Holder Delivers Epic Smackdown To Issa

So, have we figured-out yet that an AG -rendered smack-down directed against some fellow politician has little or nothing to do with the pool of Deep Chit that the Administration is finding itself mired in - that even if it could arguably be judged to be a smack-down, that it's rather meaningless in contrast to the large cracks beginning to appear in the Administration and in Public Confidence in the Administration? IMHO, anyway, this smack-down business is a pimple... a gnat... a flea... it doesn't signify.
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Holder throwing a "hissy fit" because Darrell Issa DARES to question his honesty does little to alter the impression that Holder is ducking questions being asked of him.

Quite frankly, anyone who wouldn't expect that kind of question is either extremely stupid...or extremely deluded.
Yeah Issa had that stupid grin wiped cleaned off of his face by Eric Holder. :clap2:

About fooking time...

Eric Holder Slams Darrell Issa During House Judiciary Committee Hearing (VIDEO)

That was not even an approximation of a "smackdown."

It was Holder being, typically, just whiny and petulant.

And, even if Issa is often a bit of a dickhead, he was right about the fact that the AG didn't want the House committee to see the contents.

I like the NEW name for that massive pussy, Eric Holder:

Attorney General WITH-holder.
Is this the same Eric Holder who was the bag man in the Marc Rich pay-for-pardon scandal?

It's the same eric holder that didn't know anything, wasn't told anything, wasn't there and anyine who calls him the attorney general should be ashamed of themselves.

he served as a judge for > 5 yrs. :cool: You? :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

Eric Holder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After graduating from law school, Holder joined the U.S. Justice Department's new Public Integrity Section during an interval lasting from 1976 to 1988. During his time there, he assisted in the prosecution of Democratic Congressman John Jenrette for bribery discovered in the Abscam sting operation

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan appointed Holder to serve as a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.[11]
Holder stepped down from the bench in 1993 to accept an appointment as United States Attorney for the District of Columbia from President Bill Clinton.

:clap2: :razz: :rofl:
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Is this the same Eric Holder who was the bag man in the Marc Rich pay-for-pardon scandal?

It's the same eric holder that didn't know anything, wasn't told anything, wasn't there and anyine who calls him the attorney general should be ashamed of themselves.

Exactly, why are we paying this low life piece of shit? He knows nothing, provides no leadership and isn't responsible......just like the jerk that is his ultimate boss in the White House. We need to fire both of their lazy asses and get someone in there that is accountable, is curious about what people under them, are doing. Throw the losers out ........ now!!!
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Is this the same Eric Holder who was the bag man in the Marc Rich pay-for-pardon scandal?

It's the same eric holder that didn't know anything, wasn't told anything, wasn't there and anyine who calls him the attorney general should be ashamed of themselves.

he served as a judge for > 5 yrs. :cool: You? :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

Eric Holder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After graduating from law school, Holder joined the U.S. Justice Department's new Public Integrity Section during an interval lasting from 1976 to 1988. During his time there, he assisted in the prosecution of Democratic Congressman John Jenrette for bribery discovered in the Abscam sting operation

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan appointed Holder to serve as a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.[11]
Holder stepped down from the bench in 1993 to accept an appointment as United States Attorney for the District of Columbia from President Bill Clinton.

:clap2: :razz: :rofl:

Is there anything these assholes could do, that you would quit sucking their dick for? Just curious.
Frankly, Holder should have been held in contempt of Congress for that little display. His outburst is quite telling. So whatever smackdown was administered, I'm afraid Holder did it to himself.
Very interesting..was watching President Obama's press conference today and he was asked if anyone in the White House knew about the IRS scandal prior to this week. Obama very carefully said that he didn't know what was in the IG's report until it came out. For those of you out there that speak "lawyer" that's a statement that implies something while not actually going on record declaring it. Yes, he may not have known what was in the IG's report until it came out but that doesn't mean that people in the White House were not aware of what was going on over at the IRS. If in fact nobody in the White DID know about what was going on over at the IRS then you would expect a definitive answer such as "Nobody at the White House knew anything about conservatives being unfairly targeted by the IRS." You didn't GET that kind of a statement from Obama...you got a "side step".
Is this the same Eric Holder who was the bag man in the Marc Rich pay-for-pardon scandal?

It's the same eric holder that didn't know anything, wasn't told anything, wasn't there and anyine who calls him the attorney general should be ashamed of themselves.

Exactly, why are we paying this low life piece of shit? He knows nothing, provides no leadership and isn't responsible......just like the jerk that is his ultimate boss in the White House. We need to fire both of their lazy asses and get someone in there that is accountable, is curious about what people under them, are doing. Throw the losers out ........ now!!!
you always seem to be in melt-down mode whenever I see you here. Throttle-back speedracer. You're trying too hard :lol:
Frankly, Holder should have been held in contempt of Congress for that little display. His outburst is quite telling. So whatever smackdown was administered, I'm afraid Holder did it to himself.

you watch it? I did. You would know that Holder handed that Texas Repub, I think his name is Gomert?, his ass as well :rofl:
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His LYING UNDER OATH was the impeachment. The subject matter was related to his adultery, but the impeachment was for LYING ABOUT IT WHILE UNDER OATH.

Impeachment Law & Legal Definition

Impeachment may refer to different legal concepts. One meaning in the law refers to discrediting a witness by showing that he or she is not telling the truth or does not have a reliable basis for their testimony. Rules of evidence govern what type of questioning may be used to impeach a witness. Generally, unrelated evidence that the person is a" bad person" and therefore untrustworthy, is not allowed.

Impeachment also refers to the trial of a public official for charges of illegal acts committed in the performance of public duty. It is the constitutional process, not the conviction or removal from office, whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.

What Does It Mean to Impeach? | eHow

Constitutional Provision

According to Article II, Section 4 of the U. S. Constitution, "the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Article I, Section 3 spells out the roles played by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Role of the House of Representatives

The impeachment process starts in the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives, which decides whether to authorize an investigation. If enough evidence of crime is uncovered, articles of impeachment are sent to the full House of Representatives, where the articles must pass with a majority vote.

Role of the Senate

After House approval, the articles of impeachment go to the Senate, which acts as a jury for a trial prosecuted by the House of Representatives. Conviction requires a two-thirds affirmative vote by the Senate members present.
Historic Impeachments

Though articles of impeachment have been filed against nine U.S. presidents, only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and William Clinton, have been brought to trial. In 1868, Johnson avoided impeachment by just one vote. Clinton survived his 1999 impeachment trial by a vote of 55-to-45. In 1974, President Richard Nixon chose to resign from office before official proceedings were underway.

Clinton was impeached by the House but survived the vote in the Senate.
That's what liberals consider a smackdown?

Too funny. I keep forgetting that a liberal's favorite sport is televised international ping pong.:lol:

Now this is a smackdown in action.

:eusa_angel: Conservative chicks know a smackdown when they witness one. And Holder didn't deliver one.

Seems not.

Anyone ever tell you wrestling is fake?

You don't say! So the modern wrestling mat is now just one great big bouncing trampoline? :confused:
His LYING UNDER OATH was the impeachment. The subject matter was related to his adultery, but the impeachment was for LYING ABOUT IT WHILE UNDER OATH.

Impeachment Law & Legal Definition

Impeachment may refer to different legal concepts. One meaning in the law refers to discrediting a witness by showing that he or she is not telling the truth or does not have a reliable basis for their testimony. Rules of evidence govern what type of questioning may be used to impeach a witness. Generally, unrelated evidence that the person is a" bad person" and therefore untrustworthy, is not allowed.

Impeachment also refers to the trial of a public official for charges of illegal acts committed in the performance of public duty. It is the constitutional process, not the conviction or removal from office, whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.

What Does It Mean to Impeach? | eHow

Constitutional Provision

According to Article II, Section 4 of the U. S. Constitution, "the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Article I, Section 3 spells out the roles played by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Role of the House of Representatives

The impeachment process starts in the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives, which decides whether to authorize an investigation. If enough evidence of crime is uncovered, articles of impeachment are sent to the full House of Representatives, where the articles must pass with a majority vote.

Role of the Senate

After House approval, the articles of impeachment go to the Senate, which acts as a jury for a trial prosecuted by the House of Representatives. Conviction requires a two-thirds affirmative vote by the Senate members present.
Historic Impeachments

Though articles of impeachment have been filed against nine U.S. presidents, only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and William Clinton, have been brought to trial. In 1868, Johnson avoided impeachment by just one vote. Clinton survived his 1999 impeachment trial by a vote of 55-to-45. In 1974, President Richard Nixon chose to resign from office before official proceedings were underway.

Clinton was impeached by the House but survived the vote in the Senate.

That's what I've told these fools.
Hearing Holder tell anyone they should be ashamed of themselves is way off the irony meter into laughable ludicrous land.

I can't believe Issa kept a straight face. I would have guffawed all over the place, and probably spewed water out my nose as well. It would be epic.
Captains and their ships and The-Buck-Stops-Here -isms... ;-)

This administration would be like that Captain of the ship who bailed first and left all the passengers to DIE..but I do believe the rabid left would cheer that too

Say what you want about both Bushes, but they did not throw their allies under the buss. Certainly not their grandmothers.

the thing he said about his grandmother is when I knew I couldn't STAND or Respect this man..AND he's done nothing but prove me right ever since.
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His LYING UNDER OATH was the impeachment. The subject matter was related to his adultery, but the impeachment was for LYING ABOUT IT WHILE UNDER OATH.

Impeachment Law & Legal Definition

Impeachment may refer to different legal concepts. One meaning in the law refers to discrediting a witness by showing that he or she is not telling the truth or does not have a reliable basis for their testimony. Rules of evidence govern what type of questioning may be used to impeach a witness. Generally, unrelated evidence that the person is a" bad person" and therefore untrustworthy, is not allowed.

Impeachment also refers to the trial of a public official for charges of illegal acts committed in the performance of public duty. It is the constitutional process, not the conviction or removal from office, whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.

What Does It Mean to Impeach? | eHow

Constitutional Provision

According to Article II, Section 4 of the U. S. Constitution, "the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Article I, Section 3 spells out the roles played by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Role of the House of Representatives

The impeachment process starts in the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives, which decides whether to authorize an investigation. If enough evidence of crime is uncovered, articles of impeachment are sent to the full House of Representatives, where the articles must pass with a majority vote.

Role of the Senate

After House approval, the articles of impeachment go to the Senate, which acts as a jury for a trial prosecuted by the House of Representatives. Conviction requires a two-thirds affirmative vote by the Senate members present.
Historic Impeachments

Though articles of impeachment have been filed against nine U.S. presidents, only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and William Clinton, have been brought to trial. In 1868, Johnson avoided impeachment by just one vote. Clinton survived his 1999 impeachment trial by a vote of 55-to-45. In 1974, President Richard Nixon chose to resign from office before official proceedings were underway.

Clinton was impeached by the House but survived the vote in the Senate.

That's what I've told these fools.
But you mistakenly criticized hjmick for speaking correctly. He was NOT impeached for committing adultery.

hjmick makes few mistakes!

In a previous post: (#72 in this thread)

It is a lie. He wasn't impeached for adultery moron!

Well yeah..he was.

Well no... He wasn't.

He damn sure was impeached by the House you idiot!!
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