Hillary would have been a great president

It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I am surprised beyond words. I heard there were people out there who said such things, but they are so preposterous that no one in their right mind would ever say them without fear of being laughed out of the room. Yet, here you are, saying this. Wow.

Yep, and many millions agree with me. After all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. She was the true winner - even though she was cheated out of the presidency.

Everyday you slip a little further into immaturity/insanity Running Anus. She lost and the rules that have applied since the Constitution was written applied. Time to grow up little buckaroo.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
LOL,,,,,your wanna be:

it was a nice face plant.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I think she was/is corrupt, dishonest and a cheater. She made speech after speech to corporations and banks to enrich herself (which is why I call her a corporate whore) and did less than nothing to help average people when she was a senator. She would have been no different if she'd been President. You Hillarybots can't expect us all to be as blind as you are.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

The rich certainly wanted her. OUr trading partners, nearly all of which we have huge trade deficits, certainly wanted her.

The Deep State certainly wanted her. The media certainly wanted her.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
What do I think?
I think she’s an alcoholic who is well known for her violent outbursts....


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