Hillary's Speech at the convention


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Even though I am not a Hillary "fan" .... I thought her speech at the convention was awesome! Great speech to bring the party together!:eusa_clap:
I have never been a fan of Hillary's either, but that was one of the best political speeches I have heard.
Even though I am not a Hillary "fan" .... I thought her speech at the convention was awesome! Great speech to bring the party together!:eusa_clap:

Yeah, she's a hell of a woman. She proved yet again tonight that it should be her nomination.

And that smug bitch Michelle Obama in the audience really pissed me off. I wanted to jump through the screen and strangle her. The cameras stayed FIXATED on that evil glare she was giving Hillary.
Yeah, she's a hell of a woman. She proved yet again tonight that it should be her nomination.

And that smug bitch Michelle Obama in the audience really pissed me off. I wanted to jump through the screen and strangle her. The cameras stayed FIXATED on that evil glare she was giving Hillary.

:lol: you noticed that too, eh?
Again, it brings to mind how far women have come in less than 100 years.

She mentioned when her mother was born, women couldn't even vote, yet her own daughter got to cast a vote for her own mother for president.

One of my favorite lines:

"No Way-No How-No McCain!"


Oh, and "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits" :D
Even though I am not a Hillary "fan" .... I thought her speech at the convention was awesome! Great speech to bring the party together!:eusa_clap:

God, that was so much better than that lame snoozer of a speech by Mark Warner.
:lol: you noticed that too, eh?

Who didn't? But, hey, it helps McCain. Michelle did even more damage to the Clintonista by acting like a stuck-up bitch throughout the woman's entire speech. Clinton even gave a shoutout to Michelle about her speech, and Michelle still looked like a bitch.

Way to ruin your husband's chances.
Yeah, she's a hell of a woman. She proved yet again tonight that it should be her nomination.

And that smug bitch Michelle Obama in the audience really pissed me off. I wanted to jump through the screen and strangle her. The cameras stayed FIXATED on that evil glare she was giving Hillary.

she had the look of any racist. what's the big deal? i thought it was socially ok for a black person to be racist?
she had the look of any racist. what's the big deal? i thought it was socially ok for a black person to be racist?

You can tell she holds Clinton in contempt or something. Whatever it is, she better let go of it. She's already cost Obama setbacks in the past. I think it'd be funny if he lost because of his stupid fucking wife.

It's clear this convention will belong to the Clintons before it's over. Bill's speech tomorrow night will solidify that the Clintons are still relevant. Let's just hope Michelle can put a smile on her face for that one, but I somehow doubt it.
Here's the best part of Hill's speech:

The McCain campaign responded immediately, saying in a statement that “nowhere tonight did [Clinton] say that Barack Obama is ready to lead. Millions of Hillary Clinton supporters and millions of Americans remain concerned about whether Barack Obama is ready to be president.”

Clinton makes strong case for Obama - The conventions - MSNBC.com

I can't wait to hear Bill speak. I really hope he does what he should and tells Obama to go fuck himself.
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Ha That would be awesome!!:eusa_pray:

Wouldn't it? Obama had the nerve to call this man a racist, and he attempts to make amends by giving the guy the stage for one night.

I really hope Clinton takes advantage of it. It'd be one of the greatest moments in American history.
Wouldn't it? Obama had the nerve to call this man a racist, and he attempts to make amends by giving the guy the stage for one night.

I really hope Clinton takes advantage of it. It'd be one of the greatest moments in American history.

i can't see the clintons stabbing 0bama in his back quite yet, at least not at the convention. but soon after, it will come, hillary wants 2012 and will do anything to get it.
i can't see the clintons stabbing 0bama in his back quite yet, at least not at the convention. but soon after, it will come, hillary wants 2012 and will do anything to get it.

This would be the perfect opportunity, actually. It's supposed to be Barack's coronation. Pulling the rug out from under him now would ruin his campaign.

Especially if Bill makes a comment about how rude Obama's wife was during Hillary's speech.
This would be the perfect opportunity, actually. It's supposed to be Barack's coronation. Pulling the rug out from under him now would ruin his campaign.

Especially if Bill makes a comment about how rude Obama's wife was during Hillary's speech.

OMG Michelle is a such hateful hag! She was smirking and scowling and rolling the FU eyes all over the place. What a miserable piece of work that woman is.
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This would be the perfect opportunity, actually. It's supposed to be Barack's coronation. Pulling the rug out from under him now would ruin his campaign.

Especially if Bill makes a comment about how rude Obama's wife was during Hillary's speech.

would be great, but i just don't see it happening.

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