Hillary: We Are in a "Narrative Fight" Against ISIS

We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
ISIS has us surrounded on all fonts in this narrative war and the barbarians are within the gates. Yet another ISIS attack in America.

In the time Obama issued his plan to defeat ISIS we had Japan retreating in defeat.
Not an ISIS attack. An attack by a lunatic drawn into the ISIS narrative that he can help a group that has made 50% of the U.S. completely shit their pants.
Islamo attacks are never ISIS related, even when the terrorists and ISIS say it was.
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that's because they are stuck in the 'narrative'!
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
To me, it's irrelevant how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. I don't think it would be much better if we just walk away.

Well, I think Old School's point is that given OUR involvement in THEIR affairs seems to have engendered what we in the West call terrorism, continuing and expanding our involvement in their affairs is not going to dissuade them. And that is demonstrably provable, because every time we encounter self-radicalized Muslims who are legal residents or citizens, their motivation seems to be anger at our actions somewhere outside of the US. Not that I think there's any excuse for killing innocent people.

Trump believes, at least the extent he doesn't flip flop, that W's invasion was a catastrophe. And it was. I'd even argue Poppy's was too. And, Assad at least let people live impoverished lives if they didn't challenge him. And I thought our Syrian "strategy" was not a good idea. However, Trump's strategy of "Bombing the shit out of them" is not a strategy, because they are more innocents than terrorists in the areas Trump would bomb the shit out of.

Isis in N. Iraq is on the way out. What comes next is the question. Having an Iranian backed shia army kicking the hell out of sunnis sort of has the potential for a world war. The Kurds have a history of using bombs to blow up Turkish civilians for the fact that the Turkish govt has been mean to Kurds.
Ignoramous, the documented agenda of Islam is to conquer the world. Pull your head out, ignoring them won't make them go away if you call your home planet earth.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
To me, it's irrelevant how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. I don't think it would be much better if we just walk away.

Well, I think Old School's point is that given OUR involvement in THEIR affairs seems to have engendered what we in the West call terrorism, continuing and expanding our involvement in their affairs is not going to dissuade them. And that is demonstrably provable, because every time we encounter self-radicalized Muslims who are legal residents or citizens, their motivation seems to be anger at our actions somewhere outside of the US. Not that I think there's any excuse for killing innocent people.

Trump believes, at least the extent he doesn't flip flop, that W's invasion was a catastrophe. And it was. I'd even argue Poppy's was too. And, Assad at least let people live impoverished lives if they didn't challenge him. And I thought our Syrian "strategy" was not a good idea. However, Trump's strategy of "Bombing the shit out of them" is not a strategy, because they are more innocents than terrorists in the areas Trump would bomb the shit out of.

Isis in N. Iraq is on the way out. What comes next is the question. Having an Iranian backed shia army kicking the hell out of sunnis sort of has the potential for a world war. The Kurds have a history of using bombs to blow up Turkish civilians for the fact that the Turkish govt has been mean to Kurds.
Ignoramous, the documented agenda of Islam is to conquer the world. Pull your head out, ignoring them won't make them go away if you call your home planet earth.
fock you.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
To me, it's irrelevant how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. I don't think it would be much better if we just walk away.

Well, I think Old School's point is that given OUR involvement in THEIR affairs seems to have engendered what we in the West call terrorism, continuing and expanding our involvement in their affairs is not going to dissuade them. And that is demonstrably provable, because every time we encounter self-radicalized Muslims who are legal residents or citizens, their motivation seems to be anger at our actions somewhere outside of the US. Not that I think there's any excuse for killing innocent people.

Trump believes, at least the extent he doesn't flip flop, that W's invasion was a catastrophe. And it was. I'd even argue Poppy's was too. And, Assad at least let people live impoverished lives if they didn't challenge him. And I thought our Syrian "strategy" was not a good idea. However, Trump's strategy of "Bombing the shit out of them" is not a strategy, because they are more innocents than terrorists in the areas Trump would bomb the shit out of.

Isis in N. Iraq is on the way out. What comes next is the question. Having an Iranian backed shia army kicking the hell out of sunnis sort of has the potential for a world war. The Kurds have a history of using bombs to blow up Turkish civilians for the fact that the Turkish govt has been mean to Kurds.
Ignoramous, the documented agenda of Islam is to conquer the world. Pull your head out, ignoring them won't make them go away if you call your home planet earth.
fock you.
Not my fault you're an ignoramous.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
The only one hiding is you, asshole.

What a flaming coward you are.
I'm not terrified, because I recognize the enemy.
Burying ones' head in the sand because you might offend them, now that is fear.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
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I'm not terrified, because I recognize the enemy.
Burying ones' head in fear because you might offend them, now that is fear.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
exactly button.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
The only one hiding is you, asshole.

What a flaming coward you are.
I never said that. Don't lie just because you can't come up with an argument.
The greater the fear over terrorism, the better the electoral chances of Republicans. This creates perverse incentive to enlarge the threat of terrorism, a fact that serves the interests of ISIS (whose primary goal is to find a corruptible element within the USA who will spread fear for them).

We live in a world where both the Republican Party and ISIS benefit politically from fear over terrorism.

God help us.
I'm not terrified, because I recognize the enemy.
Burying ones' head in fear because you might offend them, now that is fear.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
No you absolutely do not recognize the enemy. That's the problem with you alt-righties, you all see eveyone as the enemy.
Time to turn the page to a new chapter in America, a story without Hillary.
To capsulate. Old School's thesis, correct imo, is that because self-radicalized terrorists here believe their actions are justified by what we do "over there."

However, not only is much of the mess "over there" the result of our meddling, if we had just sat back and let ISIS run over the inept Iraqi Army, ISIS could be bordering Jordan, which borders Israel. Or Turkey, which borders Europe. Or the Saudis who are in many ways held ideological hostage by Wahabbism.
Wrong. I don't see you as the enemy. I do see you as having never dealt with someone that is a real extremist before, because if you had you would realize talking nice won't change their mindset. I sort of relate it to the active schizophrenic. Try reasoning with them when they believe they see the cia lurking everywhere to take them out. It can't be done.
I'm not terrified, because I recognize the enemy.
Burying ones' head in the sand because you might offend them, now that is fear.
Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
No you absolutely do not recognize the enemy. That's the problem with you alt-righties, you all see eveyone as the enemy.
The greater the fear over terrorism, the better the electoral chances of Republicans. This creates perverse incentive to enlarge the threat of terrorism, a fact that serves the interests of ISIS (whose primary goal is to find a corruptible element within the USA who will spread fear for them).

We live in a world where both the Republican Party and ISIS benefit politically from fear over terrorism.

God help us.
shit, libturds scare me hundreds of times more than terrorism. But to ignore them is unrealistic. And is what libturds do.
Isis is confined to a tiny strip of sand.
In France, in Germany, England, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota.
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...

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