Hillary supporters are unwilling to have an honest discussion. I'll prove it in this thread.

I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!
My, you do have a low threshold of enjoyment.
Rush Limbaugh prides himself on being an opinion, entertainment talk show host. Most popular, by far, in the country. He has never claimed to be a journalist.
January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
So, moving forward, you will accept Rush as an authority

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So...would the OP like to revise his thread title?

To what? A few that voted for her admitted she's a liar. That's great. Many still behaved as expected. They wouldn't even watch or acknowledge the video in which Hillary destroys herself with her own words. They don't want to understand.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

Why do you think they would care?

Hillary promised them the pork provided by the tax payer. That's all they care about. So what if civilization crumbles...

I dislike Hillary supporters with great intensity. That being said I think you underestimate them a bit. They think they're right and that the attacks on her are untrue. There's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

Why do you think they would care?

Hillary promised them the pork provided by the tax payer. That's all they care about. So what if civilization crumbles...

I dislike Hillary supporters with great intensity. That being said I think you underestimate them a bit. They think they're right and that the attacks on her are untrue. There's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth.

Yes, yes... But what is the reason anyone could be so partisan?

For many, the pork...
I'm not a right wing nut job. I supported Bernie and have never voted for a Republican. During the primaries somebody made a Youtube video that proves beyond question that Hillary is a habitual liar. It's impossible to argue it, which is why a Hillary supporter has never and will never attempt to do so. Think I'm full of it? Good, I am calling you out right now. Watch a 13 minute long video and explain to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not saying Trump doesn't lie, or that you should support him. I'm just saying Hillary was a terrible candidate, and that fact is why Donald Trump is now our president.

Why do you have this instinct to re-invent the wheel?

I guess I'm just a stubborn son of a bitch.

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

Why do you think they would care?

Hillary promised them the pork provided by the tax payer. That's all they care about. So what if civilization crumbles...

I dislike Hillary supporters with great intensity. That being said I think you underestimate them a bit. They think they're right and that the attacks on her are untrue. There's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth.

Yes, yes... But what is the reason anyone could be so partisan?

For many, the pork...

You may be right. It's also strangely important to some people that a person with a vagina become president. A lot of women had her back because "I'm with her! Female president NOW!!!" They got so desperate they started calling Bernie and his supporters sexist. It was a disgrace.
So...would the OP like to revise his thread title?

To what? A few that voted for her admitted she's a liar. That's great. Many still behaved as expected. They wouldn't even watch or acknowledge the video in which Hillary destroys herself with her own words. They don't want to understand.
Understanding involves absorbing and digesting facts. Libs don’t want that. They want to feel.....emote....blame.....Russians.....Stormy.....

Don’t watch videos...especially 13 minutes long

If you have a point to make...make it

The video shows her talking in many different instances. It's basically just her talking the entire time. There's no narration trying to trick you into believing some conspiracy bullshit. It's just Hillary lying, a lot. Her supporters have blinders on.

Why do you think they would care?

Hillary promised them the pork provided by the tax payer. That's all they care about. So what if civilization crumbles...

I dislike Hillary supporters with great intensity. That being said I think you underestimate them a bit. They think they're right and that the attacks on her are untrue. There's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth.

Trumps been busted lying over 3000 times in 15 months - and you hate Dems because there's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth....

your horseshit is the reason I dislike Trump and his dumbass collective.
So...would the OP like to revise his thread title?

To what? A few that voted for her admitted she's a liar. That's great. Many still behaved as expected. They wouldn't even watch or acknowledge the video in which Hillary destroys herself with her own words. They don't want to understand.

Well. You could have been a man about it and admitted that you grossly misjudged Hillary supporters. You've had several people who voted for her agree that she was a poor candidate and others have agreed with you about her level of honesty.

Now, supported Bernie in the primary. But when he lost I didn't lose my shit and do something stupid. You did. Such is life.
Trumps been busted lying over 3000 times in 15 months - and you hate Dems because there's just a 20 foot thick wall of partisan loyalty between them and the truth....

your horseshit is the reason I dislike Trump and his dumbass collective.

I'm not a Trump supporter.
Well. You could have been a man about it and admitted that you grossly misjudged Hillary supporters. You've had several people who voted for her agree that she was a poor candidate and others have agreed with you about her level of honesty.

Now, supported Bernie in the primary. But when he lost I didn't lose my shit and do something stupid. You did. Such is life.

Her true supporters didn't admit anything like that. It was just the people that held their nose and voted for her to stop Trump. I don't think I've misjudged them as a whole. Plenty in this thread behaved exactly as expected. They stuck their head in the sand and refused to even watch the video.
OP is close, but is still wrong. Sanders was there as a prop to appeal to hardliners. The ultra left wing American hating maoists, like the OP.

Hillary was there to appeal to the middle. Then, the witch would inevitably get the preordained nomination and the old rich cheap commie jew would endorse her.

The problem is what wikileaks revealed, and so Sanders played the role. Acted offended, and then of course he endorsed her anyway.

Go ahead and explain why Sanders endorsed her anyway. Oh, right. Cause Trump was bad for America? Yeah, well it was not Trump that fixed the elections.

Was Obamacare planned and devised by Obama........lol

That plan was on the books since Bill Clinton was in office................
Nope, the plan was devised by the Right-wing Heritage Foundation as an alternative to Hillary's 1993 health care plan.
I always enjoy making DittoTards eat Russia Limbaugh's words!!!
My, you do have a low threshold of enjoyment.
Rush Limbaugh prides himself on being an opinion, entertainment talk show host. Most popular, by far, in the country. He has never claimed to be a journalist.
January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
So, moving forward, you will accept Rush as an authority

Nope! Just making you DittoTards eat your MessiahRushie's words.

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