Holder Appoints Prosecutors To Investigate Security Leaks...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Anyone else as disgusted as i am over this one? Eric Holder?? Do they really think people are that dumb? What a joke. These leaks are worthy of a credible investigation. Shame on this Administration.

Two U.S. attorneys will lead a pair of criminal investigations already under way into possible unauthorized disclosures of classified information within the executive and legislative branches of government, Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday.

The announcement of the appointments followed President Barack Obama’s denial that the White House had deliberately leaked classified national security information that was flattering to him in this election year, calling such allegations “offensive” and “wrong.” He promised investigations into the source of leaks about U.S. involvement in cyber-attacks on Iran and drone strikes on suspected terrorists.

Recent news articles contained details of U.S. involvement in a partially successful computer virus attack on Iran’s nuclear program and on the selection of targets for counterterrorism assassination plots. The leaked information generally painted Obama as a decisive and hands-on commander in chief, and Republican critics suggested the leaks were orchestrated to boost Obama’s re-election bid.

Obama said his critics “need to have a better sense of how I approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office.”

“We’re dealing with issues that can touch on the safety and security of the American people, our families or our military personnel or our allies, and so we don’t play with that,” he told reporters at a news conference.

In a statement issued hours after Obama’s remarks, Holder said he was confident that the prosecutors would follow the facts and evidence wherever they led...

Read more: Holder appoints prosecutors to investigate security leaks | The Daily Caller
The prosecutors are contributors to obama's election.

They aren't independent. This is the most corrupt regime in American history.
The prosecutors are contributors to obama's election.

They aren't independent. This is the most corrupt regime in American history.

What a travesty. Eric Holder is a criminal. Will there ever be justice for Brian Terry?
It doesn't take a legal genius to figure out that the president authorized the leaks and benefited from them. Holder's anemic response is just camouflage and the usual delaying tactics. Who investigates the investigator for gun running and manslaughter? What a freaking mess the Barry Hussein administration turned out to be.
Color me shocked.

Holder is gonna investigate the WH??

What a joke.
Obama takes a victory lap in a clown car. The entire Obama fiasco is a goddamned joke!...and it ain't a funny one! The joke's on US!!!!
How would Obama really use this to help him politically though? For now, the only people who really know this happened are the politics junkies. What's he going to do, create an ad that says 'This might be leaked classified info but now that it's out look how bad ass I was!"?

I really don't see how this could have been a positive for Obama. No one's going to remember this, if they even knew about it at all, come November.
How would Obama really use this to help him politically though? For now, the only people who really know this happened are the politics junkies. What's he going to do, create an ad that says 'This might be leaked classified info but now that it's out look how bad ass I was!"?

I really don't see how this could have been a positive for Obama. No one's going to remember this, if they even knew about it at all, come November.

Because they dont think things through and it's only for the moment.
Kinda like how Obama and the liberals accused Bush of not doing anything on gas prices, but when they go up under a democrat, oh the president cant do anything.
They expect the media not to point out the hypocrisy and we'll forget.
Anyone else as disgusted as i am over this one? Eric Holder?? Do they really think people are that dumb? What a joke. These leaks are worthy of a credible investigation. Shame on this Administration.



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