Hillary's doctor says she has "NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA"...it does not exist

Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

Idiot. It must be true that the majority of Trump supporters are uneducated....and not too bright. They put their ass out there without researching first, and don't care if they appear idiotic.

I suppose the chain-e-mails among Republicans are flying around like crazy....and then when they find out they were duped....they act like nothing happened....after they made asses of themselves.

Bacterial pneumonia is a respiratory infection caused by bacterial agents. It has serious symptoms. Is bacterial pneumonia contagious? How to treat it?
The infection of lungs that is caused by bacterial pathogens is usually referred to as bacterial pneumonia. Individuals who suffer from this condition usually complain of significant discomfort in the throat, fever, persistent cough and pain in the chest in addition to copious mucus production and shortness of breath. It is imperative to mention that some patients may not experience all the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia listed above; which is why clinical signs and radiological investigation is very important.

Is Bacterial Pneumonia Contagious?
It is hard to say with precision regarding the contagious nature of bacterial pneumonia. It is safe to assume that the risk is variable depending on the type of bacteria.

Most bacterial pneumonias are not highly contagious
Bacterial Pneumonia | MD-Health.com

"NON CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA" does not exist. What's the code for Obamacare?

The Web's Free 2016/17 ICD-10-CM/PCS Medical Coding Reference

I even linked the database for you. List the code.

I suppose it would be this.

2016 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes J15.* : Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

I don't see a code for contagious bacterial pneumonia either. I suppose that's because it's both, you are not contagious through your entire illness and may only be so for a couple of days, you may not even know you are sick when you are contagious.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

:lmao: I knew there was no such thing as a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia based one really quick search the other day. It's the fungal pneumonia that can be non-contagious is what I recall.

Why is it the far right has no understanding of anything?

Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

:lmao: I knew there was no such thing as a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia based one really quick search the other day. It's the fungal pneumonia that can be non-contagious is what I recall.

Why is it the far right has no understanding of anything?

Come on now...you lefties are not supposed to stereotype.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

:lmao: I knew there was no such thing as a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia based one really quick search the other day. It's the fungal pneumonia that can be non-contagious is what I recall.

Why is it the far right has no understanding of anything?



Ooohh, fun.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

:lmao: I knew there was no such thing as a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia based one really quick search the other day. It's the fungal pneumonia that can be non-contagious is what I recall.

Why is it the far right has no understanding of anything?

Come on now...you lefties are not supposed to stereotype.

Pretty sure stereotyping assholes is in the manual.
Oops. It does NOT exist.

They need a different story.

Another lie...

Dr. Wolf: No Such Thing As 'Non-Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia'

:lmao: I knew there was no such thing as a non-contagious bacterial pneumonia based one really quick search the other day. It's the fungal pneumonia that can be non-contagious is what I recall.

Why is it the far right has no understanding of anything?



Ooohh, fun.

your daddy??
Obviously she is having seizures. They know what it is, th just will not come clean. They want her corpse elected if possible.

She may or may not have pneumonia, but she definitely has a neurological impairment giving her seizures.

Good thing she isn't contagious, because she is coughing up pneumonia bacteria every time she coughs.

what do you mean when you use the word "seizure". Do you mean EPILEPTIC SEIZURE?
Satisfied to remain ignorant?
LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

Everyone knows that pneumonia, the type Hillary must have had, is contageous.

From the NHS

Pneumonia is inflammation (swelling) of the tissue in one or both of the lungs. It’s usually caused by an infection – most commonly, bacteria and viruses, which are contagious. It can also be caused by breathing in a foreign object (aspiration pneumonia) or, in rare cases, a fungal infection, which is not usually contagious.

Is pneumonia contagious? - Health questions - NHS Choices

Everyone knows that antibodies are administered to fight bacteria, thus she had a contagious form of pneumonia.
Look, they're lying. Anyone with any integrity and common sense knows that. But if anyone speaks up, they'll likely go the way of numerous other Clinton victims. Somehow they'll suddenly begin feeling really really 'suicidal', end up in a freak car 'accident', or be murdered by way of random 'mugging.' It is what it is.
That's how a pussy talks. Scared of the wind and unknown shadows.

Are you a pussy?
Of course it exists.

The pneumonia itself is not contagious, but the germs can be. Look it up, dorks.
I sneezed once and got a dirt look from someone.

Now I know why,
Of course it exists.

The pneumonia itself is not contagious, but the germs can be. Look it up, dorks.

Is Pneumonia Contagious? | FastMed Urgent Care

Pneumonia Is Not Contagious, But Viruses and Bacteria Are

The most simple answer to the question “is pneumonia infectious?” is no. Pneumonia, in itself, is not contagious, but the germs that cause it often are. Germs and viruses that cause the flu, common cold, or bacterial infections are contagious and can lead to pneumonia.
Pneumonia is a result of contagious organisms.

I guess it's good she doesn't use Obamacare, because they wouldn't be able to code her "ailment".

She'll be fine and I look forward to the debates.
LOL everyone knows that disease are not always contagious and requires what phase they are in to be defined as "contagious". Sorry Republican shit-pipe suckers.

You just dont' know much about science.

that which is called "walking pneumonia" is caused by a tiny
atypical bacterium ---Mycoplama pneumonia-----It is usually seen in young adults----sometimes in children---and ONCE ANTIBIOTIC therapy is instituted it is virtually non-contagious. It is----(as far as I recall---so don't quote me) diagnosed on its
very typical Xray findings) I think I read that she is on Levoquin (that stuff will knock mycoplasma pneumonia not only out of her but the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD)--- thus she is no threat to anyone

Walking pneumonia or pneumonia after the fever is gone and antibiotics are working are not contagious. At that stage, they shouldn't make a person faint, either. Or are they still sticking to the dehydration lie? Dehydration can be fatal and when it's bad enough to make a person collapse like that, a hospital visit is in order.

Also, why did they claim that her type of pneumonia was not contagious after claiming that her staff had caught it?

Maybe if they'd make up better stories early on and not have to change them so much, they'd be more believable.

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