History made: 2 women graduate from Army Ranger course

Anyway, back on topic.

I bet these bull dyke so called rangers barely resemble women. .... :cool:
I've noticed the military isn't releasing any pictures of these two hideous looking beasts in order not to scare the public. ....... :cool:
They both had to re-do two of the three courses....in real combat that would have gotten them and probably most of their team discovered and killed. I have little doubt that a few females like Ronda Rousey and a few others could pass Ranger training. But that doesn't mean they can cut it when there's nobody blowing a whistle and the bad guys all turn out to be the good guys. I don't like it...it's leftist agenda tinkering under the guise that women can't be promoted without a combat MOS...that's simply not true.
I've noticed the military isn't releasing any pictures of these two hideous looking beasts in order not to scare the public. ....... :cool:

................^^^ Just like I figured.......bull dyke looking freakazoids. ....... :eek-52:
It should be remembered that the Commander at Abu Grabass prison was a woman who testimony revealed was afraid to venture down into the tombs to see what was going on with guards and prisoners.....she was relieved of her command, demoted from Brigadier to Colonel and sent home.

I've noticed the military isn't releasing any pictures of these two hideous looking beasts in order not to scare the public. ....... :cool:
Part of the white male insecurity complex is the idea that how you look determines if you are a woman or not and if you are effective at your job.
I doubt the enemy would feel any difference in being killed by say Beyonce or a raging bull dyke.
Good for them....but let's see how long they last.
Depends on how hot they are! good looking women in the bush would have to fight off their fellow soldiers more than the enemy!

Fear for arabs used to be of women showing their breasts with tight t-shirts and frightening muslim. Even eyeliner was a weapon in the hands of an Israeli soldier. It was ridiculous at time what arab press would say. The idea of a woman actually taking her shirt off and the muslim fighter all having heart attacks was not just a joke. They wanted to demand the IDF remove the women or make them wear burkas.

Now ISIS and Hamas are both training women soldiers but covered and hidden in black. Kurdish women in combat is offensive to ISIS.

Most men in US forces treat women in combat as one of the guys. They are also a touch of home and a reminder of wives and girl friend they want to stay alive and return to. Idiots would see them only as sex objects. Most soldiers treat women in the front like a sister. A sister that can whip them in a fight a lot of the time.

I don't know how testosterone levels can make soldiers of all ranks so
sexually aggressive in non combat settings and then be, as you posit, so controllable in combat settings. The following examples suggests that sexual assault is rampant in the military. So much so that special legislation had to be promulgated to address it.

The Invisible War Sexual Assault in the American Military Ruth Rosen

Many young women who join the military are idealistic, patriotic and ambitious. The military promises education, training, a possible career and the adventure of deploying to foreign lands. Even though military life requires serious sacrifices, most believe that the American military's Uniform Code of Justice is fair and equitable.

Then reality upends their lives. Male colleagues subject them to humiliating initiation rituals and grope their breasts and bottoms. Three soldiers gang rape a female soldier. A commanding officer holds down a woman as he threatens her with a charge of adultery -- which would end her military career and send her to prison -- if she tells anyone.

Politics Mother Jonesamerican-military-photos

Women in the US military are being raped and sexually assaulted by their colleagues in record numbers. An estimated 26,000 rapes and sexual assaults took place in the military in 2012, the last year that statistic is available; only 1 in 7 victims reported their attacks, and just 1 in 10 of those cases went to trial.
Part of the negro insecurity complex is fear of the white man. ...... :cool:
Good thing its not part of the Black or African insecurity complex. We all know the white male insecurity complex also includes Blacks and Africans of the male persuasion.White women tell us and a white boy even admitted to it.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

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