Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.

NOTHING is free and even the people in those Idyllic countries have no clue as to why they have been deemed the happiest.
She attacked his past in any way she could. He's a true leftist and his record is consistent. If she had attacked him the same way a right wing nut job would attack him she would have lost the primary. Hillary lacked trust in her own party. Bernie would have unified the left wing vote that Hillary put a schism in. There's also the part where lots of people didn't even know about Bernie until it was too late. If he had made it center stage he would have been unstoppable. Trump lost the popular vote and barely won the states that secured him the election. Bernie absolutely would have pulled more votes than Clinton, and that would have been enough to win.

Hillary along with the DNC both admitted they cheated to win.

The landslide that saw Hillary Clinton swamped by Donald Trump would have only been that much worse had Socialist Bernie Sanders won.
She lost by 70k votes total in 3 states and won the popular vote by more than 3 million.
Hardly a landslide.

LANDSLIDE by anyone's definition. Journalists, the DNC and the Clinton camp were forecasting that Hillary would win 400 of the Electoral College ballots. She actually won a grand total of 227. That son is losing in a landslide!
Sanders wants us to emulate the Scandinavian countries to whatever extent is possible. They are not, never have been and never will be communist. If you think a national healthcare system, affordable college and a handful of social safety nets is communism then you are very confused.
Stop bringing up the Nordic countries as though they are relevant to anything. Their situation is completely different. The news you hear is bullshit world propaganda.

Here is the truth about Nordic socialism that you people love to bring up.

Its great there, if you are rich. Just like it is great anywhere if you are rich. That is the reason if you are a rich socialist, then your view is warped, and ignorant.

Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.

Never happen here.. lol

It already did, after World War II, scuttled by Reagan. California public universities basically were free until him. And many other places. He was the worst, unless you live on planet Fox Rush garbage propaganda.

What's wrong with paying for your education or anything else in life ?? Doesn't that build character, responsibility, integrity, and financial stability in ones life ?? Why all the constant coddling as if grown young adults are so helpless and stupid that we have to make everything free and easy for them ??

Now the cost of education is highly debatable, and it should be regulated maybe, but not eliminated.

Why not?
Other nations manage to do it
NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.
Wait, I thought everybody was poor in socialist countries? Anyway, the Scandinavian countries have some of the best healthcare around. Their education system is outstanding even though college is tuition free. Their economies are growing and they are also the happiest countries on Earth.

NOTHING is free and even the people in those Idyllic countries have no clue as to why they have been deemed the happiest.
How dare they be happy!

The must not have conservative leaders
Trumps been busted lying over 3000 times in 15 months - and you hate Dems because there's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth....

your horseshit is the reason I dislike Trump and his dumbass collective.

Why not say 30,000 or 300,000 lies? In for a penny in for a pound.

Trump lies faster than we can fact check
Why not?
Other nations manage to do it

No other nation is nearly as great as we are either, thank you.
Not anymore, not after 35 years of Republicans giving away everything to the rich and cutting everything for the rest, silly Dupes. Every other modern country has a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave, cheap University and training, good infrastructure, four-to-six week paid vacations. Great job, jackasses.
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NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.

Because maybe, possibly a Democrat voter may read it and BEGIN to think. Not likely, but possible.

After all, this is your base!
NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.

Because maybe, possibly a Democrat voter may read it and BEGIN to think. Not likely, but possible.

After all, this is your base!

There are stupid people left, right and center.
NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.

Because maybe, possibly a Democrat voter may read it and BEGIN to think. Not likely, but possible.

After all, this is your base!

BS. Your Your propagandists found really ignorant blacks, perfect for racist Republicans. There was no Obama cash and Obama phones had nothing to do with Obama. Reagan started that and w added to it. Silly GOP dupes...
NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.

Because maybe, possibly a Democrat voter may read it and BEGIN to think. Not likely, but possible.

After all, this is your base!

There are stupid people left, right and center.

More left. Facts are hard to ignore
NOTHING is free

Why do conservatives constantly say this when universal healthcare and tuition free college are discussed? Do you really think people don't know that it doesn't come out of thin air? Do you think they don't understand that money is being used by the government? It's such a stupid thing to say.

Because maybe, possibly a Democrat voter may read it and BEGIN to think. Not likely, but possible.

After all, this is your base!

Must be getting desperate

More left. Facts are hard to ignore

When two honest and intelligent people disagree, one right and one left, it tends to be the case that's it's less about right and wrong and more about personal values and how either person believes the world should operate. I disagree that there are more stupid people on either side. I think it's about the same.
More left. Facts are hard to ignore

When two honest and intelligent people disagree, one right and one left, it tends to be the case that's it's less about right and wrong and more about personal values and how either person believes the world should operate. I disagree that there are more stupid people on either side. I think it's about the same.
I agree to a point, the left are more dramatic and attention whores. Do you really think the tax cuts were only for the rich?

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