Hillary's doctor says she has "NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA"...it does not exist

LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

that which is called "walking pneumonia" is caused by a tiny
atypical bacterium ---Mycoplama pneumonia-----It is usually seen in young adults----sometimes in children---and ONCE ANTIBIOTIC therapy is instituted it virtually non-contagious. It is----(as far as I recall---so don't quote me) diagnosed on its
very typical Xray findings) I think I read that she is on Levoquin (that stuff will knock mycoplasma pneumonia not only out of her but the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD)--- thus she is no threat to anyone

Does that mean she was contagious from Friday, and maybe a few days before, when she was finally diagnosed with pneumonia? Why didn't the Doctor advise her then to rest and not make contact with other people? Do you think she was given Levoquin before she left Chelsea's apartment and greeted a little girl and was in contact with Chelsea and her children? So many questions, and I hope you have some answers.
She started the Levaquin on Friday, genius.
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Dr. Wof--LOL good one, and btw nice try--LOL

Healthline says bacterial pneumonia exits.

Bacterial Pneumonia

Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.

Yeah right....

LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

that which is called "walking pneumonia" is caused by a tiny
atypical bacterium ---Mycoplama pneumonia-----It is usually seen in young adults----sometimes in children---and ONCE ANTIBIOTIC therapy is instituted it virtually non-contagious. It is----(as far as I recall---so don't quote me) diagnosed on its
very typical Xray findings) I think I read that she is on Levoquin (that stuff will knock mycoplasma pneumonia not only out of her but the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD)--- thus she is no threat to anyone

Does that mean she was contagious from Friday, and maybe a few days before, when she was finally diagnosed with pneumonia? Why didn't the Doctor advise her then to rest and not make contact with other people? Do you think she was given Levoquin before she left Chelsea's apartment and greeted a little girl and was in contact with Chelsea and her children? So many questions, and I hope you have some answers.
She started the Levaquin on Friday, genius.

really-----LAST FRIDAY?------that's long enough for every
Mycobacterium pnuemoniae bacterium in a five mile radius to have SURRENDERED-------like four days ago
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
Maybe she has attacks of the vapours, or an excess of bile, or an imbalance of the humours, or the grip, or female hysteria, or dropsy...there must be a conservative doctor somewhere that could apply leeches.
Bubba said it was the flu....you'd think her husband would know what she had
Bubba's got dementia and you know it.

Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag

pneumonia secondary to mycobacterium pneumonium is VERY FLU LIKE in presentation and symptoms----flu ain't really a word

Take it up with Slick Willie, he used it

Yes----he also blamed her constellation of signs and symptoms and corrupt behavior on "chronic dehydration"------one would think he could hand her a glass of water--------occassionally
Bubba said it was the flu....you'd think her husband would know what she had
Bubba's got dementia and you know it.

Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag

pneumonia secondary to mycobacterium pneumonium is VERY FLU LIKE in presentation and symptoms----flu ain't really a word

Take it up with Slick Willie, he used it

Yes----he also blamed her constellation of signs and symptoms and corrupt behavior on "chronic dehydration"------one would think he could hand her a glass of water--------occassionally

He's too busy boinking Bimbos
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
Maybe she has attacks of the vapours, or an excess of bile, or an imbalance of the humours, or the grip, or female hysteria, or dropsy...there must be a conservative doctor somewhere that could apply leeches.

you left out the vital WONDERING or FLOATING womb
Bubba's got dementia and you know it.

Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag

pneumonia secondary to mycobacterium pneumonium is VERY FLU LIKE in presentation and symptoms----flu ain't really a word

Take it up with Slick Willie, he used it

Yes----he also blamed her constellation of signs and symptoms and corrupt behavior on "chronic dehydration"------one would think he could hand her a glass of water--------occassionally

He's too busy boinking Bimbos

could be he LIMITED her water intake-----for obvious reasons
Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag

pneumonia secondary to mycobacterium pneumonium is VERY FLU LIKE in presentation and symptoms----flu ain't really a word

Take it up with Slick Willie, he used it

Yes----he also blamed her constellation of signs and symptoms and corrupt behavior on "chronic dehydration"------one would think he could hand her a glass of water--------occassionally

He's too busy boinking Bimbos

could be he LIMITED her water intake-----for obvious reasons

Trying to off her, eh?
pneumonia secondary to mycobacterium pneumonium is VERY FLU LIKE in presentation and symptoms----flu ain't really a word

Take it up with Slick Willie, he used it

Yes----he also blamed her constellation of signs and symptoms and corrupt behavior on "chronic dehydration"------one would think he could hand her a glass of water--------occassionally

He's too busy boinking Bimbos

could be he LIMITED her water intake-----for obvious reasons

Trying to off her, eh?

No No----just keep her confused and------easy to handle

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