Hillary would have been a great president

It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I am surprised beyond words. I heard there were people out there who said such things, but they are so preposterous that no one in their right mind would ever say them without fear of being laughed out of the room. Yet, here you are, saying this. Wow.

Yep, and many millions agree with me. After all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. She was the true winner - even though she was cheated out of the presidency.
. No, the American sheeple Demon-crat voter for whom thought Hillary was all that, was fixing to get the eye opening screwing of their life time. LOL
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

A Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 and we'd be in the midst of a second Civil War right now.

Really? Don't you respect the Constitution? Liberals didn't start a civil war over Trump - yet...
. They didn't ?? Could have fooled me if they haven't.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
Before I got stationed in South Korea I spent several years with the 10th Mountain Div. in upstate NY. Sen. Clinton went over to Afghanistan during the 10th's rotation. Some of my buddies I had stayed in touch with told me Commanders had to "ask" for volunteers because they couldn't fill seats when she came around for a meet and greet. I'm sure the brass kissed her ass but the enlisted hated her guts.

I noticed you didn't mention her time as Secretary of State.

As far as being a great First lady, well....

"Who’s going to find out they’re trash nobody’s going to believe them!"
– Hillary Clinton on her husbands "bimbo eruption".
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Really? Don't you respect the Constitution? Liberals didn't start a civil war over Trump - yet...

I have the deepest and most heart-felt respect and admiration for the TRUE Constitution of the United States... the Original one: not the one thst has been in place since 1861.

With that said, and even with my beliefs that women have no place in politics, and that Mrs. Clinton belongs in a mental institution, I would have accepted the results of a Clinton electoral victory.

It is the things I believe Mrs. Clinton would have done in the last fourteen months which lead me to believe we would have reached the point of a shooting war.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I am surprised beyond words. I heard there were people out there who said such things, but they are so preposterous that no one in their right mind would ever say them without fear of being laughed out of the room. Yet, here you are, saying this. Wow.

Yep, and many millions agree with me. After all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. She was the true winner - even though she was cheated out of the presidency.

And you double down. Amazing.
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If Hillary had won, the USA as a free democratic republic would be over. She would have completed the destruction begun by Obama, Clinton, the Bushes, and FDR.

The country did the right thing by rejecting her, those votes saved this nation.

The country did do the right thing by rejecting Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't mean electing Donald trump was the right thing.

It wasn't.
It’s a disaster

I'm sure all those working Americans who are getting bigger paychecks and bonuses would disagree with you. He is doing what we sent him to DC to do, drain the swamp and fix the mess created by both parties over the last 50 years or so.

Hillary lost, Obama was a terrible president, accept those facts before you go completely insane.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
I totally agree.!!! As Secretary of State she should have had (No oversight). - She should have had every right to use the position to pad her (personal) 'Monitory Coffers' with International funds... I'm getting bored here, but could keep going... if you want.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
I think that your a "basket case" Lakhota - Are you mentally retarded? - I'm actually serious here, you seem so disjointed.
She was cheated out of the presidency!

How So?

The US Constitution denotes Electors, not individual voters as the determination of the winner of the Presidency. If you don't like that, work to change that. Otherwise, too bad.

Unless you can prove to me, beyond a doubt, that operatives changed votes cast by citizens, don't even mention "collusion".

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