History made: 2 women graduate from Army Ranger course

As long as they didn't set different standards for the women then congrats to them.
Part of the negro insecurity complex is fear of the white man. ...... :cool:

There is no such fear in the urban areas except for those white men who are part of the occupying force that rarely patrol their neighborhoods but are ready to shoot their unarmed children for any reason when they do All blacks are the enemy to them, not just the criminal elements who are disposing of each other. The fear is clearly mutual.
How many Israeli, Russian, or Chinese women attend and pass the full version of their Ranger or even Special Forces courses.

Our female soldiers are pathetic.
Cops being wary of large feral negro's is a natural instinct who comes from dealing with them on the streets.

Most negro's have very low IQ's and lack complete socialization to equip them for modern civilization. ..... :cool:
White boys are deathly afraid of Black or African men. That in part accounts for their fear of women. White boys instinctively recognize the greatness of the melanin and its ability to dominate their weaker genes. Their white women instinctively notice the same and flock to Black and African men creating the fear in white boys that they will be bred out.. They feel the wisdom that Black Africans graced their ancestors with to bring them out of the caves and later out of the Dark Ages. They fear that all encompassing raw power and turn red in the face when you stare at them too long.
White boys instinctively recognize the greatness of the melanin and its ability to dominate their weaker genes.
The "greatness of melanin"......lol .......now I've heard everything. ....... :cuckoo: .... :lol: :lol:
You dont have to try so hard. Its obvious to everyone. :laugh:

You havent heard everything until you hear multiple white women tell you all about how afraid white boys are of Black men. :cool-45:
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Cops being wary of large feral negro's is a natural instinct who comes from dealing with them on the streets.

Most negro's have very low IQ's and lack complete socialization to equip them for modern civilization. ..... :cool:

They will also mow down your diaper head ass and give the same excuses
You havent heard everything until you hear a white woman tell you all about how afraid white boys are of Black men. :cool-45:
Black boy's have always been scared of white men.

Every black woman knows this and will confirm it. ..... :cool:
White boys are deathly afraid of Black or African men. That in part accounts for their fear of women. White boys instinctively recognize the greatness of the melanin and its ability to dominate their weaker genes. Their white women instinctively notice the same and flock to Black and African men creating the fear in white boys that they will be bred out.. They feel the wisdom that Black Africans graced their ancestors with to bring them out of the caves and later out of the Dark Ages. They fear that all encompassing raw power and turn red in the face when you stare at them too long.

Like we've already explained to your retarded ass, white women are trained in the public schools that the thing they should fear most is being called a "racist". So to demonstrate their fear of that, they agree to date the least dangerous coons which still leads to them getting knocked up, locked up, and their mother raising the little mulatto aka Barry Soetoro. Most white women think nigs stink and are ape-ugly which of course, is true. :afro:
You havent heard everything until you hear a white woman tell you all about how afraid white boys are of Black men. :cool-45:
Black boy's have always been scared of white men.

Every black woman knows this and will confirm it. ..... :cool:
Black boys may be scared of white men but Black men dominate and inspire terror in white guys. White women know this and freely tell us. White men like Norm Stamper also verify this.
White boys are deathly afraid of Black or African men. That in part accounts for their fear of women. White boys instinctively recognize the greatness of the melanin and its ability to dominate their weaker genes. Their white women instinctively notice the same and flock to Black and African men creating the fear in white boys that they will be bred out.. They feel the wisdom that Black Africans graced their ancestors with to bring them out of the caves and later out of the Dark Ages. They fear that all encompassing raw power and turn red in the face when you stare at them too long.

Like we've already explained to your retarded ass, white women are trained in the public schools that the thing they should fear most is being called a "racist". So to demonstrate their fear of that, they agree to date the least dangerous coons which still leads to them getting knocked up, locked up, and their mother raising the little mulatto aka Barry Soetoro. Most white women think nigs stink and are ape-ugly which of course, is true. :afro:
We've? Do you mean your alter ego the marine? :itsok:

Its not just the white girls so dont let your heartburn get the best of you. Its all women.

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As to looks....

Let me first say, I don't watch cage fighting as a rule. But I've seen clips.

And I've seen some of the very attractive women who cage fight.

You'd never get me to get in the ring with them. I am nowhere that tough.

And they are still very very good looking.
As with the Navy Seals. The grueling training regiment never stops. If these women have the goods, congrats to them.
Their work has only begun.
You project too much, Gomer.
Thats what you were doing with your shooty thing....projecting your rage at females.
Grow up.
Did you really suggest I grow up after you posted an emoticon of a guy shooting a woman with bare breasts? Wait. Is this white boy logic?
It was a joke, dudley.
Grow up boy.
Fuck you...bhoy....
Most men in US forces treat women in combat as one of the guys. They are also a touch of home and a reminder of wives and girl friend they want to stay alive and return to. Idiots would see them only as sex objects. Most soldiers treat women in the front like a sister. A sister that can whip them in a fight a lot of the time.

BS. The US military has some of the most misogynistic assholes the world has ever seen. They fight tooth and nail to keep women back. I witnessed this first hand.

I served and I've seen misogynistic assholes. Most men in service are decent people and if anything are over protective of women in the front lines.
In the arab world women are of lesser value. Now saudi has a woman jet pilot, but she is not allowed to drive a car. Women are serving more but in limit fields over there.
Women are more than capable of serving in combat theaters is some capacity, even if not all are not on the front lines. Chopper/jet pilots, medics, engineers, mechanics, communications, leadership, logistics, radar, fire fighters, sappers, all vital jobs. Women can be just as capable with an M-16, its not difficult.
You should have stopped at "most men in service are decent people"....
Sad day when our nation has to depend on lezbo's to defend the country. ...... :cuckoo:

why? Women are smarter.
The facade is crumbling. White guys like you are showing your hatred of anything not white and male.
Leave it you to fuck up a great accomplishment by two very special people with the God Damned race fucking card.....Asshole
Keep your fellow cave monkeys in check and you wont have to worry about anything being fucked up. :cool-45:

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