Hillary's doctor says she has "NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA"...it does not exist

There was medication. Often times only 24 hours is needed to reduce any possible contagious outcomes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reduced contagion maybe thought "Deplorable." At Trump Campaign, it is the Ku Klux Klan that is not thought "Deplorable," even according to Pence. They have had that contagion, time and again--going on over 24 months.)
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Idiot. It must be true that the majority of Trump supporters are uneducated....and not too bright. They put their ass out there without researching first, and don't care if they appear idiotic.

I suppose the chain-e-mails among Republicans are flying around like crazy....and then when they find out they were duped....they act like nothing happened....after they made asses of themselves.

Bacterial pneumonia is a respiratory infection caused by bacterial agents. It has serious symptoms. Is bacterial pneumonia contagious? How to treat it?
The infection of lungs that is caused by bacterial pathogens is usually referred to as bacterial pneumonia. Individuals who suffer from this condition usually complain of significant discomfort in the throat, fever, persistent cough and pain in the chest in addition to copious mucus production and shortness of breath. It is imperative to mention that some patients may not experience all the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia listed above; which is why clinical signs and radiological investigation is very important.

Is Bacterial Pneumonia Contagious?
It is hard to say with precision regarding the contagious nature of bacterial pneumonia. It is safe to assume that the risk is variable depending on the type of bacteria.

Most bacterial pneumonias are not highly contagious
Bacterial Pneumonia | MD-Health.com
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.

Not any time before? How do you know that when Bill Clinton referred to the more than 2 times she passed out that it was not a seizure?

Why didn't the SS take her to the hospital as they are trained?
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Dr. Wof--LOL good one, and btw nice try--LOL

Healthline says bacterial pneumonia exits.

Bacterial Pneumonia


try again...


I am merely quoting the doctor.

What do you get?
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.

Not any time before? How do you know that when Bill Clinton referred to the more than 2 times she passed out that it was not a seizure?

Why didn't the SS take her to the hospital as they are trained?

it seems to me that they already KNEW what was going on
with her
Bubba said it was the flu....you'd think her husband would know what she had
Bubba's got dementia and you know it.

Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag
I'm not defending her. I'm tellin ya, bubba's senile--watch his hands shake next time you see him speak.
Hillary isn't having seizures. That's a fact, sister.

probably not if by SEIZURE you mean epileptic seizure
Bubba said it was the flu....you'd think her husband would know what she had
Bubba's got dementia and you know it.

Your defense of Hillary is nearing comical. She's one sick old hag
I'm not defending her. I'm tellin ya, bubba's senile--watch his hands shake next time you see him speak.
Hillary isn't having seizures. That's a fact, sister.

Yeah she is....sistah
"Non-contagious pneumonia" is possibly a code word for Parkinson's disease.

She is unfit to be the president.
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.

Not any time before? How do you know that when Bill Clinton referred to the more than 2 times she passed out that it was not a seizure?

Why didn't the SS take her to the hospital as they are trained?
Not any of the times we've seen on video, is what I meant. God only knows what Bill is rambling about. That actually worries me a bit, though--IS there something going on we don't know about? But it's not the dumb shit these stooges are using as evidence.
They didn't take her to the hospital because the old bitch came to quickly and told them she was fine, told them to get her doctor on the phone, and then told them she'd fire the lot of 'em if they went to the ER. THAT'S why.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Idiot. It must be true that the majority of Trump supporters are uneducated....and not too bright. They put their ass out there without researching first, and don't care if they appear idiotic.

I suppose the chain-e-mails among Republicans are flying around like crazy....and then when they find out they were duped....they act like nothing happened....after they made asses of themselves.

Bacterial pneumonia is a respiratory infection caused by bacterial agents. It has serious symptoms. Is bacterial pneumonia contagious? How to treat it?
The infection of lungs that is caused by bacterial pathogens is usually referred to as bacterial pneumonia. Individuals who suffer from this condition usually complain of significant discomfort in the throat, fever, persistent cough and pain in the chest in addition to copious mucus production and shortness of breath. It is imperative to mention that some patients may not experience all the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia listed above; which is why clinical signs and radiological investigation is very important.

Is Bacterial Pneumonia Contagious?
It is hard to say with precision regarding the contagious nature of bacterial pneumonia. It is safe to assume that the risk is variable depending on the type of bacteria.

Most bacterial pneumonias are not highly contagious
Bacterial Pneumonia | MD-Health.com

"NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA" does not exist. What's the code for Obamacare?

The Web's Free 2016/17 ICD-10-CM/PCS Medical Coding Reference

I even linked the database for you. List the code.
"Non-contagious pneumonia" is possibly a code word for Parkinson's disease.

She is unfit to be the president.
It's code for ebola...everyone knows that...or is it kidney stones?
No, I'm sure it's ebola.
LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

that which is called "walking pneumonia" is caused by a tiny
atypical bacterium ---Mycoplama pneumonia-----It is usually seen in young adults----sometimes in children---and ONCE ANTIBIOTIC therapy is instituted it virtually non-contagious. It is----(as far as I recall---so don't quote me) diagnosed on its
very typical Xray findings) I think I read that she is on Levoquin (that stuff will knock mycoplasma pneumonia not only out of her but the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD)--- thus she is no threat to anyone

Does that mean she was contagious from Friday, and maybe a few days before, when she was finally diagnosed with pneumonia? Why didn't the Doctor advise her then to rest and not make contact with other people? Do you think she was given Levoquin before she left Chelsea's apartment and greeted a little girl and was in contact with Chelsea and her children? So many questions, and I hope you have some answers.

How would I know? There those aspects of her record were not revealed. The pathogen Mycoplasma pneumonia IS contagious-------not so much--but it is transmitted person to person from a person with untreated infection. In fact the infection itself can be asymptomatic in some people---People with the infection are not QUARANTINED. She is not like you and me-------she was UNDER TREATMENT with Coumadin and THEREFORE monitored with blood tests and someone likely put a stethoscope on her chest LOTS OF TIMES-----
The blood test for Coumadin would not include a test for
"cold agglutinins" <<<something seen in mycoplasma pneumonia people---but NON-SPECIFIC ----my guess is
that she was diagnosed and was under treatment----if I remember correctly ( will google sometime today) The
chest Xray of such patients plus clinical findings are virtually diagnostic.------some kind of weird fluffy exudates---here and there. I believe that in very compromised people it can be fatal------but so can just about any other bacterial or viral infection
(relying on remote memory)

I was not being a smartass, just asking since you have knowledge in this field. I guess my problem is the lying and lack of transparency. If she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, why did they not say that and say she was being treated with antibiotics. A lot of people that she came in contact with from Friday until Monday would feel a lot better if they had known she was not contagious.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Pneumonia is not her problem anyway.

There is no drug on earth that lets you bounce back from Collapsing Pneumonia an hour later and be walking around like your fine.

Of course there is, speed would produce the effect we saw when she emerged from the Apt.
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what neurologic impairment does she have that gives her
"seizures"--------"seizures" in the field of neurology ---is a word used NOW---in modern times----specifically for EPILEPTIC SEIZURES---that is events which arise in the brain because of aberrations in NEURONS------in the distant past like the Victorian age-------it was used for lots of sudden events. I do not believe-----based on revealed evidence --that she has epileptic seizures-----nor do I believe that she has Parkinson's disease
I've seen plenty of seizures, petit and grand mal. Probably you have too. That wasn't a seizure, not Sunday and not any time before.

Not any time before? How do you know that when Bill Clinton referred to the more than 2 times she passed out that it was not a seizure?

Why didn't the SS take her to the hospital as they are trained?
Not any of the times we've seen on video, is what I meant. God only knows what Bill is rambling about. That actually worries me a bit, though--IS there something going on we don't know about? But it's not the dumb shit these stooges are using as evidence.
They didn't take her to the hospital because the old bitch came to quickly and told them she was fine, told them to get her doctor on the phone, and then told them she'd fire the lot of 'em if they went to the ER. THAT'S why.

Prove it or pound sand Ma.
LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

that which is called "walking pneumonia" is caused by a tiny
atypical bacterium ---Mycoplama pneumonia-----It is usually seen in young adults----sometimes in children---and ONCE ANTIBIOTIC therapy is instituted it virtually non-contagious. It is----(as far as I recall---so don't quote me) diagnosed on its
very typical Xray findings) I think I read that she is on Levoquin (that stuff will knock mycoplasma pneumonia not only out of her but the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD)--- thus she is no threat to anyone

Does that mean she was contagious from Friday, and maybe a few days before, when she was finally diagnosed with pneumonia? Why didn't the Doctor advise her then to rest and not make contact with other people? Do you think she was given Levoquin before she left Chelsea's apartment and greeted a little girl and was in contact with Chelsea and her children? So many questions, and I hope you have some answers.
She started the Levaquin on Friday, genius.

I certainly hope that is true, but I would need a link to a reliable source to believe it. Do you have a link, or did you just make that up?
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Idiot. It must be true that the majority of Trump supporters are uneducated....and not too bright. They put their ass out there without researching first, and don't care if they appear idiotic.

I suppose the chain-e-mails among Republicans are flying around like crazy....and then when they find out they were duped....they act like nothing happened....after they made asses of themselves.

Bacterial pneumonia is a respiratory infection caused by bacterial agents. It has serious symptoms. Is bacterial pneumonia contagious? How to treat it?
The infection of lungs that is caused by bacterial pathogens is usually referred to as bacterial pneumonia. Individuals who suffer from this condition usually complain of significant discomfort in the throat, fever, persistent cough and pain in the chest in addition to copious mucus production and shortness of breath. It is imperative to mention that some patients may not experience all the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia listed above; which is why clinical signs and radiological investigation is very important.

Is Bacterial Pneumonia Contagious?
It is hard to say with precision regarding the contagious nature of bacterial pneumonia. It is safe to assume that the risk is variable depending on the type of bacteria.

Most bacterial pneumonias are not highly contagious
Bacterial Pneumonia | MD-Health.com

Thank you for proving that most bacterial pneumonias ARE contagious.
Come on guys...what's the ICD code? I linked the database 3 times. If I am lying and "NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA" IS a recognized disease, what is the ICD code?

ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), a medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains codes for diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.

The code set allows more than 14,400 different codes and permits the tracking of many new diagnoses. The codes can be expanded to over 16,000 codes by using optional sub-classifications.

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