the hell did anyone ever claim everyone was poor in socialist countries. We say the middle class is priced out and there are all but no opportunities for those in the poor class.

Hence, the reason so many from those countries are so desperate to get here. I can tell you are a rich elite white left winger. You have no real perspective on shit.

No offense.
Was he fixing to give that to Hilly ? Yes he was.. lol

I bet he regrets that one now.
He is going to need a stack of them for himself and his crooked family
Hence, the reason so many from those countries are so desperate to get here.

I don't think people from Scandinavian countries are desperate to live here. In fact some of them are afraid to even visit because of the possibility they could get injured and have to pay for U.S healthcare.
Maybe you should go there, are their borders open like ours?

Ah yes, such a great argument. "If you like it so much you should move there." Let me learn another language and spend years uprooting my whole life to move across the world, thousands of miles from important members of my family. No, instead I will advocate for us adopting similar policies.
Hence, the reason so many from those countries are so desperate to get here.

I don't think people from Scandinavian countries are desperate to live here. In fact some of them are afraid to even visit because of the possibility they could get injured and have to pay for U.S healthcare.

Above all Scandinavia is so white the people are basically transparent. America has too many Muslims and blacks for them, unless you ask Swedes, but they are the rape capital of the developed world so perhaps you shouldn't ask them.

Still the successful people very quickly head for the land of the free. See for example Linus Torvalds.
Hence, the reason so many from those countries are so desperate to get here.

I don't think people from Scandinavian countries are desperate to live here. In fact some of them are afraid to even visit because of the possibility they could get injured and have to pay for U.S healthcare.

Above all Scandinavia is so white the people are basically transparent. America has too many Muslims and blacks for them, unless you ask Swedes, but they are the rape capital of the developed world so perhaps you shouldn't ask them.

Still the successful people very quickly head for the land of the free. See for example Linus Torvalds.
They actually report all their rapes and include many that would not qualify as here. But thanks for the Discredited BS... Only third world shitholes want to move here, certainly not other successful countries. IE original EU Canada Japan Australia New Zealand. Who haven't screwed the non rich the last 35 years like our disgraceful GOP.
She attacked his past in any way she could. He's a true leftist and his record is consistent. If she had attacked him the same way a right wing nut job would attack him she would have lost the primary. Hillary lacked trust in her own party. Bernie would have unified the left wing vote that Hillary put a schism in. There's also the part where lots of people didn't even know about Bernie until it was too late. If he had made it center stage he would have been unstoppable. Trump lost the popular vote and barely won the states that secured him the election. Bernie absolutely would have pulled more votes than Clinton, and that would have been enough to win.

Hillary along with the DNC both admitted they cheated to win.

The landslide that saw Hillary Clinton swamped by Donald Trump would have only been that much worse had Socialist Bernie Sanders won.
She lost by 70k votes total in 3 states and won the popular vote by more than 3 million.
Hardly a landslide.
Hence, the reason so many from those countries are so desperate to get here.

I don't think people from Scandinavian countries are desperate to live here. In fact some of them are afraid to even visit because of the possibility they could get injured and have to pay for U.S healthcare.

Above all Scandinavia is so white the people are basically transparent. America has too many Muslims and blacks for them, unless you ask Swedes, but they are the rape capital of the developed world so perhaps you shouldn't ask them.

Still the successful people very quickly head for the land of the free. See for example Linus Torvalds.
They actually report all their rapes and include many that would not qualify as here. But thanks for the Discredited BS... Only third world shitholes want to move here, certainly not other successful countries. IE original EU Canada Japan Australia New Zealand. Who haven't screwed the non rich the last 35 years.

Well I am not sure they include all the rapes done by the 3rd world immigrants. It's quite a big number, such a privileged number should not be allowed to be discussed about. Better just turn away and let the raping continue, throw the ones speaking about it to prison for a death sentence like in the UK. The ones doing the raping, particularly to kids should be released from the prison in order to have the space. Yes...

3rd world shithole inhabitants want to move to any first world country. Most successful people want to relocate to the USA, but I don't think the immigrant hating democrats would let them in, you see, they vote republican.
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I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

Um, dude, she's a politician. Of course she's a habitual liar. So is Bernie. So is Trump. So is Jeb Bush.

You know why they are habitual liars? Because if they ever told us the truth, we'd never vote for them.

Case in point. Walter Mondale said in 1984, taxes had to go up to get the deficit under control.

He lost 49 states. Then Ronald Reagan raised taxes in the guise of "Tax Reform".

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