Hitler was laughing out loud at FDR

Hitler was laughing out loud at FDR

at first,

later on, Hitler killed himself.
Hitler was laughing out loud at FDR

at first,

later on, Hitler killed himself.

But Mr. Hitler still died knowing what a hypocrite Mr. Roosevelt was.

Wouldn't it have been better for FDR to field an Equal Opportunity Army instead of a Jim Crow military force?
"It's FDRs fault Hitler was a piece of shit"

If in 1939, America had 6 million men in the Army, a fully developed navy and air force and we had already completed the manhattan project, do you really think that Hitler would have been stupid enough to start the H-Caust?
A holocaust denier too? Man, you really are a piece of shit.

I'm not denying the h-caust at all. Just explaining how it would have been avoided entirely, if America had been armed to the teeth and Roosevelt was in a position to tell Hitler to "cut it out"
ALSO---Russian was in Berlin--Germany was surrounded/destroyed/etc and hitler was not giving up
the US and UK bombed the crap out of Germany and hitler still was not listening/etc
and you think with our troops in the US, hitler is going to do what the US wants???!!!!

By the time 1944 and 1945 came along, unconditional surrender was Germany's only option.

If they would have smelled the coffee in 1937, they would have been in a position not to fight a war at all. Mr. Hitler could have been convinced to abandon his plans for the holocaust before it even started. Who knows, Hitler might have been able to seamlessly abandon socialized medicine, gun control and the rest of the Nazi platform and perhaps even accept people of the Jewish faith into the Nazi Party.

But the key would have been America building up its military so that Hitler and his associates would realize that the Holocaust wasn't going come off without a big reaction from the United States.
but what about all the other examples I mentioned??
we DID have a powerful military--it did not stop any of that other crap
..so, we are going to war over the Holocaust.....?
America was isolationist
.....hilter declared war on the US--while he's fighting Russia and Britain --and you think he would be listen to the US when he's NOT in a war with Russia?
But Mr. Hitler still died knowing what a hypocrite Mr. Roosevelt was.

Wouldn't it have been better for FDR to field an Equal Opportunity Army instead of a Jim Crow military force?

FDR is not one of my favorite presidents but how was supposed to be a hypocrite?
Truman integrated the armed forces. That was one reason why he was a one term president.

Actually Truman was a 1 9/10 term President ,coming within just a few months of 2 full terms.

I never heard that Truman's integration of the armed forces was the reason for his low popularity. I always thought it was due to the corruption of his administration, soaring inflation and his mishandling of the Korean War.

Do you have a link on this/? Did you know that Truman's successor, General Eisenhower, did not reverse the policy.

Further, even if integration of the military was unpopular, why would that be a reason for FDR not to do it? If the people didn't like it, tough shit.
If only Truman had nuked California and New York before he left office.Things would be much better today.
FDR was elected in 1932 to end the fiscal crisis which turned into the legendary "Great Depression" under his watch. The Brits were shocked to learn that the United States had no national intelligence network during FDR's first two terms. A good reference that gives incite into FDR's foreign policy (or lack of it ) is Eric Larson's account by the Ambassador to Berlin "In the Garden of the Beasts". It seems that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler's rise to power except to demand fiscal retributions for the first War that were never forthcoming. In the mean time it seems that FDR's advisers were relying on profound errors in racial bigotry when they considered Japan to be nothing but little yellow people who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly.
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FDR was elected in 1932 to end the fiscal crisis which turned into the legendary "Great Depression" under his watch. The Brits were shocked to learn that the United States had no national intelligence network during FDR's first two terms. A good reference that gives incite into FDR's foreign policy (or lack of it ) is Eric Larson's account by the Ambassador to Berlin "In the Garden of the Beasts". It seems that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler's rise to power except to demand fiscal retributions for the first War that were never forthcoming. In the mean time it seems that FDR's advisers were relying on profound errors in racial bigotry when they considered Japan to be nothing but little yellow people who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly.
What nonsense and misinformation. Unemployment was 25% when FDR became President. Hisrory records the Great Depression as starting with the stock market crash of 1929. FDR spent his time as President in the '30s preparing America for war in spite of popular isolationist.
FDR was elected in 1932 to end the fiscal crisis which turned into the legendary "Great Depression" under his watch. The Brits were shocked to learn that the United States had no national intelligence network during FDR's first two terms. A good reference that gives incite into FDR's foreign policy (or lack of it ) is Eric Larson's account by the Ambassador to Berlin "In the Garden of the Beasts". It seems that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler's rise to power except to demand fiscal retributions for the first War that were never forthcoming. In the mean time it seems that FDR's advisers were relying on profound errors in racial bigotry when they considered Japan to be nothing but little yellow people who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly.

As you know, FDR was intensely concerned about Adolph Hitler's rise to power and his conquering of adjoining nations. FDR faced the issue that the citizens of America favored isolationism in a major way. The vast majority of Americans, having suffered great losses in WW-I, wanted nothing to do with another war. Those Americans had to be brought along slowly to the realization that we must enter WW-II.

There are some reliable schools of thought that Prime Minister Winston Churchill knew of the coming attack on Pearl Harbor and some too that FDR knew of the pending attack Pearl Harbor as well. Personally, I doubt that FDR knew specifically about the pending attack on Pearl Harbor, although I believe he knew there would be some sort of attack, but that Churchill certainly knew. On the other hand, Churchill was desperate for the US to join the war.
FDR was elected in 1932 to end the fiscal crisis which turned into the legendary "Great Depression" under his watch. The Brits were shocked to learn that the United States had no national intelligence network during FDR's first two terms. A good reference that gives incite into FDR's foreign policy (or lack of it ) is Eric Larson's account by the Ambassador to Berlin "In the Garden of the Beasts". It seems that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler's rise to power except to demand fiscal retributions for the first War that were never forthcoming. In the mean time it seems that FDR's advisers were relying on profound errors in racial bigotry when they considered Japan to be nothing but little yellow people who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly.
What nonsense and misinformation. Unemployment was 25% when FDR became President. Hisrory records the Great Depression as starting with the stock market crash of 1929. FDR spent his time as President in the '30s preparing America for war in spite of popular isolationist.
Actually you make my case about the economic crisis but you have to make your case about FDR's alleged preparations for war.
First off, FDR was commander in chief, the army would have done what he said. And secondly, speak for yourself, most Honky Americans were ok with blacks in the same army units.

Entering a World War was not a time for social experiments.
FDR was elected in 1932 to end the fiscal crisis which turned into the legendary "Great Depression" under his watch. The Brits were shocked to learn that the United States had no national intelligence network during FDR's first two terms. A good reference that gives incite into FDR's foreign policy (or lack of it ) is Eric Larson's account by the Ambassador to Berlin "In the Garden of the Beasts". It seems that FDR didn't give a damn about Hitler's rise to power except to demand fiscal retributions for the first War that were never forthcoming. In the mean time it seems that FDR's advisers were relying on profound errors in racial bigotry when they considered Japan to be nothing but little yellow people who couldn't build a ship that would float or a plane that would fly.
What nonsense and misinformation. Unemployment was 25% when FDR became President. Hisrory records the Great Depression as starting with the stock market crash of 1929. FDR spent his time as President in the '30s preparing America for war in spite of popular isolationist.

Not true. Unemployment was only 8% in 1930. No, the depression didn't start in 1929. It only really started when Herbert Hoover more than double income tax rates.

Further, the US Military in the 1930's was very much underfunded. FDR siphoned off military funds to waste on his Raw Deal programs and General MacArthur called him on the carpet for it.

Roosevelt's Raw Deal was totally impotent in dealing with the Depression. Unemployment was still sky high in 1941. It was 9.9% when the Empire of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor job on America on December 7, 1941- coincidentally in a location in Hawaii with the real name of "Pearl Harbor".
Actually you make my case about the economic crisis but you have to make your case about FDR's alleged preparations for war.

Are you saying that FDR was NOT preparing for the US to enter WW-II?

FDR made no preparations for war until war broke out in Europe. By then, it was too late to actually stop WWII from breaking out.

The key should have been to have the US armed to the teeth, so that Germany wouldn't start the war in the first place.

Sure, its expensive to have a large army and thousands of tanks, planes and bombs. But we are STILL paying for WWII to this very date, for veterans and widows pensions and medical care.
As I mentioned in a previous post FDR tried to strengthen the military by having Congress passing a peace-time draft law in 1940. It was passed with the Republicans in the House voting "NO" by 88 and yes by 46.
Before WWII started, Roosevelt had let our military go straight to seed. We basically didn't have a serious army, just a handful of men were under arms, and that was of course the real cause of WWII. Hitler would not have thought to start the Holocaust if America was able to stop it immediately.

But in any event, when we did enter WWII, FDR recruited and fielded a Jim Crow Army to fight Hitler. Hitler thought it was hilarious and hypocritical that America would fight against racism, using a racist institution.

If FDR would have integrated the army right at Pearl Harbor, it would have given the message to Mr. Hitler we were serious.
FDR made the US into a Superpower

But if he had done it in the 1930's, instead of wasting money on his Raw Deal programs, the world would have been saved the misery of WWII and the millions killed and incalculable distraction of property.

If America had a first class army by 1939, Mr. Hitler would have abandoned his evil ideas of offending America and getting his kraut ass kicked. But America appeared weak, so he felt free to launch the H-Caust.

You really don't know Hitler apparently...…, he was never intimidated by America at anytime right up to his declaration of war in December 1941.

I read a number of Hitler speeches on his views of America, they clearly showed he was never afraid and was dismissive of them.

By the way World War started in September 1939, when Germany attacked Poland, which England and France joined slowly in response. America went to war starting in December 1941, long after Germany had gotten many nations directly involved in War, over TWO years after Hitler started WW2.
Thus your claims are silly.

OP doesn't seem to know geography either, imagining some fantasy world where Hitler's looking over his shoulder all the way across an ocean, as if Britain and France and the rest of his neighbors didn't exist or something. :cuckoo:

Apparently Pogo never heard of U-boats.
As I mentioned in a previous post FDR tried to strengthen the military by having Congress passing a peace-time draft law in 1940. It was passed with the Republicans in the House voting "NO" by 88 and yes by 46.

Europe was already at war in 1940, and so was Asia. By that point in time, a draft could not have stopped WWII.

However, if we had a draft in 1937 , it would have been a different story.

The idea of a Strong Military isn't to fight a war, but to avoid fighting a war.
As I mentioned in a previous post FDR tried to strengthen the military by having Congress passing a peace-time draft law in 1940. It was passed with the Republicans in the House voting "NO" by 88 and yes by 46.

Europe was already at war in 1940, and so was Asia. By that point in time, a draft could not have stopped WWII.

However, if we had a draft in 1937 , it would have been a different story.

The idea of a Strong Military isn't to fight a war, but to avoid fighting a war.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

As I mentioned in a previous post FDR tried to strengthen the military by having Congress passing a peace-time draft law in 1940. It was passed with the Republicans in the House voting "NO" by 88 and yes by 46.

Europe was already at war in 1940, and so was Asia. By that point in time, a draft could not have stopped WWII.

However, if we had a draft in 1937 , it would have been a different story.

The idea of a Strong Military isn't to fight a war, but to avoid fighting a war.
For America at that time a strong military was to avoid an invasion.

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