Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Hitler controlled the German economy...he was a socialist and socialism is a left wing economic system....to pretend otherwise is odd, because the other socialists, the communists, also controlled their economy....but the main point....the left wants to disown hitler because his crimes were public...everyone knows that he murdered at least, if not more, than 12 million people.....his death camps were liberated and his minions were put on trial for the world to see....

Not so his communist colleagues....their mass murder was hidden in vast empty places and was covered up by western fellow travelers like walter duranty and their agents in the west...who did everything they could to promote their brand of socialism and followed the orders of their socialist masters in the soviet union....the communist mass murder in China was hidden as well....and even today...you have people in obama's administration quoting mao favorably....and without shame....

So, the left has been able to hide the fact that leftism and socialism at it's worst leads to mass murder on a scale that is just hard for regular people to understand...as stalin or lenin is said to have pointed out....one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic....

Except for hitler....there is no way for them to hide his mass murder....and beside this, he didn't want socialism on an international scale...so the international socialists were against him for that....and the fact that at the outset he defeated them in Germany just really pissed them off....so they have every reason to separate his brand of socialism from theirs....

And the icing on the cake...........they can use him to smear their enemies.....that is not only a sound tactic...but they find much glee in claiming he was a capitalist....knowing that it isn't true....

The left knows one thing better than anyone else....they know how to lie, and lie big....and that is what they do with hitler....

It's like you think if you say something 100 times it will just become true.

You're trying to say he's a Socialist. You try saying he controlled the economy. And as you think that both Stalin and Hitler did this therefore they must be the same thing. It's like you're not writing in English but in simpleton.

None of what you say actually makes any sense. You've not really backed up what you've said either.
Hitler was anti-capitalist and a socialist. Get over it.

Hence why he privatised industry and fought against the Socialists and Communists in Spain, the USSR and supported countries like Japan huh?
You obviously have neither the intellect nor the knowledge to follow this. This has moved far beyond the blocks you're playing with.
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such as communists,

Again....hitler opposed "international" socialists 1) because he didn't care about the international part of their program 2) he states...over and over again...he thought "communism" was run by Jews 3) the international socialists were his direct competition....

And the whole Jew thing....Mussolini wan't anti semitic....how does that stack up in your distraction over anti semitism as some reason that the nazis couldn't be socialists....

He opposed Socialism for many reasons.

The international part was quite important to an ETHNIC NATIONALIST which was incompatible with any kind of internationalization. But this doesn't mean this was the only reason he hated socialism.

Even if he though Communism was run by Jews, this doesn't mean it's the only reason why he might hate Communism.

So you're basically making arguments that have a flimsy connection with something. You're saying because Hitler thought something therefore this means something else because blah blah.

It's worse than a high school paper for god's sake. You're just making links that are so tenuous they'd not stand up in primary school. And you're expecting grown up intelligent adults to believe this nonsense? Really?
Hitler was anti-capitalist and a socialist. Get over it.

Hence why he privatised industry and fought against the Socialists and Communists in Spain, the USSR and supported countries like Japan huh?
You obviously have neither the intellect nor the knowledge to follow this. This has moved far beyond the blocks you're playing with.

No, I've seen the tenuous arguments being made to try and link things together.

I've seen it and I'm about as convinced with these arguments as I am that the Sun is made of cheese.

But hey, why not tell me again that Hitler was a Socialist, only a few more times and it becomes true.
ROFL. Unless proof to the contrary is presented, you can safely assume a history professor is a pinko. As for the so-called "right-wing" professors you cite, no quotations were presented that indicated the Nazis were right-wing.

Even if they are members of a Conservative Party? Seriously?

Again dude - this is just laugh-out-loud silly.

NOT ONE historian I have cited on this thread is left wing. ALL of them confirm that fascism is right-wing, but you'll have to read the books to understand the whole story.

I recommend Richard Overy's book on the Nazi Economy - linked earlier.

You're just wasting your time, you might just as well be teaching calculus to a German Shepherd. He barks and wags his tail in acknowledgement.......but he doesn't really understand.

That's so ironic coming from an utter retard like you.
fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative,but these were contingent upon service to the state.

You really, really need to re read that line....especially the end....and then....read it again....

but these were contingent upon service to the state

You read that and you still don't get it....

He doesn't get it because he's a totally servile toady who serves the omnipotent state. It's like explaining to a slave what it takes to be arbitrage trader.
What else can he do? He's been thoroughly obliterated.

Ha!! Really?!

Well, in that case by all means explain how if Pinochet, (who we know from your own words is both capitalistm extremely right wing and is considered by many to be a fascist) is a right-wing fascist dictator - how can it be that other fascist dictators are left wing?

Because I've been trying to get someone to answer that since about page one.

You can also take on the other right-wing fascists like Antonescu, Franco and Stroessner while you are at it!!

I always loved this quote from Pinochet -

"The rich people are those who create wealth, and you have to treat them well so they continue to give wealth."

It really is just so Fascist!
So like the Right in the US today, and their calling the wealthy the job creators.

Who do you think creates jobs?

This should be good for a laugh.
Ok, so now we can at least wind some of the topics up.

Iceweasel claimed that fascism was left wing, but when provided with the names of SIX right-wing fascist regimes, he refused to discuss the issue and conceded defeat.

So that issue is now settled beyond any reasonable doubt, I think.

You claim they were right wing. You didn't prove it.

I kind of assume this kind of thing is common knowledge really. Probably not for Weasel or Bill, but for the rest of us it should be.

Franco received military support from local fascist, monarchist and right-wing groups, and also from Hitler's Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Leaving half a million dead, the war was eventually won by Franco in 1939. He established an autocratic dictatorship, Francoist Spain, which he defined as a totalitarian state,[2] installing himself as head of state (Caudillo de España, a term seen as the equivalent of the fascist terms duce in Italy and führer in German) and government, with one legal political party: a merger of the monarchist party and the fascist party which had helped him, FET y de las JONS.

Francisco Franco - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Shall I go through the others?

So again we see Fascism IS Right Wing.

Those names again: Franco, Antonescu, Stroessner, Hitler, Horthy and Pavelic.

There are actually quite a few more....so many more I can't entirely remember which SIX I meant!!
Franco allowed Hitler to bomb Guernica.
Bombing of Guernica - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Somehow that proves Franco is a right-winger?
Hitler controlled the German economy...he was a socialist and socialism is a left wing economic system....to pretend otherwise is odd, because the other socialists, the communists, also controlled their economy....but the main point....the left wants to disown hitler because his crimes were public...everyone knows that he murdered at least, if not more, than 12 million people.....his death camps were liberated and his minions were put on trial for the world to see....

Not so his communist colleagues....their mass murder was hidden in vast empty places and was covered up by western fellow travelers like walter duranty and their agents in the west...who did everything they could to promote their brand of socialism and followed the orders of their socialist masters in the soviet union....the communist mass murder in China was hidden as well....and even today...you have people in obama's administration quoting mao favorably....and without shame....

So, the left has been able to hide the fact that leftism and socialism at it's worst leads to mass murder on a scale that is just hard for regular people to understand...as stalin or lenin is said to have pointed out....one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic....

Except for hitler....there is no way for them to hide his mass murder....and beside this, he didn't want socialism on an international scale...so the international socialists were against him for that....and the fact that at the outset he defeated them in Germany just really pissed them off....so they have every reason to separate his brand of socialism from theirs....

And the icing on the cake...........they can use him to smear their enemies.....that is not only a sound tactic...but they find much glee in claiming he was a capitalist....knowing that it isn't true....

The left knows one thing better than anyone else....they know how to lie, and lie big....and that is what they do with hitler....

It's like you think if you say something 100 times it will just become true.

You're trying to say he's a Socialist. You try saying he controlled the economy. And as you think that both Stalin and Hitler did this therefore they must be the same thing. It's like you're not writing in English but in simpleton.

None of what you say actually makes any sense. You've not really backed up what you've said either.

He doesn't "try to say it." It's a simple fact. We've proved it over and over again. You and your turd allies simply ignore the proof. The Nazis controlled the German economy in excruciating detail. If you deny that, you only prove that you're immune to facts.
Hitler was anti-capitalist and a socialist. Get over it.

Hence why he privatised industry and fought against the Socialists and Communists in Spain, the USSR and supported countries like Japan huh?
You obviously have neither the intellect nor the knowledge to follow this. This has moved far beyond the blocks you're playing with.

Frigid is obviously totally ignorant of the basic facts of history, but he feels qualified to lecture us on them.
Somehow that proves Franco is a right-winger?


Is there honestly ANYONE on this board who doesn't think Franco is a right-winger?

I can post 20 links and cite as many books, but surely at some point you guys can do a bit of research and accept what is simply an indisputable fact.
The writings and attitude of Orwell are manipulated by this author to misrepresent his position.
How so?
It makes it seem that Orwell supported Hitlers movement....in fact he was an early critic, from the things I've read, one of which I posted earlier. Orwell was also critical of Communism even tho I believe he considered himself a socialist.

I seem to remember Orwell having an epiphany during the Spanish Civil War....?
While I know you are on the site and posting...Saigon...how about those gun stats....? Care to respond to them yet?

A lifelong military figure in Spain, Francisco Franco rose through the ranks until the early 1930s, when he found himself, a right-wing monarchist, in the midst of a left-wing republic. He was essentially demoted, but by 1935 he had been named chief of staff of the Spanish Army, a position he used to purged the army hierarchy of left-wing figures and strengthened military institutions. When the social and economic structure of Spain, in the governing hands of the left, began to crumble, Franco joined the growing rebel movement. He soon led an uprising against the sitting administration and took control of Spain after the Spanish Civil War (1939). From then until his 1975 death, he presided over a military dictatorship.


So we have proven that fascist and para-fascist leaders can definitely be right.wing, no?

Note that - like Hitler - he purged left-wingers and imprisoned them.

Which brings us back to the point - if most fascist leaders are right-wing, how could others possibly be left wing?

While I know you are on the site and posting...Saigon...how about those gun stats....? Care to respond to them yet?

What gun stats?

Bump the thread in question and I'll take a look. There are so many gun threads, and I don't always go back to them, so I probably missed whatever stats you mean.
Somehow that proves Franco is a right-winger?


ROFL! God, you are pathetic. You're trying to pose as some kind of intellectual and you think quoting wikipedia proves your point? All it says is that "Franco recieved support from right-wing groups." Who says they were right-wing, some pinko history professors? Of course that's who says it. Even if he did recieve such support, it doesn't prove he was right-wing.

Is there honestly ANYONE on this board who doesn't think Franco is a right-winger?

I can post 20 links and cite as many books, but surely at some point you guys can do a bit of research and accept what is simply an indisputable fact.

That's a variation of the school yard argument "everyone knows yada, yada, yada." It's just as stupid, juvenile and invalid when adults use it.

Try posting some actual facts about the economic policies Franco put into place. That's the one thing you never want to post. Funny about that, eh?

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