Hillary: We Are in a "Narrative Fight" Against ISIS

We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
Soooo naive.
They were killing before the US existed.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.

Wash their hands of the whole thing? Oh my, brilliant!! ISIS will surely go "oh look, obama has walked away. Yay! We will no longer terrorize anyone! "

ISIS was born from American meddling, just like every notable terrorist group that came before it. There is nothing to gain from continuing to screw around there.
So dumb. Hey how many Americans did they kill before the west sent people to fuck around and go to war over there?
It's hard to pick a "starting point' for anything in history, and of course it's tempting to point to Truman ushering in Israel's existence - when there was a very real alternative of taking in any Jewish WWII refugee who wanted a safe place - or the CIA coup in Iran .... but in retrospect Poppy's glorious victory lap in Gulf War I looks even worse than I found it at the time. God knows how many we killed and the crowds cheered.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.

They're stronger? They're practically defeated in Iraq. Their attacks here are miniscule.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.

What year do you think this is?
And at one time it was expected for refugees to accept our culture, assimilate to American way of life.

Now, we are expected to allow their way of life to fit into the American way of life. They have lived under theocracy and expect that to continue, rather than change their past known way of life, particularly when you accept large groups of them.

Up until 2006 we had a 10,000 per year quota. No longer.
Actually they've been at it for generations, but thanks to technology and air travel, it now much easier.
Soooo naive.
They were killing before the US existed.
Wash their hands of the whole thing? Oh my, brilliant!! ISIS will surely go "oh look, obama has walked away. Yay! We will no longer terrorize anyone! "

ISIS was born from American meddling, just like every notable terrorist group that came before it. There is nothing to gain from continuing to screw around there.
So dumb. Hey how many Americans did they kill before the west sent people to fuck around and go to war over there?
ISIS has been killing Americans for generations? Damn maybe you rubes are right and they ARE the most powerful fighting force in the history of the planet :laugh:
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We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.
That wasn't ISIS either. That was a group that arose from a different American adventure in the middle east. And those attackers were actually part of that group, not fans who saw them on TV and thought they were cool.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
To me, it's irrelevant how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. I don't think it would be much better if we just walk away.
And at one time it was expected for refugees to accept our culture, assimilate to American way of life.

Now, we are expected to allow their way of life to fit into the American way of life. They have lived under theocracy and expect that to continue, rather than change their past known way of life, particularly when you accept large groups of them.
Actually they've been at it for generations, but thanks to technology and air travel, it now much easier.
Soooo naive.
They were killing before the US existed.
ISIS was born from American meddling, just like every notable terrorist group that came before it. There is nothing to gain from continuing to screw around there.
So dumb. Hey how many Americans did they kill before the west sent people to fuck around and go to war over there?
ISIS has been killing Americans for generations? Damn maybe you rubes are right and they ARE the most powerful fighting force in the history of the planet :laugh:
1st generations of immigrants have never fully assimilated.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.

What year do you think this is?
How short do you think attention spans are around the world?
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.
That wasn't ISIS either. That was a group that arose from a different American adventure in the middle east. And those attackers were actually part of that group, not fans who saw them on TV and thought they were cool.
So we walk away. Do you really think that's going to settle everything down?
We will fight them in paragraphs, we will fight them in the subtext, we will fight them in the footnotes and headers, we will .....

Hillary just handed Trump victory in November.

You might be right. I'm not sure Hillary can survive the "October Surprises" that lay ahead.

We will likely see ISIS go into hyperdrive because they NEED another president like Bush, who will give them their "War for Civilization". They want to control the headlines with fear, and the Republican Party's message system gives them constant 24/7 fear. [Republicans are unlike Israel, who doesn't give terrorists free press. They just clean the mess quietly and hunt/kill the individual terrorists quietly, like a police matter. By contrast, Republicans use fear to win votes. This means that they help terrorists achieve their primary goal: spreading fear.]

When U.S. Citizens are more afraid of terrorism, Republicans win. This fact creates perverse incentive to enlarge the threat of terrorism, a fact that serves the interests of ISIS

The worst-case for ISIS is a US President who doesn't let ISIS control US News with terrorism and fear. The whole point of terrorism is to disrupt daily life with fear. The more fear a president will spread (like Bush), the greater the incentive to attack.

ISIS wants to destroy the freedoms enjoyed by Americans, so they need a US President who will create things like the Patriot Act. ISIS wants to destroy the US Constitution by turning the USA into a police state; therefore, they need a president like Bush or Trump (or any Republican) who will use Terrorism to grow federal surveillance power. This is how you shut down a free society - by using an unwitting president whose political survival & power depends on scaring people.

ISIS also becomes stronger in the Middle East if they can get the USA to drop more bombs on Middle Eastern cities. ISIS propagandizes U.S. bombs and marching soldiers to draft moderates.

The last thing the Republican Party or ISIS wants is a stable, modern, secular middle east. Terrorism benefits both groups.
  • If the middle east becomes more stable and safer, the U.S. loses the necessary national security context for intervening in the world's most oil-rich region, and the Republican Party loses the fear that fuels their electoral message: "Hi, I'm from Big Government, and I'm here to protect you. The Democrats won't protect you."
  • If the middle east becomes more stable, this would have a modernizing effect, which would make it easier to pull them into the global community. Like interwar Germany, which felt like it was losing its culture/tradition/religion to the modernizing and secularizing effect of the global community, radical Islam would die if the middle east was allowed to modernize and secularize. Radical Islam does not want the middle east to be modernized and westernized. So they need to trick the USA into bombing citizens, so they can ensure those citizens reject the modern west.
ISIS and the Republican Party benefit politically from terrorism and fear.
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Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.
That wasn't ISIS either. That was a group that arose from a different American adventure in the middle east. And those attackers were actually part of that group, not fans who saw them on TV and thought they were cool.
So we walk away. Do you really think that's going to settle everything down?
We've never tried it so who knows? At the least the next group of lunatics that pops up will have to form without the benefit of us funding, training, and arming them.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
They haven't gotten us here. Losers that like their tweets and how much terror they've struck in the hearts of social conservatives have gotten us here.
There are two tall buildings missing in New York that say otherwise.
That wasn't ISIS either. That was a group that arose from a different American adventure in the middle east. And those attackers were actually part of that group, not fans who saw them on TV and thought they were cool.
So we walk away. Do you really think that's going to settle everything down?
We've never tried it so who knows? At the least the next group of lunatics that pops up will have to form without the benefit of us funding, training, and arming them.
We've already kicked the hornet's nest.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
So why doesn't Obama go in and finish ISIS off on that tiny strip of desert wasteland? What is he afraid of?
Because nobody wants him too. There is no stomach for boots on the ground after the Dubya disaster, and it would be a terrible idea anyways. America's best option is to wash its hands of the whole thing.
We can't. They're already attacking us here. Perhaps you haven't noticed because we keep hearing about lone wolves, workplace violence, no connection to Islamic terrorists, etc, etc. We walk away now, they get stronger, get more recruits and hit us harder. Of course, we could always do another hashtag. We're good at hashtags.
That's not really true. Until we told the Iranian whom they could elect and armed bin laden in Carter and Reagan's bid to rid the world of the Soviets ... didn't have that much trouble. Not even that much over our support for Israel.
To me, it's irrelevant how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. I don't think it would be much better if we just walk away.

Well, I think Old School's point is that given OUR involvement in THEIR affairs seems to have engendered what we in the West call terrorism, continuing and expanding our involvement in their affairs is not going to dissuade them. And that is demonstrably provable, because every time we encounter self-radicalized Muslims who are legal residents or citizens, their motivation seems to be anger at our actions somewhere outside of the US. Not that I think there's any excuse for killing innocent people.

Trump believes, at least the extent he doesn't flip flop, that W's invasion was a catastrophe. And it was. I'd even argue Poppy's was too. And, Assad at least let people live impoverished lives if they didn't challenge him. And I thought our Syrian "strategy" was not a good idea. However, Trump's strategy of "Bombing the shit out of them" is not a strategy, because they are more innocents than terrorists in the areas Trump would bomb the shit out of.

Isis in N. Iraq is on the way out. What comes next is the question. Having an Iranian backed shia army kicking the hell out of sunnis sort of has the potential for a world war. The Kurds have a history of using bombs to blow up Turkish civilians for the fact that the Turkish govt has been mean to Kurds.
We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
being that they are global, i'd say it is. Also, the fact that they kill the innocent for fun is another.
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We are in a narrative fight. ISIS is surrounded on all fronts in a tiny strip of desert wasteland. Their only means of attacking the west is using social media to influence psychos already in the west with their narrative. That narrative is being supported by many in America who keep touting ISIS as some kind of invincible army. Listen to a Trump speech and you'll walk away thinking ISIS is the most powerful military force in the history of mankind.
ISIS has us surrounded on all fonts in this narrative war and the barbarians are within the gates. Yet another ISIS attack in America.

In the time Obama issued his plan to defeat ISIS we had Japan retreating in defeat.
Not an ISIS attack. An attack by a lunatic drawn into the ISIS narrative that he can help a group that has made 50% of the U.S. completely shit their pants.
Islamo attacks are never ISIS related, even when the terrorists and ISIS say it was.

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