Hillary: We Are in a "Narrative Fight" Against ISIS

To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...

Don't worry.

Your republicans are gong to re-take the White House in January 2017, and we will see the return of Bush's big government surveillance state (where you talk tough but forget to protect the eastern seaboard of our nation).

Every time someone farts behind the dumpster at Denny's, Fox News will flash "Breaking News - Terrorism Alert".

We will once again be agitated by terminal, 24/7 Color Coded Warnings (because fear benefits your party).

The United States of Fear, brought to you by the Republican Party, whose lax gun laws kill far more people than the retarded sand-monkey living in his parent's basement in east bum-fuck New Jersey.

Don't worry! Washington will save us!

All we need to do is give the federal government more money and power.

What could go wrong?


Come back when you can comment on an actual comment instead of just regurgitating your talking points

It's a sick fucking joke!

Terrorism benefits Republicans. It allows them to move money from social programs & public infrastructure to the weapons contractors who finance their elections.

It gives the neocons a national security context for creating military bases at the foot of the world's largest remaining oil fields.

It allows their politicians to control the headlines with fear so they don't have to answer questions about their failed economy (see 2008 when they used the war on terrorism to distract us from the nuclear bomb their policies detonated over the housing/financial markets).

It allows them to build secretive KGB-like agencies, like Homeland Security, staffed with surveillance bureaucrats who empower the executive to act against any citizen who threatens the power of government.

The Terrorist Threat is VERY real, but Republicans NEVER - and I mean NEVER - ask if giving more power/money to Washington will solve the problem or make it worse.

Republicans tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, yet they give it the power to rebuild whole Arab governments? What? Are you fucking kidding me?

When will Republicans learn that giving Washington more money and power will only make things worse?
Tell your Muslim comrades to start acting civilized then.

Those sand-monkeys ain't my comrades, but I can tell you this: they will never act civilized as long as the Republican party is willing to do their dirty work in the form of bankrupting America and destroying our civil liberties every time someone lights a firecracker behind Dennys.
Hey shitforbrains, the only attacking of civil liberties you motherfucker is you assholes telling little girls to accept men into their showers and ordering people to bake cakes they don't want.
You asshole.
You don't know the difference between terrified and pissed off do you.
Of course I do. Pissed off is "let's go kill them all." Scared is "the brown people are all evil get them away from meeeeeee." Acting on either is typically a bad idea.
You leftards are terrified to even say Islamic terrorism as if the boogeyman will jump out of the bushes. Cowards want to pretend it's a war of words and fonts.
Your entire argument is that there is no narrative war, and here you are reminding us that you loons have been bitching about semantics for years.
It's about knowing who the enemy is, dufus. Frisking a 80 year old great grandmother the same as a 20 year old male middle easterner because you fuckheads are terrified to offend Islamos will have historians laughing at you until the end of time.

Yeah, cause crazy ass terrorists won't use an old person? Especially when they known they aren't being checked .
Another dumbass leftard thinking 80 year old women are blowing people up.
What a pathetic fuckhead
Of course I do. Pissed off is "let's go kill them all." Scared is "the brown people are all evil get them away from meeeeeee." Acting on either is typically a bad idea.
You leftards are terrified to even say Islamic terrorism as if the boogeyman will jump out of the bushes. Cowards want to pretend it's a war of words and fonts.
Your entire argument is that there is no narrative war, and here you are reminding us that you loons have been bitching about semantics for years.
It's about knowing who the enemy is, dufus. Frisking a 80 year old great grandmother the same as a 20 year old male middle easterner because you fuckheads are terrified to offend Islamos will have historians laughing at you until the end of time.

Yeah, cause crazy ass terrorists won't use an old person? Especially when they known they aren't being checked .
Duh look at me forgetting the obvious. Yeah weatherman who vetted that old woman? There is no way to fully vet any old woman that's walking around. Any one of them could have an IED in their purse, ready to massacre you.
Hillary can demonize law abiding Americans but kisses the fat asses of Muslims.
We know where the loyalty of Democrats lies.

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