Hillary: We Are in a "Narrative Fight" Against ISIS

To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.
Wrong. I don't see you as the enemy. I do see you as having never dealt with someone that is a real extremist before, because if you had you would realize talking nice won't change their mindset. I sort of relate it to the active schizophrenic. Try reasoning with them when they believe they see the cia lurking everywhere to take them out. It can't be done.
I'm not terrified, because I recognize the enemy.
Burying ones' head in the sand because you might offend them, now that is fear.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.
No you absolutely do not recognize the enemy. That's the problem with you alt-righties, you all see eveyone as the enemy.
Yes it is very difficult to reason with people who think everything is a threat
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."

I don't know if the military plans haven't been working out so well because they have been bad plans put forth by the military or because they've been hobbled by political goals, at least under this president.

We can argue there isn't a military solution, and I'd probably agree with that in terms of no path to total 'victory', but we are going to be embroiled in this in a military capacity for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather have the military guys coming up with the optimal plan for the military aspects of this and the political narrative being secondary to that, than the other way around.

People will argue, of course, that these things are inextricably linked in that if we don't pay attention to the narrative or perception or whatever, that this only helps the terrorists, but while I see the truth in that, I'd think the military experts know this also and are capable of taking that into account.

bottom line, I think this administration has been too focused on the optics and or policy goals, which has led to micromanagement of the military in order to suit that goal, which is something some of his ex Secs of Defense have corroborated in rare criticisms of a sitting president.
Soooo naive.
They were killing before the US existed.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.

Wash their hands of the whole thing? Oh my, brilliant!! ISIS will surely go "oh look, obama has walked away. Yay! We will no longer terrorize anyone! "

ISIS was born from American meddling, just like every notable terrorist group that came before it. There is nothing to gain from continuing to screw around there.
So dumb. Hey how many Americans did they kill before the west sent people to fuck around and go to war over there?

It was about 3,000 counting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon before we got serious. Of course the first WTC bombing, Khobar Towers, USS Cole, two US Embassies in Africa added to the number.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.

You don't know the difference between terrified and pissed off do you.
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."

I don't know if the military plans haven't been working out so well because they have been bad plans put forth by the military or because they've been hobbled by political goals, at least under this president.

We can argue there isn't a military solution, and I'd probably agree with that in terms of no path to total 'victory', but we are going to be embroiled in this in a military capacity for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather have the military guys coming up with the optimal plan for the military aspects of this and the political narrative being secondary to that, than the other way around.

People will argue, of course, that these things are inextricably linked in that if we don't pay attention to the narrative or perception or whatever, that this only helps the terrorists, but while I see the truth in that, I'd think the military experts know this also and are capable of taking that into account.

bottom line, I think this administration has been too focused on the optics and or policy goals, which has led to micromanagement of the military in order to suit that goal, which is something some of his ex Secs of Defense have corroborated in rare criticisms of a sitting president.

Iraq and W was a debacle. Don't even try to claim victory for that clusterfk. I think you can make a good argument that both parties have been tasking the military with missions they can't accomplish. We could have put 600K into Iraq and still not have prevented the Sunni Shia civil war where we sat around watching the sunni lose. And that is the real genesis of Isis.

And THAT imo is the central point of Old School.
We will fight them in paragraphs, we will fight them in the subtext, we will fight them in the footnotes and headers, we will .....

Hillary just handed Trump victory in November.
I wonder if the people in NY that have ball bearings in their bodies think it's a narrative fight? Or the people with new stab wounds?

Dumb bitch
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."

I don't know if the military plans haven't been working out so well because they have been bad plans put forth by the military or because they've been hobbled by political goals, at least under this president.

We can argue there isn't a military solution, and I'd probably agree with that in terms of no path to total 'victory', but we are going to be embroiled in this in a military capacity for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather have the military guys coming up with the optimal plan for the military aspects of this and the political narrative being secondary to that, than the other way around.

People will argue, of course, that these things are inextricably linked in that if we don't pay attention to the narrative or perception or whatever, that this only helps the terrorists, but while I see the truth in that, I'd think the military experts know this also and are capable of taking that into account.

bottom line, I think this administration has been too focused on the optics and or policy goals, which has led to micromanagement of the military in order to suit that goal, which is something some of his ex Secs of Defense have corroborated in rare criticisms of a sitting president.

Iraq and W was a debacle. Don't even try to claim victory for that clusterfk. I think you can make a good argument that both parties have been tasking the military with missions they can't accomplish. We could have put 600K into Iraq and still not have prevented the Sunni Shia civil war where we sat around watching the sunni lose. And that is the real genesis of Isis.

And THAT imo is the central point of Old School.

Are you calling VP Joe Biden a liar?

"As Iraq falls apart, it's worth remembering Vice President Joe Biden hailing that country as one of President Obama's "great achievements" in a 2010 interview with then CNN host Larry King:

"I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government," said Biden."
War on Terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, according to your logic all these war on terror partners have brought it on themselves

To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."

I don't know if the military plans haven't been working out so well because they have been bad plans put forth by the military or because they've been hobbled by political goals, at least under this president.

We can argue there isn't a military solution, and I'd probably agree with that in terms of no path to total 'victory', but we are going to be embroiled in this in a military capacity for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather have the military guys coming up with the optimal plan for the military aspects of this and the political narrative being secondary to that, than the other way around.

People will argue, of course, that these things are inextricably linked in that if we don't pay attention to the narrative or perception or whatever, that this only helps the terrorists, but while I see the truth in that, I'd think the military experts know this also and are capable of taking that into account.

bottom line, I think this administration has been too focused on the optics and or policy goals, which has led to micromanagement of the military in order to suit that goal, which is something some of his ex Secs of Defense have corroborated in rare criticisms of a sitting president.

Iraq and W was a debacle. Don't even try to claim victory for that clusterfk. I think you can make a good argument that both parties have been tasking the military with missions they can't accomplish. We could have put 600K into Iraq and still not have prevented the Sunni Shia civil war where we sat around watching the sunni lose. And that is the real genesis of Isis.

And THAT imo is the central point of Old School.
Isis is confined to a tiny strip of sand.
In France, in Germany, England, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota.

The likelihood of dying in a terrorist attack is less than the likelihood of dying from a lightning strike.

Yet, because the threat of terrorism benefits Republicans electorally, they claim the problem is correctable by giving Washington MORE money and MORE surveillance power. [Fucking morons: they think the solution to every problem is giving more power to Washington. The result will be an unresponsive surveillance bureaucracy that destroys our freedom but doesn't make us safer. Don't the Republicans get it? Washington only makes problems worse.]

In the words of the Republican Party:

"Hi. I'm from government and I'm here to protect you".

God help us.
Soooo naive.
They were killing before the US existed.
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.

Wash their hands of the whole thing? Oh my, brilliant!! ISIS will surely go "oh look, obama has walked away. Yay! We will no longer terrorize anyone! "

ISIS was born from American meddling, just like every notable terrorist group that came before it. There is nothing to gain from continuing to screw around there.
So dumb. Hey how many Americans did they kill before the west sent people to fuck around and go to war over there?

It was about 3,000 counting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon before we got serious. Of course the first WTC bombing, Khobar Towers, USS Cole, two US Embassies in Africa added to the number.
I said before we sent people to fuck around over there.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.

Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.

You don't know the difference between terrified and pissed off do you.
Of course I do. Pissed off is "let's go kill them all." Scared is "the brown people are all evil get them away from meeeeeee." Acting on either is typically a bad idea.
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.
Well the military experts pretty much didn't get it done in Iraq I Iraq II or Afghan
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...
yet if you haven't noticed neither party, and certainly not Trump, has displayed a coherent strategy to attacking terrorist forces abroad without inflaming muslim passions here.

Well, I guess we might differ a bit on exactly what the hierarchy of importance is there or even if these things should necessarily be linked.

While I can see the importance of telling muslims here 'this isn't about you', I think there's been too much mincing around on the topic, and this latest statement is just another example of that.

Let the military experts come up with the plan and let the politicians sell it as best they are able without hobbling that plan.

The military plans haven't been working out so well. To be fair to the generals, imo neither Poppy nor W consulted them on overall strategy, and it would not have been appropriate anyway. But if Obama concluded there is no US military solution to terrorism perpetrated by deluded muslims, I think the evidence is on his side.

Syria is simply a debacle we never should have lurched into. However, Obama's strategy of letting the Muslims and Kurds fight Isis while we are more or less supportive does seem to be working. I have a difficult time making any rational argument of why THAT should be bugging muslims over here. Afghanistan is another matter though. He should not have gotten into nationbuilding.

I would say this a very real reason to fear Hillary, and her emails are not, but she's not saying she'll "bomb the shit out of them."

I don't know if the military plans haven't been working out so well because they have been bad plans put forth by the military or because they've been hobbled by political goals, at least under this president.

We can argue there isn't a military solution, and I'd probably agree with that in terms of no path to total 'victory', but we are going to be embroiled in this in a military capacity for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather have the military guys coming up with the optimal plan for the military aspects of this and the political narrative being secondary to that, than the other way around.

People will argue, of course, that these things are inextricably linked in that if we don't pay attention to the narrative or perception or whatever, that this only helps the terrorists, but while I see the truth in that, I'd think the military experts know this also and are capable of taking that into account.

bottom line, I think this administration has been too focused on the optics and or policy goals, which has led to micromanagement of the military in order to suit that goal, which is something some of his ex Secs of Defense have corroborated in rare criticisms of a sitting president.

Iraq and W was a debacle. Don't even try to claim victory for that clusterfk. I think you can make a good argument that both parties have been tasking the military with missions they can't accomplish. We could have put 600K into Iraq and still not have prevented the Sunni Shia civil war where we sat around watching the sunni lose. And that is the real genesis of Isis.

And THAT imo is the central point of Old School.
How's Hillarys Syria doing? Don't even mention Libya.
Nonsense. They are pipsqueaks. All the more embarrassment to Obama that he hasn't had the backbone to squash them.
So you conservatives have completely given in to fear and terror because of pipsqueaks? Hmm.
The only cowards are the left who have your heads buried in your ass thinking they'll leave you alone.
The more terrified you appear, the happier ISIL will be. It helps with recruiting.

You don't know the difference between terrified and pissed off do you.
Of course I do. Pissed off is "let's go kill them all." Scared is "the brown people are all evil get them away from meeeeeee." Acting on either is typically a bad idea.
You leftards are terrified to even say Islamic terrorism as if the boogeyman will jump out of the bushes. Cowards want to pretend it's a war of words and fonts.
To a hammer everything is a nail.

To a politician everything is about the narrative.

the inability of Obama to see beyond his own hubris is one of the most defining characteristics of his presidency...

Don't worry.

Your republicans are gong to re-take the White House in January 2017, and we will see the return of Bush's big government surveillance state (where you talk tough but forget to protect the eastern seaboard of our nation).

Every time someone farts behind the dumpster at Denny's, Fox News will flash "Breaking News - Terrorism Alert".

We will once again be agitated by terminal, 24/7 Color Coded Warnings (because fear benefits your party).

The United States of Fear, brought to you by the Republican Party, whose lax gun laws kill far more people than the retarded sand-monkey living in his parent's basement in east bum-fuck New Jersey.

Don't worry! Washington will save us!

All we need to do is give the federal government more money and power.

What could go wrong?

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