Hogg WILD!

David Hogg was the same as EVERY OTHER TEENAGER who took a stand against guns.

Yes he is. They all deserve to be mugged, assaulted, and beaten with no chance to defend themselves. They're Socialist lemming and zombies. Wastes of flesh and oxygen.

I'm out.

Too many nutjob opinions in this thread. Bad for the psyche
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.

Yep. And every time someone post about him on an Internet forum, he is winning

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Notoriety is not always a good thing, Gator.

True, it all depends on what one's goal is.

If one's goal is to interfere in the daily lives of others by staging these childish displays, "die-ins" as they are called, then the less notoriety the better. My budget determines where I shop, not some high schooler activist wannabe. This time his notoriety not only hurt his intended target, but took some leftist causes with it.

Pretty clever move by Publix. The word "Pyrrhic" comes to mind here.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.
To be honest, Hogg has directly instigated his haters. He has made himself the defecto chief of the fascist anti-rights repeal the second amendment movement.
He's an adult, and I agree that he is a schmuck.
Anyone under 25 is a kid to me
He's an adult according to our laws.
Irrelevant to my personal opinion.
Nope. Your personal opinion is just that, an opinion. The TRUTH is that Hogg is an adult and subject to the laws of our society as an adult, not a juvenile.

He's a High School student whose school was shot up and his friends were killed. Doesn't matter how old he is.

Yes it does.

The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.
To be honest, Hogg has directly instigated his haters. He has made himself the defecto chief of the fascist anti-rights repeal the second amendment movement.
Lol, you said "fascist".
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.
To be honest, Hogg has directly instigated his haters. He has made himself the defecto chief of the fascist anti-rights repeal the second amendment movement.
Lol, you said "fascist".
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.

Corporate CEO's and boards are running scared from these protest threats. They need to remember that the majority of people in this country lean conservative...not liberal. When corporations cave in to people like Hogg they anger more people than they placate. Why? Because we all know that far left liberals are never satisfied when they get a concession! They always demand more.

the problem is that Conservatives aren't as active as the left is. We have jobs, families, responsibilities and we aren't as irrationally angry.

We get angry, but we don't disrupt people or businesses to vent our anger. We take our anger out at the polls on election day.

Unfortunately, as we see in Illinois and Florida, our politicians, that we supported and voted for, can and will betray us.
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.

Corporate CEO's and boards are running scared from these protest threats. They need to remember that the majority of people in this country lean conservative...not liberal. When corporations cave in to people like Hogg they anger more people than they placate. Why? Because we all know that far left liberals are never satisfied when they get a concession! They always demand more.

the problem is that Conservatives aren't as active as the left is. We have jobs, families, responsibilities and we aren't as irrationally angry.

We get angry, but we don't disrupt people or businesses to vent our anger. We take our anger out at the polls on election day.

Unfortunately, as we see in Illinois and Florida, our politicians, that we supported and voted for, can and will betray us.

Maybe, but it beats the alternative.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.

Somehow girls who take the drugs and kids in other nations react totally differently than American boys.

Spin the blame wheel again

Is there another nation on earth that gives as many drugs to our kids to modify their behavior as we do here in the US? I honestly don't know but I'm guessing the answer would be no. What has always jumped out at me is that almost without exception all of these kids going on killing sprees at our schools have been "medicated". So is THAT where part of the problem lies? If so banning guns won't stop the behavior. They'll kill with explosives. They'll kill with a vehicle. It's the killing of who they perceive as their enemies that is what they're after...that and letting the world know that THEY matter!

As for violence being a male only thing? My brother is a high school Principle. He's told me that the fastest growing category of violence in schools these days is girls committing violent acts. Gender equality doesn't only manifest itself on the good things...

Its been growing for years…correct. One of the many hats I wear is “traffic manager” at the hospital system and the highest growing demographic is teenage girls in our ERs. The place where I differ is that most are here for violence done to them by their boyfriends…not other girls. Is it because of SSRIs… Don’t know.

As for the modus operandi of killing, I’d be willing to take my chances with smaller mag sizes and more stringent background checks also involving the immediate family of those applying.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.
Translation: WAAAAAH ... David Hogg and his pals just won't go away. Where's my Mommy?

David Hogg and the Parkland kids: Living rent free in barrel strokers' brains since 2-14-18


I just heard, "Oh my god, we're annoying people! That means we're RELEVANT!"

The American Left: throwing tantrums professionally for 50 years.
What the media is not mentioning is that there were at least the same number if not more progun protestors there as there were the hogg kids.
Just a side note, Publix Subs were voted the best in the State.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Yes, instead of finding a mature outlet for his political interests, whatever that might be, he's out "actually doing something" . . . if by that, you mean making a childish ass out of himself for empty publicity.

Only leftists, who are all developmentally stunted enough to be at the same emotional level as Hogg, would think there's something admirable about the public equivalent of coming to Thanksgiving dinner in full Goth wear, just to piss off your parents.

"Slings and arrows", my ass. You think this spoonfed leftist shill EVER lets himself hear anything but the likes of you, telling him how "brave" and "meaningful" he is for lying in the floor of a supermarket, aka the exact same thing a 3-year-old does when you won't buy him candy? Let this carping little nancyboy actually try his shit in front of the people he targets, instead of hurling invective from the safe distance of the fawning media, and THEN we'll talk about "standing in front of".
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

His work is too important to waste time on a trivial job

He is making an impact now, no time to divert his attention

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