Hillary won the popular vote ... so???

What would have happened if the rules in the last election were switched to popular vote?

  • Hillary would still have won by the exact same 3 million popular vote margin

  • Trump would have run a different campaign and won the popular vote

  • It still would have been close, but there's no way to know who would have won

Results are only viewable after voting.
Really? He's indicting people all over the place because he has nothing?

For Russian collusion or insignificant bullshit that no one cares about?

Do us a favor and stop stealing our oxygen you moron.

Ask these men if it's insignificant bullshit.

Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort
George Papdopolous
Rick Gates
Alex van der Zwaan

Michael Flynn was charged because he contradicted his own testimony, not because of anything he did. You're obviously not doing your homework on this, so this post is a reject

Nice! You throw away three others in deep doodoo because you object to one. Very lame, but good on you for taking the easy way out.
The FBI is alleging that Flynn asked Kislyak on Dec. 22, 2016, to “delay the vote on or defeat” a pending UN Security Council resolution and later received a response to his request.

Flynn allegedly lied when he said he did not make the request and lied when he denied getting a report back from Kislyak.

What he wasn't charged with is the most interesting part.

Media reports said in November that Mueller is investigating an alleged plot involving Flynn and his son, Michael G. Flynn, to kidnap a US-based Muslim cleric from the country for as much as $15 million.

Turkey claims Fethullah Gulen was behind last year’s failed coup attempt. Gulen, who lives in rural Pennsylvania, denies the claim.

Questions have also been raised about whether Flynn was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the Trump campaign, at a time he was advising Trump on foreign policy. Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents filed Friday with his plea that he had also lied in foreign agent registration filings about the work he had done for Turkey, but he was not specifically charged for those false statements.

But I know Pubs like their politicians uber-dirty, so I'm not at all surprised you're fine with all the ugliness.

Here’s what Michael Flynn is charged with — and what he isn’t - The Boston Globe
Trump won the popular vote except for the criminal state of California.
Since we've clearly established that CA Gov. Jerry Brown doesn't believe in following the rules, it's highly possible that many of the extra 2.8 million votes Hillary got after Trump won the election were illegally manufactured.
Millions of Hillary's popular votes were illegitimate, from illegal aliens. Anyone who doesn't know this is out of touch.
Trump won the popular vote except for the criminal state of California.
Since we've clearly established that CA Gov. Jerry Brown doesn't believe in following the rules, it's highly possible that many of the extra 2.8 million votes Hillary got after Trump won the election were illegally manufactured.
Millions of Hillary's popular votes were illegitimate, from illegal aliens. Anyone who doesn't know this is out of touch.
Anyone who believes that is delusional since it can’t be proven. Shit, even Trump disbanded his investigation into the matter because they weren’t finding any evidence of illegal aliens voting.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

No, it's not how the elections are run. It's how they SHOULD BE RUN.

Surely THE PEOPLE should have a say in who their leaders are. Rather than a political system.

Why should some people have more votes than others? Why should people in one state get a say on who the president is, while people in another state don't?

How is that fair, and how does that make democracy?
The Electoral College system ensures that the Heartland also has a strong say in selecting our leaders.

We have a system of Electors.

Popular Vote counts at the State level, in propelling such Electors to the College in any given year.

Both sides knew the way the system worked.

Her Thighness chose to largely ignore Middle America...

She - and America - paid the price for her arrogance and hubris.

Straight, White, Christian America threw a flash grenade into the Big Blue Bus....

Trouble is, the dolts on the Left never learn from their mistakes, and delude themselves about their policies and agenda...

Dump the Hispanic DNC chair... dump the Muslim DNC vice chair...

Stop taking a stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your own fellow countrymen...

Write a 10,000 word essay on why using other people's money to play Tiny TIm: ("Everything for everybody") is not sustainable.
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Challenge you on what?

Try reading my post again ...

Again, I have no idea what you're so riled up about.

Remember when you were riled up in favor of the EV?

QUOTE]Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.
No, the electoral college members are not ignorant, nor are they free to vote for whomever they choose.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive.

You're mis-quoting me. Please change your post.

President Obama won 332-206.

Oh, was that what you’re talking about? Sorry to have hurt your feelings Shirley….

I guess I could have pointed out Obama’s PV victory as well all those times. But I thought it would probably send you snowflakes over the edge.

Too bad you can’t honestly tell us that Trump got more votes from the electorate than Ms. Clinton. Poor baby.

The obsession leftists have on talking about emotions is hysterical. It's a really important thing to you, huh? I mean you go to bed thinking about how people feel. I guess when your policies are so poorly thought through and have such horrible results, talking about how people feel is a winner for you compared to talking about issues

Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:

Yeah, that is why I said “taken” the Oval.
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:

Yeah, that is why I said “taken” the Oval.
Bull. The White House is taken every four years. Bush II won the EC and PV in 2004.
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:

Yeah, that is why I said “taken” the Oval.
Bull. The White House is taken every four years. Bush II won the EC and PV in 2004.

It was held.
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:

Yeah, that is why I said “taken” the Oval.
Bull. The White House is taken every four years. Bush II won the EC and PV in 2004.

It was held.
I believe you were looking for a phrasal verb - "take over". It is not my job to educate you where others have failed.
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?
Suck it up buttercup:

Yeah, that is why I said “taken” the Oval.
Bull. The White House is taken every four years. Bush II won the EC and PV in 2004.

It was held.
I believe you were looking for a phrasal verb - "take over". It is not my job to educate you where others have failed.

Good because you a dumb motherfucker.
Trump won the popular vote except for the criminal state of California.
Since we've clearly established that CA Gov. Jerry Brown doesn't believe in following the rules, it's highly possible that many of the extra 2.8 million votes Hillary got after Trump won the election were illegally manufactured.
Millions of Hillary's popular votes were illegitimate, from illegal aliens. Anyone who doesn't know this is out of touch.
Anyone who believes that is delusional since it can’t be proven. Shit, even Trump disbanded his investigation into the matter because they weren’t finding any evidence of illegal aliens voting.
He switched the investigation over to homeland security. Several states refused to cooperate. It wasn't a matter of not finding evidence, because there was tons of evidence. When more people vote in a Democrat district than there are registered voters.... Houston.... We have a problem.
Obama carried only 26 states in 2012. Did you see the right constantly claiming he was illegitimate?
Of course, yes, with a different approach: His birth certificate.

Both sides, same game, different approaches.

Same game? Trump and many of the dipshits here outright lied about Obama's birth certificate in a baseless conspiracy theory yet god forbid it's pointed out that Trump lost the popular vote which is fact.

Both sides are not the same.
Obama carried only 26 states in 2012. Did you see the right constantly claiming he was illegitimate?
Of course, yes, with a different approach: His birth certificate.

Both sides, same game, different approaches.

Same game? Trump and many of the dipshits here outright lied about Obama's birth certificate in a baseless conspiracy theory yet god forbid it's pointed out that Trump lost the popular vote which is fact.

Both sides are not the same.
Correct, both sides are not same. Nor have I ever said that.

Somehow, you STILL don't get what I DO say, but I've given up on that.
Obama carried only 26 states in 2012. Did you see the right constantly claiming he was illegitimate?
Of course, yes, with a different approach: His birth certificate.

Both sides, same game, different approaches.

Same game? Trump and many of the dipshits here outright lied about Obama's birth certificate in a baseless conspiracy theory yet god forbid it's pointed out that Trump lost the popular vote which is fact.

Both sides are not the same.
Correct, both sides are not same. Nor have I ever said that.

Somehow, you STILL don't get what I DO say, but I've given up on that.

They aren't even comparable. They are not the same game one side lies the other doesn't.

BTW, I stated 'same game', I used your own words why are you arguing with yourself?
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Obama carried only 26 states in 2012. Did you see the right constantly claiming he was illegitimate?
Of course, yes, with a different approach: His birth certificate.

Both sides, same game, different approaches.

Same game? Trump and many of the dipshits here outright lied about Obama's birth certificate in a baseless conspiracy theory yet god forbid it's pointed out that Trump lost the popular vote which is fact.

Both sides are not the same.
Correct, both sides are not same. Nor have I ever said that.

Somehow, you STILL don't get what I DO say, but I've given up on that.

They aren't even comparable. They are not the same game one side lies the other doesn't.

BTW, I stated 'same game', I used your own words why are you arguing with yourself?
Anyone who believes that is delusional since it can’t be proven. Shit, even Trump disbanded his investigation into the matter because they weren’t finding any evidence of illegal aliens voting.
Everybody knows illegal aliens vote by the millions. Everybody knows this is why Democrats import them and create sanctuary cities, and try to give them amnesty.

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Anybody that can't accept this as proof is either a baldfaced liar, or a complete idiot.

She lost even though she received three million more votes. If the Republicans want to pretend that the EC vote gives them some kind of mandate, right in the face of the popular vote, that's up to them. You'd think they would realize that losing the popular vote should at least be a mitigating consideration, but that has not happened.

The next elections are coming up, and we'll see how that worked out for them.
it was the number of states he won and why there is a mandate.

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