Hogg WILD!

Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Yes, instead of finding a mature outlet for his political interests, whatever that might be, he's out "actually doing something" . . . if by that, you mean making a childish ass out of himself for empty publicity.

Only leftists, who are all developmentally stunted enough to be at the same emotional level as Hogg, would think there's something admirable about the public equivalent of coming to Thanksgiving dinner in full Goth wear, just to piss off your parents.

"Slings and arrows", my ass. You think this spoonfed leftist shill EVER lets himself hear anything but the likes of you, telling him how "brave" and "meaningful" he is for lying in the floor of a supermarket, aka the exact same thing a 3-year-old does when you won't buy him candy? Let this carping little nancyboy actually try his shit in front of the people he targets, instead of hurling invective from the safe distance of the fawning media, and THEN we'll talk about "standing in front of".


The fact that you know who he is, expressing irrational outrage, and are so angry is proof of his effectiveness.
Young Hogg has impressed me

His tactics seem effective as he has forced politicians and congressmen to concede
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense.
Yet here you are...

By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.
They have been very effective so far

Let’s see what happens when the tide turns

Yes, let's see how it goes. We dont have Publix in my part of the country but I'm sure many gun owners in areas that do will choose to take their money elsewhere. Let's see if Progressives step in to make up that lost revenue.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.

His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
Oh no, what a tragedy. Attention target shoppers, protesters in Isle 3, 4 and 6! Ok, it's childish and a bit hysterical. I may agree with David Hogg, but what a stunt like this accomplishes moves from a deep social message to a mere annoyance. Live and learn, he's still a kid.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.

Somehow girls who take the drugs and kids in other nations react totally differently than American boys.

Spin the blame wheel again

Is there another nation on earth that gives as many drugs to our kids to modify their behavior as we do here in the US? I honestly don't know but I'm guessing the answer would be no. What has always jumped out at me is that almost without exception all of these kids going on killing sprees at our schools have been "medicated". So is THAT where part of the problem lies? If so banning guns won't stop the behavior. They'll kill with explosives. They'll kill with a vehicle. It's the killing of who they perceive as their enemies that is what they're after...that and letting the world know that THEY matter!

As for violence being a male only thing? My brother is a high school Principle. He's told me that the fastest growing category of violence in schools these days is girls committing violent acts. Gender equality doesn't only manifest itself on the good things...

Its been growing for years…correct. One of the many hats I wear is “traffic manager” at the hospital system and the highest growing demographic is teenage girls in our ERs. The place where I differ is that most are here for violence done to them by their boyfriends…not other girls. Is it because of SSRIs… Don’t know.

As for the modus operandi of killing, I’d be willing to take my chances with smaller mag sizes and more stringent background checks also involving the immediate family of those applying.

Make the magazines miniscule...better yet make all weapons be muzzle loaders but if you think that's going to stop mentally unstable people from killing...I think you're delusional. You'll force those who want to kill large amounts of people into using different means...but it will still happen.
Getting blown up doesn't strike me as a better way to go than being shot...but that's just me...
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.

His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
Oh no, what a tragedy. Attention target shoppers, protesters in Isle 3, 4 and 6! Ok, it's childish and a bit hysterical. I may agree with David Hogg, but what a stunt like this accomplishes moves from a deep social message to a mere annoyance. Live and learn, he's still a kid.

Where liberals always go wrong is by disrupting the lives of others to FORCE them to pay attention to the viewpoint that liberals espouse. Blocking traffic because you believe in abortion rights may get the attention of the news media and those who are caught in the traffic jam you've caused. The news media will be glad for the story to cover...they LOVE protests! The public on the other hand will end up angry because they've been prevented from going about their daily business. So who votes on the issues...a few media members...or a whole lot of angry citizens!
They have been very effective so far

Let’s see what happens when the tide turns

Yes, let's see how it goes. We dont have Publix in my part of the country but I'm sure many gun owners in areas that do will choose to take their money elsewhere. Let's see if Progressives step in to make up that lost revenue.
What will Supermarkets learn

That they lose regardless of the side they choose. Their choice will be to stay away from anything to do with guns
They have been very effective so far

Let’s see what happens when the tide turns

Yes, let's see how it goes. We dont have Publix in my part of the country but I'm sure many gun owners in areas that do will choose to take their money elsewhere. Let's see if Progressives step in to make up that lost revenue.
What will Supermarkets learn

That they lose regardless of the side they choose. Their choice will be to stay away from anything to do with guns

Or politics in general.
Hogg will ultimately fail.....they always do

His best prospects are to get laws changed in Florida. Much like was done in Connecticut
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

His work is too important to waste time on a trivial job

He is making an impact now, no time to divert his attention

He's making an impact? On who.....what?

Did the NRA go out of business? Are there less school shootings? Are any new anti-constitutional laws being drawn up for vote?

He's too important to get a job? Seems that's a theme among liberals regardless of popularity. Hey! Maybe he's collecting food stamps and on Medicaid too.

While I think this kid is a little twerp, I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. Much like the minorities in this country, he fails to realize the Democrat party is using him like an old washrag. See if anybody even remembers his name in a year from today.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.

Somehow girls who take the drugs and kids in other nations react totally differently than American boys.

Spin the blame wheel again

Is there another nation on earth that gives as many drugs to our kids to modify their behavior as we do here in the US? I honestly don't know but I'm guessing the answer would be no. What has always jumped out at me is that almost without exception all of these kids going on killing sprees at our schools have been "medicated". So is THAT where part of the problem lies? If so banning guns won't stop the behavior. They'll kill with explosives. They'll kill with a vehicle. It's the killing of who they perceive as their enemies that is what they're after...that and letting the world know that THEY matter!

As for violence being a male only thing? My brother is a high school Principle. He's told me that the fastest growing category of violence in schools these days is girls committing violent acts. Gender equality doesn't only manifest itself on the good things...

Its been growing for years…correct. One of the many hats I wear is “traffic manager” at the hospital system and the highest growing demographic is teenage girls in our ERs. The place where I differ is that most are here for violence done to them by their boyfriends…not other girls. Is it because of SSRIs… Don’t know.

As for the modus operandi of killing, I’d be willing to take my chances with smaller mag sizes and more stringent background checks also involving the immediate family of those applying.

Make the magazines miniscule...better yet make all weapons be muzzle loaders but if you think that's going to stop mentally unstable people from killing...I think you're delusional. You'll force those who want to kill large amounts of people into using different means...but it will still happen.
Getting blown up doesn't strike me as a better way to go than being shot...but that's just me...

Well, there are a few things you're ignoring about this.

We have public gun ranges. People go there to shoot. Take their sons to learn how to shoot. So when the kid goes off half-cocked and gets into the school situation, they are very good at shooting; they've had target practice. Adam Lanza, for example, knew enough to pack ear plugs. Now, as a gun neophyte, that would have never occurred to me.

I know it's a small detail but the reason I mention it is this...he knew what to expect.

Those who think, "Hey, Adam would have just built a bomb. There are plans on the Internet for it. It's easy" seem to overlook the fact that, just like anything else, if you don't practice doing it you may not be very good at it. Or you may get lucky. Kleibold and Harris had bombs. They had like 99 of them. Only a few of the smaller ones went off not doing much damage.


The reason is that there are no public bombing ranges. Luckily, the framers didn't include a 3rd amendment about bombs and hand grenades otherwise there would be people who think there should be public bombing ranges I guess.... sad. Anyway, you can't practice with bombs much because people hear the explosion and call the authorities. At the shooting range, you're just another guy shooting a gun so practice as much as you want. So bombs are not going to be as effective.

Anyway, the point is that I'd much rather rely on one of these guys having to build a bomb instead of just walking into his dad's bedroom and in 3 seconds walking out with a fully loaded firearm.
Yet here you are...

Yes I am. Being on the internet is the way I relax. Not hurting anybody, not getting in the way, not causing anybody to lose money. Just harmlessly having discussion.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.

And you're different how? Because you post a little less?

Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.
Yet here you are...

Yes I am. Being on the internet is the way I relax. Not hurting anybody, not getting in the way, not causing anybody to lose money. Just harmlessly having discussion.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.

And you're different how? Because you post a little less?

Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.

He can stand for whatever he wants. My only point is this kid really needs a job. You can learn a lot more by working than you can starting trouble. You can get further ahead in life by working than making a fool of yourself.

If this kid was doing the same thing only for more guns in school, I can just imagine what your stance would be on him then. The only reason you adore him and what he's doing is because he's anti-gun just like you are.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

His work is too important to waste time on a trivial job

He is making an impact now, no time to divert his attention

He's making an impact? On who.....what?

Did the NRA go out of business? Are there less school shootings? Are any new anti-constitutional laws being drawn up for vote?

He's too important to get a job? Seems that's a theme among liberals regardless of popularity. Hey! Maybe he's collecting food stamps and on Medicaid too.

While I think this kid is a little twerp, I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. Much like the minorities in this country, he fails to realize the Democrat party is using him like an old washrag. See if anybody even remembers his name in a year from today.

He's the Steve Bannon of his Generation apparently.
Yet here you are...

Yes I am. Being on the internet is the way I relax. Not hurting anybody, not getting in the way, not causing anybody to lose money. Just harmlessly having discussion.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.

And you're different how? Because you post a little less?

Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.

He can stand for whatever he wants. My only point is this kid really needs a job. You can learn a lot more by working than you can starting trouble. You can get further ahead in life by working than making a fool of yourself.

If this kid was doing the same thing only for more guns in school, I can just imagine what your stance would be on him then. The only reason you adore him and what he's doing is because he's anti-gun just like you are.

I think he needs a job too. I think rightwinger thinks he does too. RW said "trivial job".... Your reflex to disagree with everything someone who thinks a little differently apparently prevented you from seeing that.

He has some talent. He should develop it. But the only way to make sustainable change (unless you really re-invent the mousetrap) is to work within the system and effect it from the inside out.

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