History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Andrew Kaczynski
March 17, 2013

The character is part of The Bible a ten-hour television series airing on the History Channel.


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History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama
Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah
Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Mythology and syfy is always big , can you imagine if a person really believed those bible stories as fact? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is interesting history how Primitive people saw things and attributed to supernatural stuff. For anyone to take the stories of the bible as true and literal in the year 2013 CE they are either uneducated and or have a screw lose:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I won't knowingly hire people like that.
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Yes. 2.5 Billion and counting. Soon the Glory of God shall cover the earth as the waters do. - book of Joel - I can't wait! You might want to get ready for it. Looks like you need a brush up course on the bible, Polkow. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ IS LORD and that includes you. Oh yeah!

- Jeremiah
I'm wondering if they are going to do some of my favorite bible stories.

Like Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to God because he made a foolish oath.

Or the bears mauling children to death because they mocked a bald prophet's head.
I'm trying to figure out, which one is the bad guy again.

God drowns every person in the world (including the babies), kills all the first born babies in Egypt, blows up Sodom and Gomorrah, kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson. In short, God's death toll is in the millions.

Meanwhile, Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. (He makes a roof fall in on Job's 10 Children, who were apparently adults.)
Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Yeah...well...I think I'd wait and see just what their interpretation of the Bible looks like before I started doing victory laps. If other Bible related programming on the History Channel is any indication, it won't come out as reflecting the same Bible I read.
I'm trying to figure out, which one is the bad guy again.

God drowns every person in the world (including the babies), kills all the first born babies in Egypt, blows up Sodom and Gomorrah, kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson. In short, God's death toll is in the millions.

Meanwhile, Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. (He makes a roof fall in on Job's 10 Children, who were apparently adults.)

How many has Obama killed?
The sad thing about the History Channel is that it used to do pretty good programs on history.

Now it's about Pawn shops, UFO's, truckers, lumberjacks, and so on. Oh, yeah, and the "Bible".

True, not as bad as the TLC, which used to be The Learning Channel, but now it's Honey-boo boo, Jon and Kate and Sarah Palin. Oh, yeah. And midgets. Got to have the midgets.
I'm trying to figure out, which one is the bad guy again.

God drowns every person in the world (including the babies), kills all the first born babies in Egypt, blows up Sodom and Gomorrah, kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson. In short, God's death toll is in the millions.

Meanwhile, Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. (He makes a roof fall in on Job's 10 Children, who were apparently adults.)

How many has Obama killed?

Have you seen someone for your "Obama Derangement Syndrome" yet?

It's never too late to seek help.
Gotta love it.

When "Game of Thrones" had a decapitated head that resembled President Bush..that was all the outrage..and rightly so.


It's good fun!
I'm trying to figure out, which one is the bad guy again.

God drowns every person in the world (including the babies), kills all the first born babies in Egypt, blows up Sodom and Gomorrah, kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson. In short, God's death toll is in the millions.

Meanwhile, Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. (He makes a roof fall in on Job's 10 Children, who were apparently adults.)

How many has Obama killed?

Not sure.

Because you folks are funny in how you attribute "deaths" to Obama.

Osama bin Laden was the result of a navy seal operation.

Al Alwaki (The Newest in a long line of Anti-American Conservative Heroes) was the result of Obama personally flying a drone up his ass.

In the world of you folks.
Well then..I'm totally convinced.

And Jesus probably looks much like Tab Hunter, too, right?
I'm trying to figure out, which one is the bad guy again.

God drowns every person in the world (including the babies), kills all the first born babies in Egypt, blows up Sodom and Gomorrah, kills David and Bathsheba's baby to teach David a lesson. In short, God's death toll is in the millions.

Meanwhile, Satan kills all of 10 people in the Bible. (He makes a roof fall in on Job's 10 Children, who were apparently adults.)

How many has Obama killed?

Not sure.

Because you folks are funny in how you attribute "deaths" to Obama.

Osama bin Laden was the result of a navy seal operation.

Al Alwaki (The Newest in a long line of Anti-American Conservative Heroes) was the result of Obama personally flying a drone up his ass.

In the world of you folks.
Well then I guess that just clinches it... yes... obama IS the devil.

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