Hold Off On Buying That New Car

I'd never buy a new car. And I sure as heck wouldn't take out a loan for a car. If I can't pay for it outright, I don't need it bad enough.

I've been looking at used planes lately, but that's something I'd do a note on. Whenever the economy goes tits up, might make a move.
Wait until the last quarter of this year for those still in the market and that still have the money.

A dirty little secret is that those who owe monthly car payments are already behind this year to the tune of 40%!!

You can at least buy me a steak & lobster dinner with the money you'll save. :cow:
I have a truck and a car with no payments and I am not buying a new one.
I'd never buy a new car. And I sure as heck wouldn't take out a loan for a car. If I can't pay for it outright, I don't need it bad enough.

I've been looking at used planes lately, but that's something I'd do a note on. Whenever the economy goes tits up, might make a move.

This fall, early winter.
Prepare to make a move. :fingerscrossed:
I'm talkin' later this year.
Read much?
I not only read, my son-in-law's father is in the business and the business model changes every day based on availablity of vehicles.
The Car Max on Hempstead Turnpike can have 100 cars 1 day and 20 the next.
I not only read, my son-in-law's father is in the business and the business model changes every day based on availablity of vehicles.
The Car Max on Hempstead Turnpike can have 100 cars 1 day and 20 the next.

1 is a lonely number.
Won't be anywhere's near that next Nov..
Wait until the last quarter of this year for those still in the market and that still have the money.

A dirty little secret is that those who owe monthly car payments are already behind this year to the tune of 40%!!

You can at least buy me a steak & lobster dinner with the money you'll save. :cow:

I provoked incredulity last summer when I gave this same message free and wide .
The same for property prices , and I told people to, Sell , but under no circumstances , Buy.
In fact I went further , telling them that by this autumn second hands cars will be almost given away as so many people will be dead or bankrupt .
This may take just a little longer to happen as there is an interim period where people with new unpaid cars will have to trade downward meaning that the new car market will collapse before the used car sector . That has been happening latterly .

Jokingly I hinted they would soon be able steal a car off the streets for nothing as the owners will not be around and there will not be enough police to even consider matters like stolen vehicles .
So far , accurate . And our real woes have not even started ,imho .
Used vehicles are one of those things you net to cast a very wide net even now when searching for a new one. Out local dealers still are putting outrageous prices on used high mileage vehicles and new prices on low mileage rides. Extending your search area to the city south of us and you will see a loit more reasonable (but still high) prices on vehicles.

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