Hillary's New Ad Shows GOP Terrified of Her

Attempting to 'vilify' Clinton might work with some republican voters, but it's a failed strategy for the GE.
There is no need to vilify Hillary. Most voters dislike her and dont trust her as it is.
Well, most wingnuts, anyway. Honest, real Americans don't hate her at all.
Fifty percent of Americans hold an unfavorable opinion of her, douchebag.
Clinton unfavorable numbers highest in 14 years
You dont win with unfavorable ratings like that.
She told the mother of one of the dead at Benghazi that she would get the video maker responsible for her son's death knowing the entire time that this was a terrorist attack.
Explain to me how attacking the CIA Station because of the video is NOT a terrorist attack?
It was a spontaneous demonstration. The administration said that for weeks. Were they lying?
She told the mother of one of the dead at Benghazi that she would get the video maker responsible for her son's death knowing the entire time that this was a terrorist attack.
Explain to me how attacking the CIA Station because of the video is NOT a terrorist attack?
It was a spontaneous demonstration. The administration said that for weeks. Were they lying?
No, they weren't lying. Do you need to see the newspaper graphic yet again?

See if you can find Benghazi.


I bet she is in total shock of the dreaded gop candidates after she handed the republicans in congress their ass for 11 hours .... total shock !

So lying through her teeth is now called handing someone their ass?

It's amazing how nine investigations by PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE THE DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF THEM failed to find your elusive "truth."
Obama energy policy and obama removing troops from Iraq are responsible for those two issues.

Obama's energy policy has brought us gas under $2.00
WHen gas was nearly $4/gal it was Bush's energy policy. Even though Obama had been president for years.
So actually this is Bush's energy policy and Obama has been helpless to stop it. Thanks, W!
She told the mother of one of the dead at Benghazi that she would get the video maker responsible for her son's death knowing the entire time that this was a terrorist attack.
Explain to me how attacking the CIA Station because of the video is NOT a terrorist attack?
It was a spontaneous demonstration. The administration said that for weeks. Were they lying?
No, they weren't lying. Do you need to see the newspaper graphic yet again?

See if you can find Benghazi.


So did Hillary lie to Chelsea and the Egyptian government? Because she told them it was a planned terrorist attack and had nothing to do with a video.
See this is the problem when you lie: only thing you say can be true. So if you say two opposite things one has to be a lie.
Kinda sucks to be you, I'd say.
If there's any doubt the GOOPers are afraid of Hillary, just watch how fast they change the subject to: Obama/Biden/Anyone But Hillary...
Abject failure of duty to the tune of American deaths is not necessarily criminal. But it is morally psychopathic.

But Jeb says his brother's not to blame for 9/11.
And FDR might have allowed the Pearl Harbor attack. Has nothing to do with and doesn't justify HR Haldeman Clinton's failure and psychopathology.
Obama energy policy and obama removing troops from Iraq are responsible for those two issues.

Obama's energy policy has brought us gas under $2.00
After it forced the price to >$3.50 for years after it was <$1.40 when he was inaugurated. One step forward after years of three steps backward is regressive. He fooled you into not realizing that.
She told the mother of one of the dead at Benghazi that she would get the video maker responsible for her son's death knowing the entire time that this was a terrorist attack.
Explain to me how attacking the CIA Station because of the video is NOT a terrorist attack?
It was a spontaneous demonstration. The administration said that for weeks. Were they lying?
No, they weren't lying. Do you need to see the newspaper graphic yet again?

See if you can find Benghazi.


They lied straight up. For weeks. They were afraid the truth would hurt reelection.
Abject failure of duty to the tune of American deaths is not necessarily criminal. But it is morally psychopathic.

But Jeb says his brother's not to blame for 9/11.
And Dick Cheney made MILLIONS from Halliburton! Halliburton! HALLIBURTON!!
Are you denying that he did?
Are you admitting that Cheney is a lot smarter than Joe Biden?
You haven't answered my question yet. Are you denying that Cheney made MILLIONS from Halliburton?

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