History made: 2 women graduate from Army Ranger course

The US military is becoming a joke.

First we allow fudge packers to openly serve.

And now we have dykes in infantry combat roles.

What's next.......transgendered Seal Teams? ...... :cuckoo:
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Sunni Man and AvgGuy1A had a tough enough time in the old Army. They would not make it in this one. Congrats to the new Rangers.
If these two women graduated under the same standards as everyone else, more power to them. If the standards were lowered to allow them to graduate, that's disgraceful.
First of all congratulations to everyone who makes it through Ranger training- including these two women.
It is quite an accomplishment- especially for women who do not have the same kind of upper body strength as a man.

I am all for women serving. But- a side note on a report I heard this morning- lots of women flunking out of infantry training because of stress fractures- essentially the mind is willing but the body of a 140 lb woman is less likely to be able to support a full pack and combat gear than a 160 lb man.

At a certain point a decision will have to be made whether to allow women in as an exception- assuming they can survive without stress fractures- or exclude them from certain positions because of a higher rate of stress fractures.
Yeah, there were gays in the service with you, just as they were with me.
If there were any fudge packers like you when I served......they kept it a secret.

Because they wouldn't have made it past the next fire-fight if we had found out. ...... :cool:
Yeah, there were gays in the service with you, just as they were with me.
If there were any fudge packers like you when I served......they kept it a secret.

Because they wouldn't have made it past the next fire-fight if we knew. ...... :cool:
You know about them, because you were one of them. And you survived. Two more Muslim girls in Salt Lake left the Islamic community and their families, and apparently the Austin area is a great missionary field for young Islamic girls willing to convert to Christianity. And the dads and brothers know exactly what will happen if they try to hurt their female family members. It's a great day in America, is it not.
You know about them, because you were one of them. And you survived. Two more Muslim girls in Salt Lake left the Islamic community and their families, and apparently the Austin area is a great missionary field for young Islamic girls willing to convert to Christianity. And the dads and brothers know exactly what will happen if they try to hurt their female family members.
Sure thing fag boy....... :lol: :lol:
You know about them, because you were one of them. And you survived. Two more Muslim girls in Salt Lake left the Islamic community and their families, and apparently the Austin area is a great missionary field for young Islamic girls willing to convert to Christianity. And the dads and brothers know exactly what will happen if they try to hurt their female family members.
Sure thing fag boy....... :lol: :lol:

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