
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.

Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.
The Left tends to believe Hillary is qualified for the exact same reason that she is actually completely unqualified to be POTUS..... her gender.

The Left would like people to believe that being a woman is somehow sufficient qualification for being POTUS under the same reasoning that being black made Barrack Obama qualified to be President.... namely that it fits in with their anti-white, anti-male, and anti-traditionalist leanings.

While Barrack Obama's race was not and shouldn't have been a disqualifying factor, Hillary Rodham-Clinton's gender IS. Women have no proper place in politics and never have. It's that simple.
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Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.
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The Left tends to believe Hillary is qualified for the exact same reason that she is actually completely unqualified to be POTUS..... her gender.

The Left would like people to believe that being a woman is somehow sufficient qualification for being POTUS under the same reasoning that being black made Barrack Obama qualified to be President.... namely that it fits in with their anti-white, anti-male, and anti-traditionalist leanings.

While Barrack Obama's race was not and shouldn't have been a disqualifying factor, Hillary Rodham-Clinton's gender IS. Women have no proper place in politics and never have. It's that simple.

Two words

Golda Meir
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

Have you been nodding off, snorting penis, since Obama was elected the first time? You consider him - a fucking "Community Organizer," one of the greats in the White House? Do the world a favor and jump off a fucking building.
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

Have you been nodding off, snorting penis, since Obama was elected the first time? You consider him - a fucking "Community Organizer," one of the greats in the White House? Do the world a favor and jump off a fucking building.

Just because Obama sucks does not mean Bush doesn't.

They both suck. They are both two of the worst Presidents we have ever had.

And the Congresses we have had for the past 16 years are some of the worst Congresses we have ever had.
Well, if Hillary is elected - she won't be the first President in office with brain damage. Obama has those honors
Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.

I sort of agree. Mitt was probably the most qualified candidate we've had since .... BushI. He was proven a success in political and biz levels. I'd say BushII, but honestly the guy rode dad's coattails his entire life.

But, the gop is hostage to pretty fringe views. I mean is the candidate going to have to say let's get rid of EPA and Dept of Interior? Is the litmus test going to be not using any money from taxing docs and hospitals and insurers to pay for healthcare? The fringe sort of require anyone who's been a responsible adult to repudiate responsibility.

Whether one like's Hill or not, she's succeeded in political life, made money in corporate America, two term senator and S of State. If that resume doesn't do it for you, your dislike of her has nothing to do with the resume.

I think her age is an issue. Not so much health, but can she connect with voters? But, then Garfield pretty much had TR just to campaign for him. Who knows the future?

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